Architecture Competition, Building Design Contests 2016, Students Prizes Entries
Architects Competitions 2016 Archive
Architecture Prizes 2016 – Background Information
Architecture Competitions : Current Design Contest Listings
Architecture Competition – archive
Recent Architectural Competitions
Recent Architectural Competitions up and including 2016, chronological:
Seoul Animation Center Competition, Korea
The Seoul Metropolitan Government announces a call for entry as below for the design competition aimed to construct a new Seoul Animation Center.
Seoul Animation Center Architecture Competition
‘San Francisco 2016 – Tenderloin System Update Design Competition, USA
Following on from the success of ‘Cambodia 2015’ ( (awarded 3rd Top Competition of 2015 by Bustler), Eleven is excited to announce their latest architecture and idea challenge: ‘San Francisco 2016 – Tenderloin System Update’.
For this challenge, we move to California, in the beautiful city of San Francisco. The city is the USA’s most sought after real estate location and its Bay Area is today leading the way for innovative technologies and new urban models for the future. However, San Francisco is also home to the Tenderloin, one of the most distressed and dangerous neighborhoods of the USA. High levels of drugs, crime, prostitution, homelessness and violence are every-day realities in this neighborhood. Locals and tourists alike are strongly advised to avoid the area even in broad daylight and the police are often too scared to intervene without heavy backup by their side.
Ironically, the Tenderloin sits at the geographical heart of San Francisco, next to some of the most fashionable and desirable districts the city has to offer. Despite the vicinity to affluence, this part of the city remains isolated, existing as a dystopian urban island.
Herein lies both the opportunity and the challenge. The Tenderloin is an area of huge untapped potential waiting to be discovered, but the question remains: how do you solve a problem like San Francisco’s Tenderloin? Can it be turned into a model-district of the future, paving the way for a new age of 21st century inner-city regeneration to flourish?
Eleven calls thinkers, architects, designers, students and multidisciplinary teams from around the world to design innovation by submitting a proposal for turning one of the most deprived, dangerous and disconnected areas in the USA into the neighborhood of the future.
The challenge will seek a winner, a runner-up and six honorable mentions with a total cash prize of £4,500 to be won as well as lots of media goodies! The awards will be selected by a prestigious roster of judges from renowned academic institutions, architectural studios and magazines. The general public will also be given a chance to vote for their favorite entry, who will win the People’s Choice Award.
San Francisco 2016 Architecture Competition
IsArch Awards 2016 for Architecture Students
IsArch awards for architecture students – jury members for the 7th edition news
Syria: Post-War Housing Competition
matterbetter has initiated an international open ideas competition for architecture students and young architects to research new housing concepts for the future of the post-war Syria. The civil war in Syrian Arab Republic, which has started in 2011, created the biggest refugee crisis after the World War II. According to UNHCR, over 4 300 000 people has left the country and fled to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and now Europe. While world leaders are looking for the international solution of the Syrian civil war and refugee crisis, many Syrians are looking forward for the opportunity to come back home as soon as the war is over.
Syria: Post-War Housing Competition
Mud House Design Competition 2016
Designing a School for Ghana:
Nka Foundation announces a call for entries for its 4th Earth Architecture Competition: Designing a School for Ghana, an international architecture competition open to graduates and advanced students of architecture, design and others from around the world who think earth architecture can be beautiful.
Mud House Architecture Competition
INNATUR 5 Architectural Ideas Competition
OPENGAP organizes the fifth edition of this open ideas competition seeking for innovative, cutting-edge, contemporary, proposals, committed to a strategy of implementing architecture in a natural environment. Approaches should point to find synergies between nature and the building itself. Each participant or team can propose the location of their Project.
INNATUR 5 Architectural Ideas Competition
Re-think competition
Redefine convention: See things differently? Show your idea. Enter the Re-think competition and your work could be showcased on TiP, Balmond Studio’s influential online ideas lab. The winner will also receive a £100 iTunes voucher and enjoy a private call with Cecil Balmond himself, one of the world’s leading thinkers on space form and structure.
What is a Re-think?
Anything with an original idea at its core is a Re-think. To put it simply – a piece of work that challenges the norm. Something that pushes the boundaries, creating an alternate way of thinking.
What work can I enter?
There really are an infinite number of possibilities. Your entry could be a standout design project, architecture research, a pioneering artistic expression, a unique mathematical observation…the list goes on.
