Casa CT, Córdoba Province real estate photos, South American architecture, Modern Argentina property
Casa CT in Barrio Colonia Norte, Cordoba
15 August 2023
Architecture: MZ Arquitectos
Location: Barrio Colonia Norte, Córdoba, Argentina
Photos by Gonzalo Viramonte
Casa CT, Argentina
Once again, the blank sheet and the premises on the part of the principal are put together. Once again, MZ Arquitectos have put creativity to work to achieve what is expected.
The double-height dining room was the axis. That was our Messi. The rest, ten more. And from there, to work: Achieve a good orientation so that such a space does not exceed the energy consumption for heating and cooling.
On the ground floor, we made an L-shaped layout, with the kitchen supplying both the barbecue area and the dining room. The barbecue area has the particularity of having the barbecue outside! Yes, so as not to generate bad odors in the environment. Garage for two cars, social bathroom, laundry room and study finished closing it.
Upstairs, the surprise: A mega bridge that crosses the double height of the living-dining room, with glass railings that allow a perfect balcony. That bridge is finished off by the master bedroom, separated from the other, en suite.
The chosen luminaire ends up giving a fantastic imprint to the space that, with materials such as wood and concrete, achieve a full sensation of warmth.
On the façade, a white cantilevered volume above configures the front. The eaves of W profiles hierarchize the entrance next to the exposed reinforced concrete partition.
In winter, the temperature inside was around 24 degrees, without using the heating. That is the game we played and, clearly, we won. Cheers champion!
Una vez más, se juntan la hoja en blanco y las premisas por parte del comitente. Una vez más, hay que poner la creatividad a trabajar para lograr lo que se espera.
El estar comedor en doble altura era el eje. Ese era nuestro Messi. El resto, diez más. Y de ahí, a trabajar: Lograr una buena orientación para que semejante espacio no exceda los consumos de energía para calefaccionar y refrigerar.
En planta baja, hicimos un planteo en L, con la cocina abasteciendo tanto al quincho como al estar comedor. ¡El quincho, tiene la particularidad de tener el asador afuera! Si, para no generar malos olores dentro del ambiente. Cochera para dos autos baño social, lavadero y estudio terminan de cerrarla.
En planta alta, la sorpresa: Un mega puente que atraviesa la doble altura del estar comedor, con barandas de vidrio que permiten un balconeo perfecto. Ese puente tiene como remate el dormitorio principal, separado del otro, en suite.
La luminaria elegida termina de darle una impronta fantástica al espacio que, con materiales como madera y hormigón, logran una sensación plena de calidez.
En fachada, un volumen blanco en voladizo arriba configura el frente. El alero de perfiles W jerarquiza el ingreso junto al tabique de hormigón armado a la vista.
En invierno, la temperatura interior rondaba los 24 grados, sin usar la calefacción. Ese es el partido que jugamos y, claramente, ganamos. ¡Salud campeón!
Casa CT in Cordoba, Argentina – Property Information
Architects: MZ Arquitectos –
Contact email: [email protected]
Office Country: Argentina
Construction completion year: 2022
Constructed area: 350.00 sqm
Location: Colonia Norte neighborhood, Córdoba, Argentina
additional credits
Architects in Charge: Marchetti Guillermo – Zuliani Emiliano
Design Team: Marchetti Guillermo – Zuliani Emiliano
Engineering: Mattiuz – Lozano structural advisers
Photography Credits: Arch. Gonzalo Viramonte
Instagram Photographer: @gonzaloviramonte
Photographer E-mail: [email protected]
Casa CT, Barrio Colonia Norte, Cordoba images / information received 150823 from Gonzalo Viramonte
Location:Córdoba, Argentina, South America
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Comments / photos for the Casa CT in Barrio Colonia Norte, Cordoba in Argentina design by MZ Arquitectos page welcome