Best casino building layouts, Gaming resort hotel accommodation, Gambling property design
The Psychology of Casino Layouts
10 Oct 2019
Take a moment to think about the layout of your local grocery store. What elements come to mind? Fresh items such as bread and fruit tend to be placed near the entrance; their smells enticing custom
ers. Frozen foods are placed to the rear; forcing clients to browse through other aisles in the hopes that further purchases will be made. Candies and reading materials are found near the checkout queues so that impulse purchases can occur while waiting to pay.
Of course, all of these methods take human psychology into account. It therefore stands to reason that casino designers and architects will pay attention to similar metrics. What are some of the strategies employed and what effects can they have upon players?
Casino Layout Psychology Guide
The Notion of a Refuge
Casinos can feel quite overwhelming; particularly for those who may be arriving for the first time. This is why many traditional designs incorporate lower ceilings and smaller playing spaces. Such attributes provide individuals with an innate sense of comfort; a mental “refuge” from the flashing lights and ringing bells that might be found nearby.
By offering a notion of comfort, players are more likely to become actively engaged with what is being offered. This also increases the chances that they will spend more during any single visit; an obvious advantage from the point of view of the establishment in question. This comfort is then bolstered by opulent settings and amenable employees. In other words, players should feel as if they are visiting a home away from home as opposed to an enterprise that is primarily designed to take their money.
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Keeping the Player Entertained for Longer Periods of Time
It is also logical to assume that modern casino architecture should be developed in such a way as to entice a player to remain for longer periods of time. Those who stay on the floor for hours will obviously spend more money as well as increase their chances of winning.
This is why many casinos are designed in a maze-like fashion. To be clear, they are not necessarily attempting to confuse visitors or cause them to feel lost. This type of design is instead intended to showcase all that the establishment has to offer.
Visual appeal is just as important, as a sloppy or otherwise unkempt atmosphere will negatively affect the branding of the casino in question. So, cleaning staff are on duty 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Architects will likewise employ a substantial amount of stainless steel, chrome and glass within the design of the casino. These provide the illusion of space and they naturally appeal to the eye.
It is therefore clear to appreciate that psychology plays an important role when discussing the design of a casino. This is why the planning stages may take years to complete (while costing into the hundreds of millions of pounds or even higher). If constructed properly, the casino will enjoy a massive return on investment while attracting players from all walks of life.
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