What format do I need to submit?
Submissions can be in any format – from a photo essay, written report or animation, to renders, audio files, interviews, essays or documentaries.
Website: Re-think competition
Harvey Milk Plaza Design Competition, United States
Text from AIA SF:
“Harvey Milk is a civil rights icon who stood up for inclusiveness and access for all. Now, a design competition seeks to preserve his legacy so that all may be inspired by his example.
This program is a partnership of the Friends of Harvey Milk Plaza, the American Institute of Architects San Francisco Chapter (AIASF), the Center for Architecture + Design, San Francisco Department of Public Works, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, and the San Francisco Art Commission. This partnership is collectively creating change, just like Milk, but the design outcome depends on your thoughtful submissions.
This unique opportunity is bringing the community and partnering organizations together to envision a memorial befitting of Milk, one that will last for generations to come. A design that will serve as a focal and meeting point for the LGBT community, just as Milk brought the LGBT community together 40 years ago.
The Harvey Milk Plaza Competition is open for submissions through May 31, 2017. Visit for more information, or to download the design brief.”
24H Competition
the competition date
May 27 to May 28
The competition begins at May 27th 12:00 noon and ends at May 28th 12:00 noon (London GMT + 0:00)
Driverless Future Challenge
6 Reasons to Enter:
• Four finalist teams receive free access to work space and fabrication facilities at New Lab, a technology paradise in the heart of Brooklyn.
• Together with our partners at the NYC Mayor’s Office, Fast Company, AIA NY and New Lab, we will help the winning teams turn their proposals into real products and companies.
• Four finalists pitch to the NYC Mayor’s Office and Commissioners at the ‘Pitch The City’ event.
• Finalists present at the Fast Co Innovation Festival.
• All participants receive free 1-year Fast Company subscriptions.
• But most importantly – to craft architectural ideas that tackle issues far beyond the scale of a building, with a direct impact on one of the most complex cities in the world.
Challenge Schedule:
(Early Bird Registration: Until March 3, 2017 ($50))
(Regular Registration: Until April 6, 2017 ($70))
Late Registration: Until Submission Deadline ($90)
Submission Deadline: May 19, 2017
‘Pitch The City’ Event: June 2017
Wisla Competition
Wisla Competition for an architectural concept of a pedestrian and cyclist deck on the River Vistula
Country: Poland
Deadline for elaboration: 8 May 2017
Prize money of the competition – 1st prize: PLN 100 000 – 23,000 EUR
Design contest website:
TAB 2017 Vision Competition
Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2017 has announced TAB 2017 Vision Competition, offering architects, scientists and artists the chance to define a new urbanity of the Paljassaare Peninsula in Tallinn in the era when no ecosystem is unaffected by human action.
Deadline for one-stage international competition: 25 Apr 2017
TAB Vision Architecture Competition 2017
Aldo Morelato Foundation Architecture Competition
Deadline for submission of entries: 5th May 2017
13th edition of the International Competition by the “Aldo Morelato Foundation”
Significant Furniture 2016/2017
“Convivial spaces. Furniture elements for public spaces”
The Aldo Morelato Foundation launches the thirteenth edition of the International Competition “Significant Furniture”, with the theme “Convivial spaces – Furniture elements for public spaces”.
The great attention that design has dedicated to the home spaces, by designing tools and solutions to improve them, is now concentrating upon places where in fact “collective” activities take place, which include hotels and public places, offices and restaurants.
The new edition of the Significant Furniture Competition will be biennial. The Aldo Morelato Foundation under the guidance of the artistic director, the famous architect Ugo La Pietra has in fact decided to extend the period in order to better plan the activities related to the competition and give more time to the participants to present their projects. The deadline for submission of entries is fixed for 5th May 2017.
The Aldo Morelato Foundation, always active promoter of “artfully made” furniture suggests participants to enhance in their projects the woodworking aspect. The Morelato Company will produce a prototype of the first prize project, which will become part of the permanent collection of the MAAM (Museum of Applied Art in the Furntiure field) of the Foundation.
For the 2016/2017 edition the Foundation assigns the “Morelato Foundation” Award which consists of two awards, one for students and another one for professionals, with a total amount of € 5,000.00.
