Architecture competitions 2022, Design contests archive, Dates, Deadlines, Students prizes entries
Architectural Competitions 2022 : Design Contests
Architecture Prizes in 2022 – Background Information
Architecture Competitions : Current Design Contest Listings
Recent Architectural Competitions
Recent Architectural Competitions Archive, chronological:
Adaptive Reuse: Design Transformations for Community Healthcare
Design interventions into pre-existing sites play a critical role in global healthcare. The 2023 Epidemic Urbanism Initiative Design Competition will focus on adaptive reuse, inviting submissions that consider how pre-existing vacant, underused, or currently used sites, structures, and spaces can be transformed into healthcare settings with thoughtful, sustainable design interventions.
2023 Epidemic Urbanism Initiative Design Competition
Eurasian Prize
The mission of the ‘Eurasian Prize’ is to advance the appreciation of architecture as a force that can transform the world, erasing boundaries between states and removing barriers between nations. The slogan of the international competition is ‘Innovation for sustainable architecture for the good of humanity’.
Current season entries will be evaluated by the world-renowned practitioners. Thanks to its reputation, Eurasian Prize has again succeeded in convening a remarkable jury, which includes the world’s best architects and designers from 16 countries: Bangladesh, Belgium, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, USA.
The membership of the jury for this season’s competition includes 23 world-famous architects and designers:
Eurasian Prize 2022 competition
Notion of Space – Design Competition
8 Jan 2023 : registration deadline
23 January 2023 : submission deadline
Archiol – Architecture Online is a publishing platform, an international architecture resource established in 2019. The website features design projects, competitions, news, and articles written by authors from around the world.
Artuminate is the sister site of Archiol and has been organizing international competitions for the past two years. We collaborate with leading architects, designers, and academicians of international repute to participate as jurors in our competitions.
This new architecture competition aims:
- To understand the importance of imagination in architecture.
- To address the issues of the banality of city life and use paradoxical architecture to add excitement to everyday mundane life.
Click here for the brief.
The competition registrations continue until Jan 8th, 2023 and the submission deadline is Jan 23rd, 2023. Jurors are expected to review the shortlisted entries (10-12) of the competition.
Tendring / Colchester Garden Community Competition, Essex, England, UK
2 December 2022: Stage 2 submissions deadline
Tendring / Colchester Garden Community Competition
Latimer, the development arm of Clarion Housing Group, has begun the search for a visionary design team to masterplan its major new 9,000-home garden community on the Colchester and Tendring borders.
Consultant teams are invited to enter the developer’s international design competition to create an exemplar masterplan for the landmark Essex project – which aims to be the most sustainable and inclusive new community in the UK.
Key programme dates:
1 September 2022: Architecture Competition launch
9 September 2022: Deadline for any queries about this architecture competition
3 October 2022: Deadline for receipt of Stage 1 submissions
17 October 2022: Announce the shortlist, issue Stage 2 brief and ITT
2 December 2022: Deadline for receipt of Stage 2 submissions
January 2023: Interviews with Jury Panel
Architecture & Design Collection Awards 2022
25 November 2022: late registration deadline
2 December 2022: submission deadline
Architecture & Design Collection Awards is an open platform to creativity and talent, where all the participants may showcase their best works, giving them great visibility around the world. We want to celebrate and honor diversity with remarkable works globally.
ADC Awards is open to entries from all over the world.
Either you are a well established studio or just started your career, ADC Awards will value all your talent.
Our online platform has been carefully planned and programmed to provide all the entrants with a prestigious, innovative, diverse, accessible, and most of all, an honest award.
Architecture & Design Collection Awards is working hard to become one of the most prestigious and recognized awards in the fields of Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Design, and Product Design.
This year we organized:
• 120 Prize Places
• 40 Winners
• 10 Glass Trophies
Your benefits:
• Certificate of Achievement for all Winners & Awardees
• Personalized Award Logo for all Winners
• Award Trophy for the 10 Platinum Winners
• Publication in the ADC Winners list
• Your project will be featured on our homepage and get its own landing page
• Your project will be posted on ADC’s official Instagram and Facebook feeds
• The best projects will get on the covers of future ADC Awards
• A selection of projects will be included in ADC’s newsletters
Your project will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people!
