Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly, USA eviction crisis, Williamsport Architecture, American Building News

Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly

Review of American Architectural Aspects: Architectural Column by Joel Solkoff, PA, USA September 26, 2021


“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” — US football legend Vince Lombardi

1865 building City of Williamsport, Pennsylvania
photo © Frankie Rasole

This photograph was taken from my apartment on the ground floor of the 1865 building which is the most important building in the City of Williamsport. The 82 year old woman struggling with the door is en route to a doctor’s office specializing in advanced work on retinas. As she enters the door, she is thinking, no doubt, “I hope I do not have to go blind.”


Joel Solkoff’s Column Vol. VII, Number 5

September 26, 2021.. Rural Williamsport, Pennsylvania, population 28,186. {By contrast, New York City’s population is 8.4 million. Distance between them 192 immeasurable miles).


The long crawl to the doctor’s office begins here

Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly doctors office trip
photo © Joel Solkoff

Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly

Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly
photo © Frankie Rasole

Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly
photo © Joel Solkoff


Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly
photo © Joel Solkoff

The return crawl home

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Video by Joel Solkoff with appreciation to John Yogoozinski, thegraphichive.com

This is the glorious Park Place ( completed 1865) where there is a ramp leading down to the offending door.

Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly
photo © Frankie Rasole

My Landlord’s Draconian Response

Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly
photo © Joel Solkoff

“All politics is local”

“The phrase all politics is local is commonly used in United States politics. Variations of the phrase date back to 1932.[1] The former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Tip O’Neill is most closely associated with this phrase, although he did not originate it.

Musical Interlude

Note we welcome the return of Blondie to Glasgow for the critical Climate Summit in October in Glasgow, Scotland, our home.


Guest Essay: Helping Autistic Children During the Pandemic

Inclusive Building Design: How to Accommodate the Needs of Children With Autism

Today, approximately one in 54 children has autism in the United States, and as the number of diagnoses keeps growing, inclusive building design is becoming more important than ever. From hypersensitivity of senses to difficulties understanding indirect cues, autism brings a different way of experiencing the world. For building design professionals, providing an appropriate sensory environment should therefore be vital.

Daily Torture of the Disabled & Elderly
photo © Joel Solkoff

It’s recommended to avoid any unnecessary pomposity: instead of sharp edges and majestic elements, organic and clean curves are more suitable. To avoid sensory overload, there should also be a smooth transition between different rooms.In buildings such as schools, providing alternative entrances and routes gives children with autism the comfort of choice. In addition to this, it’s also vital to incorporate calm-inducing spaces that children can use as a refuge when they need to reduce overstimulation.

Ultimately, every design element should have its designated purpose to help children with autism orient themselves easily and develop routines quickly. For example, a carpet square in a classroom can be immediately identified as an informal, resting area.

Construction and design professionals should also pay close attention to acoustics, lighting (with earth tones and no buzzing sounds), and material and color choices.Minimalist, functional spaces that connect well with each other, together with unified themes and textures, are generally the best way to approach this important task.


Estee Rothstein, BCBA and Executive Director at Golden Care Therapy, a New Jersey based provider of in-home ABA therapy for children with autism.

Copyright © 2021 by Estee Rothstein. All rights reserved.



Joel Solkoff的屏幕截图





我教我的女儿阿米莉亚(Amelia),现在是南方的一位白人警官,以纪念马丁·路德·(Martin Luther King)

因为她是我的女儿,所以阿米莉亚·阿尔塔琳娜(Amelia Altalena)敬仰马丁·路德·金·(Martin Luther King Junior)。

军官Amelia Altalena摄影:Joel Solkoff

黑人的命也是命。黑人或女性的生活与我的生活,女儿的生活和孙女的生活一样重要。白宫的普茨上个月刚刚签署了一项很好的立法,该立法将为大屠杀教育提供联邦资金。创造了“大屠杀”一词的埃利·维塞尔(Eli Wiesel)断言,对奥斯威辛集中营的记忆不仅仅局限于犹太人在那段时间发生的事情。


乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)的死是可以理解的,但骚乱只是冰山一角。上周,马丁·路德·金三世(Martin Luther King III)写道:“正如我父亲一生所解释的那样,骚乱是闻所未闻的语言。“





伊莎贝尔·隆霍尔特(Isabelle Lomholt)和艾德里安·韦尔奇(Adrian Welch),e-architect的编辑

“晚安,祝你们好运,”我的英雄爱德华·R·莫罗(Edward R. Morrow)曾说:



Translated by Zhao Yang

[email protected]

Joel’s next column: We Who are About to Die Salute You

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Copyright © 2021 by Joel Solkoff. All rights reserved.

My editors beckon: “All right, stop writing, Joel.”

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Joel Solkoff, US Editor, e-architect, USA Please feel free to phone me at US 570-772-4909 or send an e-mail [email protected]

Copyright © 2021 by Joel Solkoff. All rights reserved. ==30==

Film on YouTube

Copyright © 2021 by Joel Solkoff. All rights reserved.

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