Ozarks Education Center, Arkansas, USA

Education Center Ozarks Arkansas

The Bull Shoals Field Station is an existing research location for Missouri State University students located within the Ozarks. The BNIM designed Ozarks Education Center provides a new location for education and research by MSU faculty and students, other universities, visiting high school students, and non-profit organizations in Arkansas, USA

Medivet Pet Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia

Medivet Pet Hospital Jakarta Indonesia

For owners of furry friends, taking care of the little critters’ needs, especially their health and grooming is no easy matter. As all of the Bitte Design Studio founders are pet owners, the team took on the challenge of designing Medivet Pet Hospital, a vet clinic at the busy neighbourhood of Cikajang in Indonesia.

The Cantabrian Maritime Museum restaurant, Santander

The MMC restaurant Santander

Designed by Zooco, the Restaurant MMC project, in Santander, Spain, provides the museum with a new space on the second floor to house its restaurant and terrace. To accomplish this, the project involved the creation of a new volume that provides a solution to the pathologies present in the roof and façade of the building

Cottesloe House, Perth, Western Australia

Cottesloe House Perth Western Australia

Form Homes’ renovation of a small 1990’s family home in Perth, Australia, created new spaces but retained the original home’s atmosphere where possible. Their solution was simple – remove the roof and add a new bedroom wing above the existing brick shell converting the entire ground level into communal family spaces.