Registration for the Architecture & Design Collection Awards 2022
Architecture categories: Commercial | Corporate | Cultural | Educational | Healthcare | High Rise Architecture | Hospitality | House Design | Household | Housing | Industrial | Institutional | Mixed Use | Office building | Pop-ups and Temporary | Private Residence | Public Building | Residential | Sports & Recreation | Transportation and more…
Interior Design categories: Commercial Interior | Corporate Interior | Healthcare Interior | Hospitality Interior | Hotel Interior | Housing Interior | Office Interior | Public Building Interior | Residential Interior | Retail Interior | Workplace Interior | Interior Design Elements
Landscape categories: Private Landscape Design | Public Landscape Design | Urban Design | Urban Planning
Product Design categories: Product Design | Furniture Design | Lighting Design | Pop-Ups Design
Grand Jury Members:
• Danilo Petta – Founding Partner, MASK ARCHITECTS / Italy
• Kristina Loock – Head of Business Development, gmp von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects / USA & Germany
• Irene Kronenberg & Alon Baranowitz – Founders, Baranowitz + Kronenberg / Israel
• Sonsoles Vela Navarro – Architect and Co-founder, studioVRA / Spain
• Öznur Pınar ÇER – Founding Partner, MASK ARCHITECTS / Italy
• Valerie Schweitzer – Principal, Valerie Schweitzer Architects / USA
• Françoise N’Thépé – Founder, F FRANÇOISE N’THÉPÉ ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN / France
• Hans Jakob Wagner – Research associate, University of Stuttgart / Germany
• Gonzalo Lopez – Partner, knitknot architecture / United Kingdom
• Stephanie Bower – Architectural Illustrator, Author and Educator / USA
• Florian Seidl – Design Manager, Lavazza / Italy
• Rubén García Rubio – Architect and Co-founder, studioVRA / Spain
Award Schedule:
• 12th August 2022 – deadline for early registration (fee per project is $100 instead of $200).
• 7th October – standard registration deadline (fee per project is $150 instead of $200).
• 25th November – late registration deadline (fee per project is $200).
• 2nd December – deadline for submitting projects.
• 30th December 2022 – announcement of the winners.
* The prices are inclusive of all taxes.
** There is 50% discount for students.
*** For companies, invoices are provided after payment.
Registration for the Architecture & Design Collection Awards 2022
About the ADC Awards – (inactive when checked on 5 April 2024)
Instagram –
Facebook –
Blue Rendering Challenge 2022
20 November 2022: registration deadline
22 November 2022: submission deadline
Presentation skills are just as important as designing; one of the best mediums to present your architectural designs is through rendering. Architectural rendering aims to create life-like experiences of the buildings before they are built.
Blue Rendering Challenge 2022 Competition
Miami Floating Housing Competition 2022, Florida, USA
November 8, 2022: $95 Regular Entry deadline
November 9, 2022 (11:59pm EST): submission deadline
Miami is facing two major emergencies.
First, it has become the least affordable US city to live in. Its housing stock has been depleted by its quickly growing population, accelerated by more people moving during the recent pandemic. Recent reports suggest nearly 1000 people are moving to Florida each day. New developments are pushing rental rates and costs of housing higher, making areas now unaffordable, and pricing people out of their neighborhoods.
Miami Floating Housing Competition 2022
Oceania Nature-based Urban Adaptation driven by Indigenous Knowledge Design Competition
18 November 2022: entry deadline
1) Professional
2) Student
3) Youth / General Public
For more information and registration details for the NUWAO design competition please visit:
We invite design professionals and practitioners, university students, youth / rangatahi and the general public to participate in envisioning how to develop innovative nature-based urban design solutions, rooted in Indigenous knowledge that support climate change adaptation and individual and community wellbeing. If you could imagine a happier and healthier way of living that supports the resilience of community and our ecologies, what would that look like and how does that work?
