LVP House, Cañuelas Country Golf, South American Architecture, Argentina Property, Córdoba Real Estate Photos

LVP House in Cañuelas Country Golf

5 Jan 2023

Design: FLV arquitectura

Location: Cañuelas Country Golf, Cordoba, Argentina

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Cordoba

Photos: Arch Gonzalo Viramonte

LVP House, Argentina

The LVP House is located in a private neighborhood in the southern area of Córdoba, on an irregularly shaped corner site.

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Cordoba

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Cordoba

On its shorter side the entrance of the house is projected together with the social area, and on the longer side a blind façade is projected on which the private area of the house rests.

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Cordoba

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Cordoba

To differentiate both functions, a contrast of volumes, levels and heights is established, which are evidenced by the façade of the house.

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Argentina

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Argentina

The social area of the house is defined by a 3.50 high exposed concrete slab, which seems to float uninterruptedly covering the living room, kitchen and gallery.

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Argentina

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Argentina

The entrance of the house is raised through steps to give it more hierarchy and accompany the scale of the social area to which it is entered.

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf Argentina

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf

To access the private sector of the house, descends to street level through steps, which communicate with the distribution area of the bedrooms, leaving them at garden level. These are projected in a strip and communicated through a corridor that is accompanied by a light patio closed to the street through a concrete wall, generating privacy and giving warmth to this environment.

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf

On the counter façade of the house, the contrast of volumes between the social and the private is again evident, the first being raised above the level of the garden.

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf LVP House Cordoba Argentina

LVP House in Cañuelas Country Golf, Cordoba, Argentina – Building Information

Architecture Office: FLV arquitectura –
Website: Instagram: flv_arquitectura
e-mail: [email protected]
Argentina country
Completion year: 2022
Built Area: 425sqm
Location: Cañuelas Country Golf, Cordoba, Argentina

LVP House Cañuelas Country Golf

LVP House Cordoba Argentina

Photography: Arch Gonzalo Viramonte

LVP House, Cañuelas Country Golf Cordoba images / information received 050123

Location: Cañuelas Country Golf, Córdoba, Argentina, South America

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