The competition is open to professional designers and to design and architecture schools students from Italy and abroad. Only new projects will be allowed, which will be evaluated by an illustrious jury together with the President of the Aldo Morelato Foundation, Giorgio Morelato.
Competition notice:
Subscription form:
Aviapolis Urban Blocks Architecture Competition, Finland – International
Aviapolis Urban Blocks – a living airport city
International architectural competition
Deadline appears to be April 28, 2017 but not confirmed on the design contest website
A total of 130 000 Euros in prize money will be awarded as follows:-
1st prize 60 000 Euros
2nd prize 30 000 Euros
3rd prize 20 000 Euros
Two more, both receiving 10 000 Euros.
The competition prize money is tax exempt.
Join us in getting inspired by Aviapolis, the most rapidly growing business center in Finland, which is becoming a true, versatile and living airport city with housing, jobs, as well as public and private services. Aviapolis—a hub of international and national transport and passenger flows—is situated in the middle of Finland’s metropolis. It is easy to reach by plane, train or car.
Future cities are built close to busy airports, and this is also true of Aviapolis. The Helsinki-Vantaa International Airport is an important hub for air traffic between Europe and Asia, and annually more than 17 million passengers pass through it. Meanwhile, the Ring Rail Line brings the metropolis together.
150 000 people can access Aviapolis by train in less than half an hour.
Housing, jobs, as well as public and private services are planned in the competition area. We are looking for synergistic and innovative solutions that will create sustainable and feasible frames for these solutions as well as provide the area with a unique image and identity. The competition area amounts to 15.6 hectares, situated in Aviapolis, the district of Veromies that is right beside the Helsinki-Vantaa airport.
Plans for the area aim at turning the present block structure into a smaller city of blocks where walking is favored. Block efficiency shall be fairly large and the street environment urban. To complement efficiency and the compact street network, there will be an urban green structure, consisting of block parks, green inner courts, trees along the streets, and a few large parks. The area as a whole will be based on mass transit routes, while the street environment will be planned according to pedestrians’ scale.
The architectural competition aims to create an idea-level plan for the basis of the area’s land use and local detailed plan. The competition is open and international. The competition period is from Jan. 16 to April 28, 2017. The winner will be picked in the summer of 2017.
The competition program will be published online at: on January 16, 2017. The appendices to the competition program and questions and answers related to the competition will also be published online.
The competition is arranged by the City of Vantaa together with the local private landowners: YIT Oyj, Kiinteistö Oy Rälssitie 16, Kiinteistö Oy Vantaan Paavontalo, L-House Oy, and DBC Systems Oy in cooperation with the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA).
Inquiries: Mervi Savolainen, competition secretary, tel. +358 40 5423 096, email [email protected]
Website in English:
Sustainable Montpelier for 2030 Competition
Net Zero Vermont, Inc., an independent nonprofit dedicated to fostering a sustainable future for Vermont, launched a nationwide architectural design competition to envision what a sustainable Montpelier might look like in 2030.
Offering a $10,000 prize for the winning design submission, this project hopes to attract top talent to the challenge of creating a concrete vision of a low-carbon, small-city of the future. Such a vision could inspire the work which will allow Montpelier to a Net Zero model city for the U.S.
The ultimate goal is to create a community-embraced, fifteen-year plan that accelerates the development of a vibrant and inclusive downtown including mixed-use spaces, interconnected arteries, efficient buildings, an improved street system and green spaces, all accessible to young and old, working and retired people of varying abilities.
Montpelier made national news in 2014 by declaring that it would commit to becoming Net Zero in carbon emissions by 2030. For an aging small northeastern city, almost wholly dependent on commuter traffic, this is not a trivial challenge. Today, with over 60% of its downtown real estate devoted to off street parking lots and many of its existing buildings and infrastructure more than a century old, that commitment is a courageous first step. Through the design competition, citizens will be invited to shape that goal into a concrete vision.
Net Zero Vermont is mobilizing the resources of imaginative sponsors — including Ben & Jerry’s, National Life Group, Vermont Creamery and All Earth Renewables —for this unique architectural design challenge. The competition challenges multi-disciplinary design teams to envision a Net Zero downtown Montpelier for 2030 that retains the charming historic fabric of the city, while offering new concepts for life and work that focus on sustainable, human-centered design. The contest is open to teams with multidisciplinary design expertise in sustainable urban systems, the built environment, landscape design, public spaces, and the cultural and visual arts.
