Architectural Competition 2011, Design contests deadlines, Students prizes entries

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Architectural Competitions 2010

Architectural Contests from 2011

Malmi Station Area – International Architecture Competition, Sweden
Bullhorn Design Competition
picture from Cembrit
Design contest to generate ideas for revitalization of Malmi station area with innovative use of fibre cement – The Bullhorn Design Competition – Cembrit Design Contest

PFFF Inflatable Architecture Competition
Inflatable Architecture Competition
picture from Architecture Competition organisers
PFFF Inflatable Architecture Competition – an architecture competition dedicated to architects, designers, students and engeneers focused on the design and realization of an inflatable pavilion that can embody the spirit of the FARM project. This architecture competition is promoted by CityVision and FARM, a contemporary active cultural and turistic center project based in Sicily that has as first mission the promotion of contemporary art and culture.

TIKAL 2011 – International Architecture Competition, Guatemala
Objectives of the “TIKAL 2011” architecture contest:
– Make worldwide Architectural Ideas summons which will help to select the most original, creative and contemporary proposal for a “Hostel-Museum” as described before.
– Collect the Ideas which are best involved with archaeological consciousness, and are at the same time able to enhance a beautiful and harmonious geographic reality.
– Promote the discussion of ideas related to the development of projects in cultural heritage, historic parks or ecologic sanctuary settings.
TIKAL 2011 Architecture Competition -1st Prize: US$ 3,000

WSUD 2012 Design Competition, Victoria, Australia
WSUD Architecture Competition
picture from Architecture Competition organisers
The WSUD 2012 Committee in conjunction with Monash University’s Centre for Water Sensitive Cities invite students to partner with members of the design profession to submit urban design proposals that clearly articulate water sensitive initiatives within the Maribyrnong Defence Site.

inNATUR Architecture Competition
inNATURE Open Ideas Competition : Nature Interpretation Centre
inNATUR Architecture Competition
image from design contest organiser
Open ideas competition seeking for innovative, cutting-edge, contemporary, proposals, committed to a strategy of implementing architecture in a protected natural environment. Approaches should point to find synergies between nature and the building itself. Participants are invited to find spaces that promote a deep understanding and assimilation of nature. Projects must lead through their architecture to sensitivity, awareness, understanding, enthusiasm and commitment to the natural environment around them.
Each participant or team will define the location of their Project; such as: natural parks, protected natural areas, forests, jungles, beaches, mountains, etc. However, the proposal must justify the choice of the location and the interaction reached between the project and the site’s environment.
The competition is open to all architects, designers, architecture students and to people around the world interested in the topic. Competitors can subscribe individually or as a team of maximum of 5 people. The proposal submission will consist of two digital images in .jpg format, not bigger than 4MB each.
Awards: 1st Prize, 2000 Euro ; 2nd Prize, 700 Euro ; 3rd Prize, 400 Euro

Hong Kong 2011 Architecture Competition, HK, China
ARQUITECTUM, a company devoted to the organizing of architecture competitions, is pleased to welcome the world’s architects to the International Architecture Competition “HONG KONG 2011”, to be held from August 2011 until December 2011.
International Architecture Competition – NIGHT CLUB HOTEL IN MONG KOK
Hong Kong Architecture Competition

Cala Millor Architecture Competition, Mallorca Island, Spain
Cala Millor Architecture Competition
image from contest organiser
1st Prize: 2500 Euros + Publication
2nd Prize: 1000 Euros + Publication
3rd Prize: 500 Euros + Publication
10 Honor mentions

Nationwide Sustainable Housing Competition, England
Nationwide Sustainable Housing Competition

Alternative Car Park Tower Design Competition, Hong Kong
Alternative Car Park Tower Competition
image from contest organiser
Open international competition hosted by [AC-CA] to generate progressive contemporary design ideas. There are no plans for the design to be built.
[AC-CA] Architecture Competition : Alternative Car Park Tower Design Contest

Bird College – Dance, Music & Theatre Performance, Sidcup, Kent, England
RIBA Competitions is pleased to announce the launch of a new Invited Design Competition on behalf of Bird College, Sidcup. Expressions of Interest are sought from architect-led design teams with exceptional design skills for the redevelopment of the College’s facilities.
RIBA Architecture Competition : Bird College

