Toronto Buildings design, Ontario architecture developments, Canadian architects practices, Real estate images

Toronto Buildings: Architecture

Ontario Architectural Developments, Canada, North America

post updated February 1, 2025

We have 3 pages of Toronto Architecture selections with links to many individual project pages.

Toronto Architecture : news + key projects

Toronto Building Designs : A-J

Toronto Buildings : K-Z (this page)


Buildings in Toronto

We’ve selected what we feel are the key examples of Toronto Building Designs. We aim to include projects that are either of top quality or interesting, or ideally both.

We cover completed buildings, new building designs and architecture competitions across Ontario. The focus is on contemporary buildings but information on traditional buildings is also welcome.


Toronto Building Developments

Ontario Architecture Designs, K-Z, arranged chronologically:

11 Feb 2013
Pop-Up Office
Design: DUBBELDAM Architecture + Design
Pop-Up Office Design Toronto buildings
photo from architect office
Pop-Up Office
The POP-UP Office is an installation that explores the evolving way in which we work. Using modular units that can be combined in different ways, the result is a workspace that is simultaneously bare bones and tailored to the individual.

16 Oct 2012
Whale House
Design: Atelier Reza Aliabadi > rzlbd
Toronto house
photo : borXu Design
New Toronto House
The Whale house is another spatial experiment by rzlbd, a monochromic contemporary manifesto that evolves around a central detached box painted in red standing free inside a three storey height foyer. The building appears to have swallowed the box symbolizing the contemplation space inside the spacious jaw of the whale that swallowed Jonah.

13 Aug 2012
Mirage, Underpass Park
Architects: Paul Raff Studio
Mirage Underpass Park Toronto
image : Cassandra Hryniw
Mirage Underpass Park
Internationally acclaimed artist and architect Paul Raff unveils permanent sculpture at Underpass Park’s opening. One of Toronto’s most innovative urban parks, Underpass Park, a two and a half acre mixed-use space tucked beneath the Eastern Avenue ramps opened on Thursday, August 2nd.

June 2012
Windscape – The Festival Hub at David Pecaut Square
Diamond Schmitt Architects
Windscape Toronto
picture Courtesy of Diamond Schmitt Architects
Windscape Luminato Toronto

17 May 2012
Patio House, Nortown
Atelier Reza Aliabadi > rzlbd
Patio House
photograph : borXu Design
Patio House Toronto
Patio House, located in the Nortown area in Toronto, Ontario, is a minimalist two-storey wood structure house, which carefully responds to three major questions: the needs of the residents, the situation of the site, and the environmental concerns. Being located in a corner lot, the building maintains a presentable façade for the residential street while controlling sun exposure from the west.

18 Apr, 2012
Osgoode Hall Law School, York University
Diamond Schmitt Architects
Osgoode Hall Law School Building
photo : Horst Herget Photography
Law School Building Toronto
A newly transformed Osgoode Hall Law School opened officially today at York University in Toronto. An extensive renovation and expansion of the 43-year-old facility adds study and administrative space and brings a welcome infusion of natural light and improved amenities to better serve Canada’s largest law school with more than 1000 students and 155 full-time and adjunct faculty.


Toronto Building Projects

Toronto Architecture, K-Z, listed alphabetically:

Pan American Games Pavilion – Architecture Competition
Pan Am Games Pavilion
picture from architect student
Pan American Games Pavilion

Red Bull Queen West
Johnson Chou
Red Bull Toronto
photo : Tom Arban
Red Bull Toronto

Seaton New Town, Toronto
Seaton New Town concept
image from architects
Seaton New Town

Sherbourne Park Pavilion Building
Teeple Architects
Sherbourne Park Pavilion
image from architects
Sherbourne Park Pavilion


Toronto Architectural Developments

Major Toronto Architectural Designs, no images, alphabetical:

Leslie L Dan School of Pharmacy, University of Toronto
Foster & Partners

Lester B. Pearson International Airport Building

Moshe Safdie Architects

National Ballet School of Canada – Dance school campus, Jarvis St
KPMB/GBCA (Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg with Goldsmith Borgal & Company Limited Architects)

OCAD Extension – Ontario College of Art & Design, McCaul Street

Will Alsop Architect
Sharp Centre for Design: nicknamed ‘Tabletop’
adj to Art Gallery of Ontario – AGO

Renaissance ROM Extension to Royal Ontario Museum
Studio Libeskind

Royal Conservatory of Music Redevelopment
Opposite Royal Ontario Museum by Studio Libeskind

Sugar Beach – proposal, Jarvis St
Claude Cormier landscape architects
Design competition
For Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation

Terrence Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research
Behnisch Architekten with architects Alliance
Client: University of Toronto
RIBA Awards – RIBA International Awards 2006

Toronto Airport – Terminal 1
Moshe Safdie and David Childs

Toronto Dominion Centre Building

Mies van der Rohe, Architect

Toronto Lester Pearson International Airport Building expansion
Moshe Safdie and Associates Inc with Skidmore Owings & Merrill and Adamson Architects

Waterfront Toronto
Selection of Steven Holl Architects to design District Energy Centre in the West Don Lands: Waterfront Toronto

University of Toronto Graduate housing
Morphosis Architecture with Teeple Architects

More Ontario Buildings online soon

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Toronto Architecture

Ontario Architecture Designs – chronological list

Toronto Building News

New Toronto Houses

American Architecture

Toronto Architect

Toronto Architecture exhibition : Will Alsop show

Donald Chong Studio

Frank Gehry, born in Toronto

SMC Alsop : WESTside Lofts

Toronto architect studio : KPMB

Canadian Architecture

Toronto architect office : Hariri Pontarini Architects

Comments / photos for the Toronto ArchitectureOntario Building Developments page welcome

Toronto, Ontario