“We hope to create a vision of Montpelier that breaks from the status quo,” said Dan Jones, Managing Director of Net Zero Vermont. “The vision is one not designed around more asphalt-coated parking lots, but rather around a lovely city full of high density, affordable housing, recreation and commercial spaces. We looks forward to presenting the designs to our neighbors as we set about the hard work of transforming Montpelier into a truly Net Zero city.”
The first round, launched in July, will be an open public competition for design solutions, which will be culminate in a public review. In September, Montpelier residents and decision-makers will be invited to offer feedback and vote for the top concepts that illustrate the place they want to live, work and play in the future. The top five design teams from the first round will then be invited to prepare more comprehensive submissions, which will be publicly displayed and vetted through organized interactive review forums. The design that excites the most community approval will be awarded the $10,000 prize.
Net Zero Vermont Inc. is committed to continuing the planning process. The long-term goal is to assist the community to integrate the winning preliminary and final designs into public development plans that will actualize the imaginative design work. By ensuring a significant voice for citizens in determining their collective future, this publicly visible visioning process will foster community buy-in and long-term commitment to development of the Net Zero future.
Net Zero Vermont believes that this model can and will be used as a template for small city transformation throughout Vermont, and perhaps throughout northern New England. The process provides a replicable model for attractive city-specific designs that can motivate the public to embrace necessary systems changes and develop small businesses development to ensure long-term sustainability.
Web site for this architecture competition:
Net Zero Vermont Inc. is a 501 c3 non-profit corporation
PAVE Student Design Competition
Non-profit organization The Planning & Visual Education Partnership (PAVE) are launching their annual Student Design Competition.
This year’s architecture competition is sponsored by Kroger. This annual architectural competition, now in its 21st year, is geared toward college-level students involved in retail design and planning, visual merchandising, interior design, and branding programs.
The architecture competition’s design challenges consist of a visual merchandising category and a store design category, providing an excellent opportunity for students to obtain real-life retail design experience.
There is no fee to enter and student will receive cash prizes up to $5000.00 with an opportunity to network with leaders in the industry.
This architecture competition is open to all college student world-wide.
Website: PAVE Student Architecture Competition
New International Architecture Ideas Competition
“The building wants to become an important link between the past and the present of the city.This new space, in addition to the Opera in the War Memorial Opera House, will be a place where new trends of classical and contemporary music will perform. The building will be a place where the community will be able to use the common areas and will enjoy the spectacles surrounded by the nature of the context.”
AWR-Architecture Workshop in Rome – / [email protected]
Architecture at Zero 2016 Competition
The Architecture at Zero 2016 competition challenge is to create a zero net energy (ZNE) student housing project on the San Francisco State University campus.
This architectural competition has two components. First, entrants will create an overall site plan to accommodate the 784 housing units, student services, dining center, childcare facility, and parking. Second, entrants will design one building, in detail, to indicate ZNE performance.
The competition is open to students, architects, landscape architects, urban planners, engineers and designers anywhere in the world. Up to $25,000 will be awarded to student and professional winners.
Architecture at Zero seeks creative and feasible approaches to ZNE building. By encouraging innovative design solutions to site-specific design challenges, the competition aims to broaden thinking about the technical and aesthetic possibilities of zero net energy projects.
For further information visit
Velux Competition
Win a weekend in Copenhagen, “the city’s architecture is inspired by light, water, open spaces and sustainability”.
Simply fill out a few simple details in a form and upload one internal image of your most inspirational single-storey extension project using VELUX roof windows.
The Best Home Competition
The Best Home Competition takes place once a year in cities around the world. It is a two stage Ideas and Design-Build Competition with the aim of identifying innovative proposals for new free standing residential houses this year in Montreal, Canada that will be built immediately.
This architecture competition is both a race that pushes the boundaries of the concept of house design and an opportunity of exposure. The architectural competition is open to anyone worldwide including designers, architects, landscape architects, artists, engineers and students and all professionals in areas related to architecture.
Making – Alternative designs for Factories Architecture Competition
Making – Alternative designs for Factories
International Ideas Competition for Busan Mulmangol Bunker Regeneration, South Korea
– To look for creative program and unique conceptual ideas necessary for the development of Busan Mulmangol bunker and the whole neighborhood
– To promote development based on the discovery of unique and creative ideas by participants from various fields
Scale of Project
– Estimated cost of construction: Approximately 100 billion USD (Estimated cost of construction can be readjusted later in accordance with the proposed plan.)
