Stadio Flaminio Roma, Modern Rome stadium building photos, 20C architect design

Stadio Flaminio Building

20th Century Arena in Italy design by Pier Luigi Nervi architect-engineer.

post updated 30 November 2024

Dates built: 1960

Design: Pier Luigi Nervi

Stadio Flaminio One of Twelve Recipients of Getty Foundation’s Keeping It Modern Grants

Grant for: Universitá degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”

Stadio Flaminio Rome building
photo © Oscar Savio. Courtesy Pier Luigi Nervi Project Association, Brussels

1 Aug 2017

Stadio Flaminio, Rome

Designed for the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, the Stadio Flaminio is one of Pier Luigi Nervi’s most celebrated buildings. Nervi was a prolific architect and engineer, who explored the boundaries of reinforced concrete with daring technological innovations and expressive concepts.

By creating an arena that could hold 45,000 people, Nervi succeeded in a structural engineering feat for the time—transforming concrete into gravity-defying forms. Stadio Flaminio is one of many arenas and sports buildings designed by Nervi and reflects his numerous years of experience.

With the stadium fully executed by the Nervi family’s architectural firm and designed in partnership with his son Antonio, Nervi had unique freedom to implement some of the structural engineering innovations in reinforced concrete and ferro- (or thin-) shell cement that he had been developing for decades. Although originally designed to host soccer matches, the venue has been used for other activities throughout the years, including rugby games and concerts.

In 2011, despite its architectural and historic importance, the stadium was decommissioned due to declining use. The Municipality of Rome recognizes the importance of the venue and will develop a conservation plan to guide the stadium’s restoration and revitalization.

The plan will include analysis of the building’s architecturally significant elements, investigation of its structural stability, and scientific research of materials. The conservation plan for Stadio Flaminio sends a strong signal of the city’s support for modern architecture and is a positive step in the long-term stewardship of Nervi’s large body of work.

Grant support: €161,000

Stadio Flaminio Building images / information from The Getty Foundation

Getty Foundation Keeping it Modern 2017 Grants

Stadio Flaminio Roma architect : Pier Luigi Nervi

Another Stadium building in Rome by Pier Luigi Nervi on e-architect:

Palazzetto dello Sport
Dates built: 1957

Design: Pier Luigi Nervi

Indoor arena

Location: Piazza Apollodoro, north Rome

Photographs © Adrian Welch Feb 2008

Palazzetto dello Sport Roma Palazzetto dello Sport Rome

Capacity: 3,500 seats

Also known as the PalaTiziano and PalaFlaminio.

Built for the 1960 Summer Olympics.

Palazzetto dello Sport in Rome

Location: Stadio Flaminio, Rome, Italy, southern Europe

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