18 Nov 2022
PRIZE MONEY | per category:
1ST Prize NZ$1500
Runner up (X2) NZ$500
Special mentions up to NZ$300
1) Rebecca Kiddle
2) Huhanna Smith
3) Lama Tone
Mountain Spa Architecture Competition
18 November 2022: registration deadline
2 December 2022: submission deadline
Mountain Spa Architecture Competition
The MOUNTAIN SPA is presented as a real and different option for all those who wish to be in balance with the natural ecosystem, in a relaxing environment and in the midst of contemporary architecture. A Mountain Spa with a pool of thermal waters, jacuzzis and a coffee shop will be created, as an architectural element of contemplation for tourists and skiers in the area, in the middle of the snowy landscape of the Swiss Alps.
1st Prize US $4,000
Exhibition and diffusion in the main architecture sites worldwide, and virtual booklet of the best proposals.
The Cuban Square Architecture Competition
21 October 2022 – 11.59 AM CET: Standard registration
18 November 2022 – 11.59 AM CET: Late registration
Location: Plaza de la Revolución, Vedado district, west side of Old Havana, Cuba
The Cuban Square Architecture Competition
2A City-Architecture Movie Awards 2022
15 August 2022: registration deadline
2A City-Architecture Movie Awards 2022
Port of Beirut Renewal Competition – international
14 July 2022: deadline
The Inspireli Competition to Renew the Port of Beirut has extended its duration.
The aim is to offer humanitarian aid to the city of Beirut through the unique designs and innovations of students’ projects.
Port of Beirut Renewal Competition
Inspireli Awards 2022 – international
14 July 2022: deadline
Students can compete in three categories – Architecture, Interior Design & Urban Design. Individuals as well as teams can participate.
Entry fee: Free
Off The Grid Architecture Competition
30 June 2022: Registration deadline
15 July 2022: Submission deadline
Our lives are dependent on the systems that complete our housing requirements, what happens if these grid systems fail? The sustainable approach to housing is important for human survival. Can we design our dream home within the limit of 37sq.m. and off the grid? With spaces that fulfill all the basic functioning of the house most innovatively and effectively. Explore your capacity to come up with ideas that can fit within the limited space, mainly focusing on sustainability.
Off The Grid Architecture Competition
Into The Rabbit Hole Design Competition
31 May 2022: Standard registration level 4
15 June 2022: Late registration
30 June 2022: Countdown registration
15 July 2022: Submission deadline:
The pandemic has proven to be a test for relation between human and architecture, lockdown – The experience of living within the four walls. How architecture affected your mind in the lockdown? What are stressed architectural spaces? What was the state of your mind as you were locked down? This pandemic has created an increased urgency to strengthen mental health care. We also realised the importance of role of architecture in mental health.
Into The Rabbit Hole Architecture Competition
Aural Architecture Competition
30 June 2022: Registration deadline
15 July 2022: Submission deadline
Using the sense of sound to design architectural space, depicting emotions and humanising the habitable volume encompassed by walls. Use your auditory sense to develop abstract architectural space which exhibits an emotion of itself.
Aural Architecture Competition
ACSA Student Competitions
5 April 2023 : registration deadlines
Registration deadlines are not until April 5, 2023 and the submission deadline is June 7, 2023 – so plenty of time for these architectural contests by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture.
They also encourage students to submit studio course work.
2023 Steel Design Student Competition
More details:
2023 Steel Design Student Competition
Project Description:
The 2023 Steel Design Student Competition will offer architecture students the opportunity to compete in two separate categories:
Category I – Spiritual Space
Design “A Place for the Spirit” on a campus, welcoming to all, where members of the campus community and visitors can learn about and express spirituality. Program spaces include places for worship, meditation, learning, and fellowship. Steel is the primary material.
Category II – Open
Category II offers architecture students the opportunity to select a site and building program using steel as the primary material. This competition category permits the greatest amount of flexibility for any building type.