One recipient for 1st prize: 50,000 USD
One recipient for 2nd prize: 30,000 USD
Three recipients for 3rd prize: 10,000 USD
Four recipients for Special selection: 5,000 USD
Busan Mulmangol Bunker Regeneration Architecture Competition
2A Asia Architecture Award 2016
2AAA 2016 will be held in collaboration with Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Theme: Innovative Architecture in Asia
Murat Tabanlıoğlu
RIBA, Chartered Member, Int’l. Assoc. AIA
Nasrin Seraji
AA dipl RIBA
Dr. Volkwin Marg
Dipl. Ing. Architekt, BDA
Wolfgang Tschapeller
Hiromi Hosoya
Françoise Fromonot
2A Asia Architecture Award 2016
Modularch 2016 Architecture Competition
The purpose of the architectural competition is to bring attractive ideological solutions for the proposal of a new multi-purpose building of the philharmonic orchestra in České Budějovice.
The topic of the competition is the design of a multi-purpose centre of the South Czech
Philharmonic with a variable hall for an audience of up to 1,000 persons, combined with an
open stage for open-air concerts with all the necessary amenities for the artists as well as for the visitors of the cultural installation of the South Czech Philharmonic.
‘Babyn Yar – Dorogozhychi Necropolis’ International Architecture Competition
Call for project proposals to the International Architecture Ideas Competition for complex integration of the memorial area “Babyn Yar – Dorogozhychi Necropolis” in Kyiv, Ukraine.
International architectural ideas single-stage competition with open application procedure for the selection of 7 best projects, with the requirement that the authors of winning designs submit materials for the exhibition.
Babyn Yar Architecture Competition
Blue Award 2016 – International Competition for Students of Architecture and Regional Planning
The Department for Spatial and Sustainable Design, Vienna University of Technology, and the Society of Architecture and Spatial Design is organizing the BLUE AWARD, an international student
competition for sustainable architecture.
Blue Award International Architecture Students Prize
AIIC – Architecture International Idea Competition
COMPETITION THEME – “[RE]design BIG designs” the goal is to think as the great names of architecture and to re-think BIG icons and monuments on it’s historical and urban context bringing it to our current days. “WHAT IF it was designed BY YOU”?? “How would you do it??” “What would this city be like?” Those are questions that we want participants to answer. The first building to [RE]design is the Eiffel Tower.
The three winning projects will be awarded the main prize:
Ist place – 4 000 US$
2nd place – 1 500 US$
3rd place – 500 US$
There will be media publications and at the end of the competition will be published a ‘book’ with all the proposals submitted in this design competition.
Competition dates and prices:
(Early Registrations: 15 Oct to 07 Nov 2016 – US$ 65)
Standard Registration: 08 Nov 2016 to 08 Jan 2017 – US$ 85
Late Registration: 09 Jan to 03 Feb 2017 – US$ 105 23h59 CET Paris
Deadline for Questions: 17 Dec 2016
Submission of the final work – 10 Feb 2017 – 11:59 pm. – 00:00 CET Paris
Competition results announcement: 26 Feb 2017
2017 Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence – Request for Competition
Call for Entries
Who: The Bruner Foundation (Cambridge, MA), sponsor of the biennial award
What: The Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence (RBA) celebrates transformative urban places distinguished by their economic and social contributions to our nation’s cities. Winners offer creative placemaking solutions that transcend the boundaries between architecture, urban design and planning and showcase innovative thinking about American cities. One Gold Medal of $50,000 and four Silver Medals of $10,000 will be awarded. Projects must be a real place, not just a plan or a program, and be located in the 48 contiguous United States. Award winners may use prize money in any way that benefits the project.
When: Deadline for Entries: midnight EST on Thursday, December 8, 2016
Why: Founded in 1986 by architect and developer Simeon Bruner, the RBA seeks to promote innovative thinking about the built environment and advance conversation about making cities better, thereby benefitting urban communities nationwide.
Cost: free
Apply: Rudy Bruner Award
About the Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence
The Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence (RBA), a program of the Bruner Foundation, is a biennial award that celebrates transformative urban places distinguished by their economic and social contributions to the urban environment. Each cycle is documented with detailed case studies about the winners and lessons learned about urban development in America.
