UVE Saint Agustíne Club House Design, Buenos Aires Sports Facility, Argentina Architecture Images

UVE Saint Agustíne in Buenos Aires

Sports Facility Development Argentina design by Además arquitectura

17 Jan 2019

UVE Saint Agustíne Sports Facility

Design: Además arquitectura

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America

UVE Saint Agustíne

The demolition works had already begun before the design stage started. Además arquitectura had to agree to two premises that were requested from the client. First, the roof material which was going to replace de existing one, already worn out, and second, its final height.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

Since this premise, corrugated black metal was the starting point of the Project.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

This mixed use demanded a proper articulation between the public and the private program. During the day, the Soccer courts are used by the school students while at night, rented for public use. Therefore architecture should respond to these changing demands.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

This shifting uses, reconditioning a deteriorated house into a new office, a private loft and the complementary spaces that the sporting activities demanded such as a warehouse, a locker room and a kitchen, led us to the final shape.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

A new volume was created complementary to the existing one, conceiving an exterior self-determined space between both volumes. Perceived not only as a hallway but also as a visual frame towards the adjacent soccer courts.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

The bigger volume contains the most relevant use, the office and the private loft. On the one hand, the office is in close relation to the public areas and the soccer courts while on the other, the loft, has its own patio and maintains its privacy, hiding the front door within the external facade.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

Corrugated metal is the main material, cladding the roof and the entire exterior facade at the same time.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

Both volumes are attached together by the natural extension (continuity) of the roof pitch and its structure, covered by translucent corrugated plastic. Both sides together create a “V” shape canopy, giving a sense of harmony. Rather than closing in, it´s shape and materials create a feeling of freedom and openness.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

Concrete, corrugated metal, plastic sheets and brick are the main materials of the Project.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

Structural and material expression combines towards a simple and “technological” architecture.

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

UVE Saint Agustíne, Buenos Aires – Building Information

Recycling-extending for a flexible and mixed-use
Type: Sports, office and private loft use. Recycling and extension.
Project Location (Street, City, State, Country): Eduardo Arana 636, Monte Grande, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(-34.810695, -58.460986)
Architects: Además arquitectura
Lead Architects: Leandro A. Gallo,Florencia Speroni and Máximo Bertoia.
Collaboration: Ignacio Bubis
Project year: 2018
Area: 218,9 sqm
Structure: Ing. Andrés Moscatelli

1. Casa Mandresa (Constructionmaterials)
2. Insuma Sur (structure and metal sheet)
3. Casa Fernandes (instalaciones sanitarias)
4.Indelama (woodwork)
5. Kromacolor (paint)
6. San Pietro porcelanato (porcelain tiles)

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

UVE Saint Agustine in Buenos Aires

Photographs / Web Site: Gonzalo Viramonte / https://www.flickr.com/photos/gonzaloviramonte/

UVE Saint Agustíne in Buenos Aires images / information from Estudio Ramos

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America

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