4th Advanced Architecture Contest
Advanced Architecture Contest
image from contest organisers
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and HP are pleased to announce the 4th Advanced Architecture Contest, on the theme of CITY-SENSE: Shaping our environment with real-time data

SHIFTboston WHY STOP design competition, Massachusetts, USA
SHIFTBoston Design
image from architect
SHIFTboston design contest – challenging urban planners, architects, urban designers, designers and landscape architects – professionals and students – to explore and visualize destinations along the proposed South Coast Rail extension, which will connect Boston to Taunton, New Bedford, and Fall River, Massachusetts.

Catalyst: Capitol Mall Design Competition, Sacramento, California, USA
Capitol Mall Architecture Competition
image from contest organisers
Catalyst is an open ideas competition provided through the partnership of the City of Sacramento and the American Institute of Architects Central Valley. The competition seeks forward-thinking, innovative and implementable urban and architectural designs for the Capitol Mall corridor of downtown Sacramento – the 6-block boulevard between California’s State Capitol building and the iconic Tower Bridge over the Sacramento River.
Professionals and designers from all fields are eligible to submit. Multi-disciplinary teams are especially encouraged to participate so that ideas can be combined into single, comprehensive submissions. Both professionals and students may enter.
Capitol Mall Design Competition – external link

House’s Loft Design Contest, NYC, USA
House’s Loft Design Contest

Maquinarias Service Center Design Competition, Peru
Maquinarias Service Center Design Competition

Illustrations and Architectural Renderings Competition, International
Twin Towers Paris
picture from TTGG
Open call for creative responses to the question “where would you rebuild the Twin Towers and why?” Design contest with five finalists chosen by a jury, and five chosen by public vote. Available to artists and renderers to illustrate one of the text-based submissions already in the gallery, or else submit a new suggestion of your own (could be a pseudonym if that suits you better). The architects / renderers selected as finalists will be in the running for paid work illustrating the other finalists’ text-based submissions.

IAPS Student Architecture Competition – Ontological Design in Future Housing and Space
IAPS Student Architecture Competition
image from contest organisers
The competition is planned in conjunction with the CSBE (Culture & Space in the Built Environment) and Housing networks of the International Association of People-Environment Studies (IAPS) Joint International Symposium, 2011 entitled “Continuity and Change of Built Environments – Housing, Culture, and Space across Life Spans”.
iaps International Network Symposium 2011: IAPS Student Architecture Competition – external link

Re-Skinning Awards, International
2011 Zerofootprint Foundation Re-Skinning Competition

Taipei City Museum of Art Competition, Taiwan
Taipei City Museum of Art Competition
image from contest organisers
Taipei City Museum of Art Competition : Taiwanese Design Contest

Busan Opera House Ideas Contest, Korea
Busan Opera House Architecture Competition

Andermatt Swiss Alps Design Contest, Switzerland
Andermatt Competition
image of competition site
Andermatt Swiss Alps Design Competition

Rio 2016 Olympic Park Architecture Competition
Rio 2016 Olympic Park Brazil
image from architect
International Architecture Competition for the Rio 2016 Olympic Park’s General Urban Plan.
Registration at
Rio 2016 Olympic Park Competition

SC2011 Architecture Competition, International
Participants: Architecture students + architects under 31 years old
Sites: 4 cities: Hangzhou, Nanjing, Madrid + Barcelona awards (in each city):
1st prize: 5.000 Euros or 45.000 Yuans
2nd prize: 2.000 Euros or 18.000 Yuans
3 mentions: 1.000 Euros or 9.000 Yuans
Questions Until 15 Jun / Answers to questions until 10 Jul
Architecture Competition website:

Designated Sketcher Contest
Architectural Sketch
image courtesy of phormd
Designated Sketcher Contest

LOFT London Farm Tower
Design of a Vertical Farm in London. The architecture competition is open to all professionals and students of the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering:

Ecological Borders Competition, Think Space Design Contest
Ecological Borders Contest
image from organisers
Ecological Borders Competition

