How to prepare your home for post lockdown life Guide, Property interior design tips, Space advice
How to prepare your home for post lockdown life
July 31, 2020
Lockdown has been a strange and difficult time for many and chances are you have been spending a lot of time at home and you may have many more weeks stuck at home. If you have spare time to prepare your home for lockdown life, then this article will help to give ideas of what types of things you do can do to your home to make positive changes and to how prepare your home for new found socialising.
How to prepare your home for post pandemic times
Be prepared to make your space more social
During lockdown we were all deprived of socialising and we were not allowed guests into our home. We are now preparing for the time where we will be allowed to host parties and dinner dates. If you feel your social space lacks furniture, then why not invest in some new furniture?
This way guests will be comfortable while visiting your home and you will also have new furniture to boast about. Sofas a good piece of furniture to invest in, when looking to improve your social space, this is because sofas are sociable, and it allows your guests to lounge around. A classic style of sofa which has been loved by many for centuries is the Chesterfield sofa, the inspiration for Chesterfield suites comes from when the Earl of Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope commissioned a similar styled sofa in the 18th century.
Do all the jobs you wanted to do in your house pre-lockdown
If you have been putting off redecorating your home or changing the layout or creating new storage features within your home, because you have been too busy, if you are currently not working because of the pandemic, then now is the perfect opportunity to make the most of the time you now have available. Furthermore, if the whole family is also at home you can work together as a team to complete rewarding projects around the house. Teamwork will also help to keep the household busy and this will help to eliminate the dreaded boredom.
Use your time to revamp your outdoor space
As explained previously, there may be tasks which you have put off before because you have been busy with day to day life. Your garden may have been neglected as a result of this, so now you can use your time to concentrate on outdoor improvements. You may decide to add landscape gardening to your garden, or you may decide just to give your outdoor space a clean and tidy. It is also a good idea to consider purchasing plants and flowers in order to give your garden a new prettier look.
If you have children, you can use your outdoor space as an entertainment area for them. Lockdown has most likely been a tedious time for them, so it is a good idea to make sure they have the opportunity to have fun outside. If you don’t already own a trampoline, climbing frame or a swing, children will feel very rewarded if they have fun play equipment to play on, so it will be of their benefit for you to purchase this. However, play equipment is often costly so even if you just have a football and goal for your children this will create sufficient outdoor fun.
Get rid of your clutter!
Lockdown may have caused you to store many items in fear of not being able to purchase the items further down the line, or you haven’t kept on top of your clutter because you have been avoiding going out and rubbish tips across the country have been closed for the majority of the peak of the pandemic. Luckily, the rubbish tips have reopened, so now you have the opportunity to have a major clear out. However, if it is your clothing that is causing the clutter, it is a better idea to donate your unwanted clothes to a charity shop opposed to dumping it a rubbish tip, because charities will benefit from your donation, so your clear out will benefit society which is something that is needed in these tough economic times we have ahead of us.
Upcycle preloved belongings
Upcycling can turn into a fun past time and it also gives you something to do if you are running out of things to do. It also gives you the chance to restore or save items which you are founding, this can feel very rewarding. It is also good for the environment to upcycle as new materials are not being sourced to create a new product.
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