What’s Up Paris? reTHINKINGcompetitions
From reTHINKING competitions, a new competition:
“What’s Up Paris?”
Prizes up to 3000€
A city like Paris is intense, full of tourists, workers, cars … is a place in constant motion, with changes of atmosphere, with people walking and taking pictures.
Blue Clay Country Spa architecture competition
The Bee Breeders Blue Clay Country Spa architecture competition, in partnership with SRED Global real estate developers, is calling for architecture enthusiasts to present ideas for a rural spa and guest house within the beautiful countryside in Latvia. The Blue Clay Country Spa will utilise this mineral-rich product, which occurs naturally at the location site, for the health and beauty treatments that the spa will provide to guests.
As one of the greenest countries in Europe, designs for the Latvia-based Blue Clay Country Spa will focus on creating an eco-friendly and cost-effective countryside spa in which guests can relish in the lavish natural landscape.
Winning designs will be put forward for consideration for construction, and the competition itself has an incredible prize fund of US $20,000. Registration is open until January 25. Winners will be announced on March 8.
More information on the competition can be found at
International Finsa Award for students of Architecture and Design
The three best designs will receive 10.000€ in total, to use on a project from Architecture sans Frontières
Five international prestigious architects, including the prize-winner Simon Allford, will value the buildability, integration and cost-efectiveness
FINSA, the Spanish wood-based panel manufacturer, has recently launched the International Finsa Award for students of Architecture and Design (, which counts on the participation of Universities from all around the world. The aim of the competition is that the future A&D professionals explore and redesign the use of wood and other ecological and recyclable materials within construction.
The judges are five international architects, with huge influence in their country: Simon Allford, partner at Allford Hall Monaghan Morris (AHMM) in London and winner of the RIBA Stirling Prize; Pedro Feduchi, doctor of architecture by Madrid Architecture School (E.T.S.A.M) as professor; Berta Willisch, architect at Avery Hall Invest in New York; Fernando Márquez, architect and chief director at the prestigious Spanish magazine ‘El Croquis’; and Xavier Codina, Barcelona based architect and development practitioner and Chair of Architecture sans Frontières.
The three best designs will receive 5.000€, 3.000€, 2.000€ respectively, to use on a project from Architecture sans Frontières, which will boost the student’s career even before it started.
In the first edition of the contest, education is the key. Students and teachers will have the task of building a temporary school with the goal of being able to quickly install the building after any unfavourable situation to help prevent interruptions to learning.
The registration is already open, the submissions period opens the 1st January 2017 and finishes the 31st March 2017.
The judges will start to assess the projects on the 15th April and, at the beginning of May, the winners will be revealed according to all the assessments. Finally, Finsa will organize a gala to present the awards in the Matadero Arts Centre in Madrid.
The jury will value the buildability of the project and its flexibility, which means that the submissions should consider the constructability and efficiency of the designed structure, and plan for the future adaptation and evolution of the structure in different locations and situations.
In addition, the integration is essential, so the submissions should consider child protection, health, nutrition, social and psychosocial services, as well as cater for children with different levels of literacy and children with disabilities.
The design must also provide adequate space for classes, administration, recreation and sanitation facilities. Furthermore, submissions should consider cost to guarantee the economic viability of the project. The group of students who register for the competition must be supported by a teacher from their University.
The teachers and students interested in participating can find all the information on the website and also on the social media profiles:
For further information:
[email protected]
Theo and Oskar’s new home Architecture Competition
New architectural competition
Colander Associates is delighted to announce its involvement with this special initiative that invites emerging architects to design a light, spacious and barrier-free home for the Taussig family and their two young sons, Theo and Oskar who both suffer from Duchenne muscular dystrophy*
Nick Taussig is one of the founders of the award-winning film finance and production firm Salon, creator of outstanding films and documentaries. He will be filming the architecture competition process, from conception through to the selection of the winning team, including sessions with the jury panel and interviews with shortlisted teams, as well as the subsequent building process. It is the intention that the resultant documentary will play at film festivals, be broadcast on domestic television, and sold for foreign broadcast.
The winner and shortlisted teams will benefit from this exposure and will have the opportunity to access a wide and varied audience, both in the UK and overseas. In addition to this unique publicity opportunity, it is expected that the winner will be appointed to design and deliver the project. A modest prize fund of £1000 is offered to contribute to the costs incurred by the teams attending interview.
