Slävik Summerhouse in Sweden Property

Summer Houses Slävik

Design: Fahlander Arkitekter AB. The summerhouse is located between two fjords on the Swedish northern west coast. The site is surrounded by a national park and nature characterised by rounded granite rocks and windswept trees.

For many generations, members of a large family have spent their summers here. There are no visible plot boundaries, living standards are simple, the sea and the surrounding nature are the main attractions.

House G12 on Lake Constance Property

G12 House

Architect: (se)arch architekten bda. In some ways, the architect duo of Stefanie and Stephan Eberding have followed the tradition of avant-garde flexibility projects of Classic Moderne with their experimental living House G12 at Überlingen on the lake Constance.

This new design was also based on the idea of extending the available space and experience of space by making the inner space configuration flexible.

San Vicente House, California Property

Ramona Residence 5

Design: McClean Design. Designed for a family with three small girls this house needed to respond to the busy street it is located on. We came up with a sequence of entry which uses several devices to separate the occupants from the noise beyond.

The drive court is screened from the street by high gates and tall landscaped elements. This area connects to an inner courtyard through a curving glass screen designed to allow the light to pass through but shield from the cars and noise.

La Caracola seashore house, Pacific Ocean

La Caracola seashore house

Design: PAUL CREMOUX studio. Located at Tres Vidas Golf Course seashore of the Pacific Ocean, this house is integrated by a set of boxes that are displayed in order to enjoy a variety of different views.

The heart of the house remains as an open central space which gathers the ground level deck and the swimming pool area. These four boxes integrate indoors and outdoors, relating private areas with the public ones. Designed to produce large overhangs, concrete boxes act as grate shaders ideal for this tropical climate.

The Library House, Bangalore Property

Library House Bangalore

Design: Khosla Associates. The brief for this house was a well-articulated document that delved into the nuances of how this family of 3 wanted to live. The family, comprising an entrepreneur-industrialist, married to a bohemian writer and with a teenage daughter, wanted the house to reflect the diverse range of their lives.
The clients required privacy from staff and casual visitors. They needed a peaceful oasis from the stresses of life.

Casa Guaiume in São Paulo

Casa Guaiume

Design: 24.7 Arquitetura Design

The site is located in Sousas, one of four districts from the city of Campinas-São Paulo, a place that keeps very peculiar characteristics, with provincial air, protected from Campinas high degree of industrialization even though being situated only 10 km from the busy downtown.
The building sits over the highest part of condo and overlooks Serra das Cabras southwest portion, the highest point of Campinas.

Daeyang Gallery and House Seoul Building

Daeyang Gallery and House

Design: Steven Holl Architects. The Daeyang Gallery and House in Seoul, Korea has received a 2012 Annual Design Review Award in the Live Category. 29 May 2012 – About the Daeyang Gallery and House, which opened in June 2012, juror Mark Yoes particularly noted “the way the project integrates ideas about natural light, water, landscape, and materiality into such a coherent statement.”

Cliff House Washington Residence

Cliff House

Design: Scott Allen, Olson Sundberg Kunding Allen (OSKA) Architects. Tucked against the wall of a natural cliff and right on the water’s edge in Gig Harbor, Washington, this project answered the unique challenges of its site. The footprint for the new structure replaces an old guest house and boathouse, and was limited in its size by an agreement through a regulatory process.

ViILA NM New York – American House

ViILA NM New York

Design: UNStudio Architects. Sadly on February 5th 2008 this family summerhouse in Catskills, Upstate New York was destroyed by fire. The house was a simple rectilinear form floating above landscape, thus evoking seminal modern houses by Mies van er Rohe (Farnsworth) and Philip Johnson in America. The residential building was realised in April 2007.