MG Houses, Córdoba Homes, Argentinan Concrete Buildings Project, Architecture Photography

MG Houses in Cordoba

Contemporary Two Family Residences in Argentina design by Cabanillas Gonzalo, architect

21 Apr 2019

Casas MG in Argentina

Architecture: Cabanillas Gonzalo

Location: Country Field of Flight III, Lot 04C. Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, South America

MG Houses in Cordoba

The MG Houses are located in a residential neighborhood about 18 km from the city of Cordoba. The basic idea of the houses was to preserve the great unevenness of the terrain and the stunning views of the place to the small mountains.

MG Houses Cordoba


At the beginning of the design process, it is clear the idea of creating a pure architecture in which the noble materials are the protagonists and the functionality will adapt to their lifestyle. The combination of concrete, brick and iron guided the design from the beginning.

New Houses in Cordoba

Homes in Cordoba

Each house is composed of a simple and rectangular volume, with a simple distribution. Conformed by the social area, toilette and suite, which are linked by an extensive gallery throughout the house. In which the barbecue is incorporated in one end and in the other the pool raised in height.

Properties in Cordoba

At street level are the terraces of vaults in which both garages and income to the houses are developed. These terraces are composed of four metal structures opposed to the language of the houses, thus separating them from them.

MG Houses in Cordoba New Houses in Cordoba design by Cabanillas Gonzalo, architect

We wanted to create a sensory impact when entering the house, projecting the income through a closed staircase in which the retaining wall of exposed concrete takes center stage as opposed to the visual opening when accessing the home.

Contemporary Two Family Residences in Argentina design by Cabanillas Gonzalo, architect

The interiors are made of wooden furniture and their arrangement leaves enough space for free circulation. The sand colored microcement forms the entire floor thus achieving a greater bond in all environments.

New Two Family Residences in Argentina design by Cabanillas Gonzalo, architect

New Houses in Cordoba design by Cabanillas Gonzalo architect


Casas MG se encuentran ubicadas en un barrio residential a unos 18 km de la ciudad de Cordoba. La idea básica de las viviendas fue preservar el gran desnivel del terreno y las impactantesvistas del lugar a las sierras chicas.

Property design by Cabanillas Gonzalo architect

Al inicio del processo de diseño, quedo en claro la idea de crear una arquitectura pura en la que los materiales nobles sean los protagonistas y la funcionalidad se adaptara a su estilo de vida. La combinación de hormigón, ladrillo y hierro guió el diseño desde el inicio.

MG Houses in Cordoba MG Houses in Cordoba 13

Cada vivienda esta compuesta por un volumen simple y rectangular, con una sencilla distribución. Conformada por el área social, toilette y la suite, los cuales están vinculados por una extensa galería a lo largo de toda la vivienda. En la cual se incorpora en un extremo la barbacoa y en el otro la piscina elevada en altura.

MG Houses in Cordoba

A nivel de la calle se encuentran las terrazas de bovedillas en la cual se desarrollan ambos garajes e ingresos a las viviendas. Dichas terrazas se compone de cuatro estructuras metálicas opuestas al lenguaje de las viviendas logrando así separarse de la mismas.

Se busco crear un impacto sensitivo al ingresar a la vivienda, proyectando el ingreso por una escalera cerrada en la cual toma protagonismo el muro de contención de hormigón visto en contraposición con la apertura visual al acceder a la hogar.

Los interiores están hechos de muebles de madera y su disposición deja espacios suficientes para la libre circulación.El microcemento color arena conforma la totalidad del piso logrando así un mayor vinculo en todos los ambientes.

New property design by Cabanillas Gonzalo architect

MG Houses, Córdoba – Building Information

Architecture: Cabanillas Gonzalo
Architects authors of the work: Cabanillas Gonzalo
Location (street, commune, city, country): La cuesta, Cordoba, Argentina
Year construction term: 2018
Surface built: 260 sqm

Construction: Concrete, exposed brick

Brands / Products
1. Ferrum
2. Portobello
3. FV
4. Mocona
5. Aluar

MG Houses in Cordoba

MG Houses in Cordoba

Photographer: Gonzalo Viramonte

MG Houses in Cordoba images / information received 210419

Location: Country Field of Flight III, Lot 04C. Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, South America

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Website: Argentina