Organizer: The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA)
Category: Steel Design Student Competition
Eligibility: Because the support of AISC is largely derived from steel companies whose markets are mainly in the U.S., the ACSA/AISC Steel Design Student Competition is open to students and/or student teams from ACSA Full and Candidate Member Schools, as well as ACSA Affiliate Members Schools from the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
Register: by April 5, 2023 via the link:
Awards & Prizes: $20,000 in cash prizes will be distributed among three winners and their
faculty sponsor(s).
Entries deadline: Submission deadline is June 7, 2023
Venue: Virtual
Price: Free
Future Materials Pavilion Design Competition
10 June 2022: Submissions Close
As we know that a majority of upcoming constructions largely relying on one primary building material:concrete.
Are you looking for alternatives that might be more economical, durable, and environment-friendly than concrete?
The competition aims to design a striking and thought-provoking pavilion to start a nationwide dialogue on the urgency to explore sustainable building materials.
Total prize Money – 2,00,000 INR + certification + publication.
Team Archdais
Important Dates & Fees:
(22 Feb – 10 Apr 2022: Early Bird Registration – Indian National: INR 1500 ; Foreign National: USD 45)
(11 Apr – 15 May 2022: Standard Registration – Indian National: INR 2000 ; Foreign National: USD 60)
(16 May – 5 June 2022: Late Registration – Indian National: INR 2500 ; Foreign National: USD 75)
10 June 2022: Submissions Close
15 Aug 2022: Announcement of Winners
Essay Writing Contest, 4th Cycle
2 June 2022: Registration deadline
3 June 2022 (11:59 pm IST/8:29 pm CEST): Submission deadline
Essay Writing Contest, 4th Cycle is the twentieth initiative of the Architectural Journalism & Criticism Organization founded by architect Pappal Suneja to spread awareness about this subject and sow the seeds of inspiration to explore and write about Architecture and allied fields from an explorer’s perspective.
24h Competition – noWar
28 May 2022: Late period of registration
28 May – 29 May 2022: competition days
Recently we have witnessed a global escalation of violence worldwide, the most mediatic case being Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. War has always been present in human history because it seems to be part of the human condition. The lust for power!
Like pandemics, wars are always a great scourge for some and a great opportunity for others. It is in the midst of this perversity that we find ourselves. We are like lawyers. We serve both parties.
Dedalo Minosse International Prize For Commissioning A Building
16 May: submission deadline
Exceptional and unique, this is the only architecture award that recognizes the positive and stimulating role of the Client in the creation of great architectures and rewards the efforts of those clients who have worked harmoniously with their architects to create successful and worthy projects in the last 5 years.
Dedalo Minosse International Prize 2022
Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2022 – Children’s House, Senegal, West Africa
28 February 2022: closing of early registrations
10 April 2022: closing of normal registrations
15 May 2022: closing of late registration
a non-profit event by Balouo Salo Humanitarian Organization
The architecture, of maximum 250 square meters, will need to host the following activities: administration, storage, hospitality, and recreation.
This Senegalese architecture competition is organised by the Balouo Salo Non-Profit Organisation, engaged in charitable projects in Africa, and all proceeds (obtained from the registration fees) will be donated to the construction of the winning project in a village in southern Senegal, where the organisation itself operates.
International Architecture & Design Awards 2022
30 April 2022 : late registration deadline
16 May 2022 : submission deadline
Architecture & Design Community encourages designers and architects, construction workers, and engineers to share their best projects with the rest of the world so as to inspire the next generation and gain global recognition.
Are you proud of your project? Then share it with us! Whether it’s the architectural design of a shopping mall or a luxury villa project, the design of a metro station or a bus stop, a private or public landscaping project, the interior of a modern apartment, or just a designer chair. What matters is the distinctiveness and uniqueness of your project.
