Terrazas House, Villa Allende, Córdoba Residence, Argentinian Real Estate Design, Architecture Photography

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa in Córdoba

24 Mar 2022

Design: Eighth Studio Cba

Location: Villa Allende, Cordoba, Argentina

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba

Photos: Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa, Argentina

The Terrazas House is a single-family house, located in one of the neighborhoods near the sierras chicas in the city of Villa Allende; designed for a family of four, a young couple with two small children.

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba Argentina

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba Argentina

Respectful implementation
The implantation is a response to the topography of the place where it sits. The terrain slopes from West to East with interesting views of the city and an imposing presence of native vegetation.

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba

The studied location of the openings and lights junto to the use of filters and mobile skins generates that natural light is the protagonist in the different times of the day and seasons of the year.

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba Argentina

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba

Functional and volumetric simplicity
The party takes the natural slope with its irregularities and develops in 2 volumes that make its function clear.
A low part of vehicular storage, engine room and pedestrian access. A main volume in a situation of direct connection with the outside where all social activities are developed and a high part for the private areas of the program, its set proposes domestic habitat in dialogue with the topographic accident.

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba

The careful choice of its materials seeks not to fall into ostentation or resort to ornaments. As a result, materiality was thought of trying to achieve an image consistent with the thought and way of life of its inhabitants. The house was built with a traditional system of ceramic brick masonry and stone cladding, slab of joists and ceramic bricks, suspended ceilings of plaster rock plate, wooden and aluminum openings with double hermetic glazing. The shutters and doors are made of sheet metal and spout.

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba Argentina

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa in Córdoba, Argentina – Building Information

Architecture Office: Eighth Studio Cba – https://www.instagram.com/octavaestudio_cba/

Contact email: [email protected]
Country of Office: Argentina

Year of completion: 2022
Constructed area: 274 sqm
Location: Villa Allende, Cordoba, Argentina

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa Córdoba Argentina

Photographer: Architect Gonzalo Viramonte

Vivienda Terrazas de la Villa, Córdoba images / information received 240322

Location: Córdoba, Argentina, South America

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