ONE Lab Architecture Competition, NYC, USA
ONE Lab Competition
image from organisers
BioDesign Summer Lab: Summer Lab for students, architects, scientists, artists, and individuals of all backgrounds to explore design with various living matter including live tissues, bacteria, tree grafting, fungi growth control and parametric scripting.
ONE Lab Competition

Montenegro Architecture Competition
International Architecture Competition for preparation of conceptual architectural-urban design of facilities of hotel-tourism purpose on urban parcel UP 1, area of 24.015 m2, in Ulcinj.
Deposit of 500 euros. Architecture Competition website:

Taichung Gateway Park Design Contest, Taiwan
Taichung Gateway Park Competition

Olympic Games Information Pavilion Contest, England
Olympic Games Information Pavilion Competition

Soundroom Design Contest, Madrid, Spain
Sound Room Competition
image from opengap
Soundroom Competition – Rehearsal Spaces for Musicians: creating a new concept of unique quality rehearsal spaces for musicians in Madrid

Aberdeen City Garden Design Competition, Scotland
Union Terrace Gardens
image of competition site
Aberdeen Architecture Competition

Venice City Vision Design Competition, Italy
Venice City Vision

Open International Design Contest
1st Prize: $10,000 ; Honorable mentions: $1,500 each + other benefits
ONE PRIZE 2011 Architecture Competition

Kilcreggan Design Contest, Scotland
photo from GIA
Kilcreggan Design Competition – Glasgow Institute of Architects Contest

Törnrosen Tower Competition, Malmö, Sweden
Törnrosen Tower Competition
photo from GIA
Architecture Competition period : Jun – Oct 2011

Pushkinsky Cinema Hall, Russia : Architecture Competition
Pushkinsky Moscow
picture from Corian
Pushkinsky Cinema Hall Architecture Competition

Tenting Competition, New York, USA
Tenting Design Contest

Emilio Ambasz Prize for Green Architecture, Israel
Emilio Ambasz Prize for Green Architecture

2011 INSTANTHOUSE Architecture Student Competition
The “only architecture students competition building the 1:1 scale winning project”
instanthouse Competition – Milan

Low Carbon Restaurant Architecture Competition, USA
Global Design Competition aims to collect broad variety of design solutions for low-carbon restaurants: $10,000 prize to the winning design

Global Design Competition of Seattle, Architecture Contest
Global Design Contest of Seattle

Tullamore Community Arts Centre Competition, Ireland
Tullamore Architecture Competition : RIAI Design Contest

BARGE 2011 Design Competition, Boston, USA
BARGE 2011Architecture Competition

AZ AWARDS for Design Excellence, International
picture from organisers
AZ Awards

Design Contest Archive

Architectural Contest information for previous years on e-architect:

Architecture Competitions 2009 : Archive

Architecture Competitions 2008 : Archive

Architecture Competitions 2007 – Selection

Oporto Architecture Contest, Portugal

Advanced Architecture Competition

Collieston Competition, Scotland

Vejle Competition, Denmark

Sheffield Festival Centre, England

Tutti Frutti, England

Shanghai Expo Building, China

Architecture Competitions – Selection from before 2007

Old Town Fire Architecture Contest

Edinburgh Architecture Competition

Hadspen Parabola

Acadia Architecture Contest

Dunfermline Architecture Contest

Russian Architecture Competition

Running an Architectural Competition? please mail us: info(at)

Major Architecture Awards

Stirling Prize

BCO Awards

RIBA Awards

Zaha Hadid was the first woman recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize


Studying Architecture at University?
Information for those pursuing an interest in studying architecture or construction-related courses at University: Architecture Careers


Recent Architecture Competitions

Architecture Competition – Design Contest Archive for 2024

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Architecture Competitions 2022 archive

Architecture Competitions 2020 to 2021 archive

Architecture Competitions 2019 archive

Architecture Competitions 2018 archive

Architects Competitions – Design Contest Archive for 2016

Architectural Competitions – Design Contest Archive for part of 2016

Architectural Competitions 2010 – Design Contest Archive for 2010

Architecture Competitions 2009 : Archive

Architecture Competitions 2008 : Archive

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