International Architecture & Design Awards 2022
Q-City China Plan International Young Designers Competition
30 April 2022, 24:00 (GMT +8) : Registration Deadline
5 May 2022, 18:00 (GMT +8) : Submission Deadline
We announce the first Open call of International Competition in 2022:
Location: Yulin, China
This competition is open to all the students and young designers, and it is free to register, no registration fee is needed.
The following are the highlights of the competition:
Competition Theme: Urban Aesthetics Recreation
Registration: log in to the competition website:, click “registration” to register and fill in the information;
Submission: submit the digital edition of drawings and other documents to qcitycompetition(at)
Best Creativity (5 teams) – Bonus 30,000 RMB (before tax, around 4,700 USD) +Certificate
Honorable Mentions (12 teams)- Bonus 10,000 RMB (before tax, around 1,600 USD) +Certificate
Finalists (20 teams)- Bonus 5,000 RMB (before tax, around 800 USD) +Certificate
The prize-winning projects might be implemented on-site and the organizing committee has the final say.
Interpretation of Theme
“Urban Aesthetics Recreation”
Q-City International Young Designer Competition (Yulin, China) “Urban Aesthetics Recreation” as the theme and lets Yulin Acropolis, the fresh national historical and cultural city, as the base, which aims to lead people to find an urban aesthetic carrier of harmony in diversity, establish an exclusive aesthetic system of Yulin Ancient City, and create a beautiful urban life benefiting to both residents and tourists.
Urban aesthetics is a significant part of urban renewal, which is not only connected to the public’s aesthetics of the city but also related to the creation of urban vitality. It involves all aspects of urban life, which is not only reflected in landscape art and public facilities but also in the enduring urban spirit, the air filled with the breath of life and the humanistic atmosphere of various places. Therefore, the construction of an urban aesthetic system needs to be rooted in the exploration and understanding of local people’s livelihood, industrial economy, cultural genes, environmental elements, urban administration and operation, use of systematic and comprehensive thinking, get rid of the development mode of large-scale demolition and construction, repairing the old as the old and industrialized production, and adopt the concept of acupuncture transformation to refine and create works with condensed wisdom, so as to activate the urban business form and respond to the core theme of urban renewal: high-quality urban development.
Taking the diversified forms of urban furniture, landscape& floral art, public art and visual system as the carrier, this international competition invites young designers as well as college teachers and students, from home and abroad, in architecture, landscape, environmental art, digital media, public art and visual design to participate in the research on reconstruction of urban aesthetic system, and solicits new urban functions, new forms and new modules with both urban functions and ancient city style. The competition hopes that the participants will break the professional boundary, think about current public life and activities of “new residents” in the ancient city in the future, stimulate the regeneration of urban vitality, form the unique character and cultural tone of the ancient city, and finally jointly create a dynamic historical and cultural city with tastes of both contemporary life and aesthetics.
The competition is chaired by Mr. Zeng Hui, who is a famous design scholar and art curator in China. Mr. ZengHui is the planning director of Beijing International Design Week, the master of Baihuazhou Traditional Handcraft Workshop, the deputy secretary-general of Architecture and Culture Society of China, the president of the Hostel Industry Branch and the CBC chief expert on urban aesthetics.
Sponsor: CBC (China Building Centre)(Urban Regeneration (Beijing) Holding Group Co., Ltd.)
Organizer: CBC Urban Regeneration Research Institute
Recent Architecture Competitions
Architecture Competition – Design Contest Archive for 2024
Architecture Competitions 2023 archive
Architecture Competitions 2020 to 2021 archive
Architecture Competitions 2019 archive
Architecture Competitions 2018 archive
Architectural Competition – Design Contest Archive for 2017
Architectural Competitions 2017
Architectural Competitions – Design Contest Archive for part of 2016
Architects Competitions – Design Contest Archive for 2016
Architectural Competitions 2016
Architectural Competitions 2010 – Design Contest Archive for 2010
Architecture Competitions 2009 : Archive
Architecture Competitions 2008 : Archive
Architectural Designs
Website: e-architect YouTube
Comments for the Architecture Competitions 2022 Archive page welcome.