Theo and Oskar’s new home Architecture Competition
This process is being managed by Colander Associates ( ) and all general enquiries should be addressed to [email protected].
* DMD is an inherited (genetic) condition which affects the muscles, causing muscle weakness. It is a fatal condition which starts in early childhood and may be noticed when a child has difficulty standing up, climbing or running. The muscle weakness is not noticeable at birth, even though the child is born with the gene which causes it. The weakness develops gradually. It usually shows up in early childhood. Symptoms are mild at first but increase as the child becomes older. About 1 in 3,500 boys in the UK are born with DMD. The name Duchenne comes from the doctor who first studied this condition.
2017 John Betjeman Award for repairs to places of worship, UK – restricted
SPAB’s (Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings) John Betjeman Award celebrates excellence in conservation & repair projects at places of worship (of any faith) in England and Wales, and recognises the highest standards of craftsmanship used in carrying out those projects. The unique annual award commemorates former SPAB committee member Sir John Betjeman.
Further details here:
Or please contact the SPAB press office for more information (Kate Griffin 0207 456 0905 / Alison McClary 207 456 0908).
Milan Residential Architecture Competition, Italy – International
14 Apr entry deadline
Anyone can participate, without limits of age or country, either individually or in groups.
You cannot take part in this architecture contest with more than one project.
Programme: A residential complex in the north of Milan, Italy
Special entry: (09th January – 19th February): 15,00 euro using PayPal, 20,00 euro using bank transfer. Ordinary entry (20th February – 14th April): 20,00 euro using PayPal, 25,00 euro using bank transfer. The entry is for each participant. For info about payment with bank transfer contact by e-mail: [email protected]
An A0 presentation, the project report and the MODEL A, no later than the date of 14th April 2017 (deadline 23:59 italian time). The works might be delivered in digital format to the mail: [email protected]
#FIRST PRIZE: 500,00 euro (excluding withholding tax) for each participant + 1 year subscription to the digital version of the magazine Domus + 1 copy of all Notiziario magazines + publications in digital copy + free participation in all of future contests.
#SECOND PRIZE: 1 year subscription to the digital version of the magazine Domus + 1 copy of our Notiziario magazine + our publications in digital copy + free participation in all of future contests.
#THIRD PRIZE: 1 copy of Notiziario magazine + our publications in digital copy + free participation in all future contests.
The results will be announced no later than the date of 28th April 2017. The winners and mentioned projects will be published on the design contest website.
IAHmilan17 International Architecture Holiday, Milan, Italy
30 March – 4 April 2017
Archistart, following the success of IAHsummer and IAHrome editions promotes IAHmilan17, an international architecture workshop, incorporated within a holiday, created in order to generate interactive experiences between students and young graduates under the age of 32 years. Fifty young people from all over the world will have the chance to live 5 days full of architecture in the beautiful city of Milan.
Milan is the perfect location for an international event where students from all over the world can meet and work together. This city is now experiencing a modern renaissance, becoming one of the most dynamic cities of Europe. In line with the social policies initiated by the Municipality of Milan and in partnership with Passpartout – network of social enterprises – the theme of the workshop will concern the regeneration of “Casa Chiaravalle” spaces, initiative launched at Cascina Chiaravalle – the biggest asset seized from mafia in Lombardy.
More details on our Architecture Events page
24H Competition – War
8 + 9 Apr 2017
War: the most powerful weapon that man invented to gain strength by the power to destroy.
Won or lost wars that leave marks on what once stood.
This design contest takes place on April 8th to April 9th
Open Idea Competition for the Self-Evolving City of the Future, Korea
15 Apr 2017 Deadline
Prize money of the competition: 7,000,000 KRW – 5,680 EUR
Design contest website:
Design for Arrival Forefront Fellowship 2017
14 Apr 2017 Application Deadline
Forefront is an annual program led by the Urban Design Forum dedicated to cultivating emerging leaders in urban design, development and policy.
Each year, the Forum invites 20 individuals under the age of 40 to become Forefront Fellows. Fellows meet monthly to investigate critical issues facing New York City, develop design projects and policy papers, and receive feedback from their peers and established leaders in the field.
