Des Forges Residence, Mauricie, Québec

Des Forges Residence, Mauricie, Québec

Designed by Bourgeois / Lechasseur architects the Des Forges Residence project reflects a powerful creative vision that respects the cultural heritage of the Boulevard des Forges area. Inspired by a narrative that calls on nature and culture, in which tales and legends have been fed by the surrounding natural setting in Quebec

Yeats House, Richmond, British Columbia

Yeats House, Richmond, British Columbia

Designed by BLA Design Group, the Yeats House is a spacious modern barn house which takes advantage of an irregular lot and a large rear yard. The clients asked for a modern yet comfortable home for their growing family. The home needed to serve a young family well; providing a central gathering space that encourages time spent together

The Break House, Saint-Hyppolite, Quebec

The Break House, Saint-Hyppolite, Quebec

MU Architecture’s ambitious program, combined with a particularly narrow lot, required the construction of a new house in the place of an existing one. Built on the shore of Lake Revdor, in Quebec, Canada, The Break Residence reveals different faces, depending on whether it is discovered from the water or the ground