In addition, Forefront Fellows enjoy two years of Forum membership, with benefits such as invitations to exclusive roundtables, tours and dinners in New York City; a monthly bulletin of Fellows’ news and updates; and unparalleled access to our global network of leading urbanists.
Program Theme
Design for Arrival explores how urban design, development and technology can strengthen historic and emerging immigrant communities in New York City. Forefront Fellows will explore key questions such as:
• What is the role of cities in attracting and protecting immigrant communities?
• What innovative design solutions offer greater affordable housing for immigrant families?
• How can the design of the built environment foster greater immigrant entrepreneurship?
• How can government agencies utilize technology to better serve immigrant populations?
• How can we improve transportation networks to better connect growing neighborhoods?
• How can we ensure equitable access to healthy parks, libraries, and other public spaces for immigrant communities?
Fellowship Structure
Cohort Programs: Each month, Forefront Fellows gather for site visits and dedicated conversations with civic leaders on the relationship between New York City’s built environment and immigrant communities.
Small Group Inquiry: In small groups, participants will investigate an issue relating to immigration and the built environment in depth. Groups will review research and case studies, interview stakeholders, and plan a site visit and evening program for the Fellows.
Culminating Project: Each team will produce a culminating group project that offers an innovative solution to an issue facing an immigrant community in New York City. Each project will be published by the Urban Design Forum and distributed to our network of Fellows and civic leaders throughout the region.
Program Schedule
Friday, April 14, 2017 Application Deadline
Early May 2017 Announcement of 2017 Class of Forefront Fellows
May 23, 2017 Orientation + Reception
June 2017 – March 2018 Design for Arrival programs
April 2018 Celebration + Publication
10th Theatre Architecture Competition, Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Entry deadline was 17 Mar 2017
Theatre Architecture Competition
YAC Castle Resort Competition, Italy
Deadline: 3rd March 2017
Cash Prize: 20.000 €
Young Architects Competitions invites architects and designers to provide ideas for transforming the ruins of a medieval castle in Italy into a holiday destination.
The Castle Resort contest is organised by Young Architects Competitions (YAC) in collaboration with Marlegno – a company that develops sustainable housing – and the Italian Government Agency for State Property.
Castle Resort Architecture Competition
Dedalo Minosse International Prize
Entry deadline: 17 Feb 2017
Twenty years after its founding, ALA Assoarchitetti launches the Tenth Edition of Dedalo Minosse International Prize for commissioning a building 2016/2017.
The Prize is unique among international awards programs for honouring the Client’s role in the design process.
The aim is to promote the quality of architectural and territorial transformations, through the enhancement of the Client’s figure.
From 2nd November 2016 to 17th February 2017 it will be possible to enter the Tenth Edition of the Dedalo Minosse International Prize.
The enrolment is free (Rules and Entry form are available on
Any private or public client, its architects, buildings firms, the companies supplying the works and materials, or anyone else involved in the building processing is entitled to enter the competition.
The works must have been completed between the 1st of January 2012 and the 31st of December 2016.
Jury will dedicate special attention to those works that have been taken into account the following issues: social and economical sustainability; works inspired by Design for All; use of the natural light; enhancement and conservation of the environment, the landscape and the architectural heritage; use of innovative technologies and materials; use of renewable energy and resources; promotion of traditions and local languages; multidisciplinary planning approach; integration between art/architecture.
The agenda for the Tenth Edition:
– awards ceremony: 23rd June 2017 at Teatro Olimpico (Vicenza, Italy)
– exhibition of the awarded works opening ceremony: 23rd June 2017 at Palazzo Chiericati (Vicenza, Italy)
– exhibition of the awarded works: 23rd June 2017– 16th July 2017 at Palazzo Chiericati (Vicenza, Italy)
Architecture Competition – archive
Website: e-architect YouTube
Recent Architecture Competitions
Architecture Competition – Design Contest Archive for 2024
Architecture Competitions 2023 archive
Architecture Competitions 2022 archive
Architecture Competitions 2020 to 2021 archive
Architecture Competitions 2019 archive
Architecture Competitions 2018 archive
Architects Competitions – Design Contest Archive for 2016
Architectural Competition – Design Contest Archive for 2017
Architectural Competitions – Design Contest Archive for part of 2016
Architectural Competitions 2010 – Design Contest Archive for 2010
Architecture Competitions 2009 : Archive
Architecture Competitions 2008 : Archive
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