How to grow your customer base in Dubai guide, UAE business model advice, Arabian design

How to Grow Your Customer Base in Dubai

18 November 2021

If you are thinking of becoming a business owner, you have probably investigated other occupations, such as a landlord or working for other companies. You probably have developed a business model. You have good product and service, and you know what to sell and how to sell it. The only question is, where should you locate it in Dubai?

The answer to the question depends on how you want to grow your customer base, what the cost of sale of your apartment is, and what strategy you want to pursue to make your business thrive.

How to grow your customer base in Dubai

Read on to discover how grow your customer base in Dubai, UAE:

Exposure to customer base

The first method of growing your customer base, and perhaps the simplest, is through exposure. In short, exposure all comes down to location and, in Dubai, there are many locations that you can choose to increase your business’s exposure.

For example, you can locate your business in Jumeriah Lake Towers (JLT) or International City in Dubai. These locations will often have tourist attractions, such as restaurants, apartments, hotels, and apartmentping malls. If you get a location near these attractions, curious tourists and residents will want to come in to visit your store.

There are also places in Dubai that will give you even more exposure. These include The Walk JBR and the Marina Walk. These places are boardwalks lined with stores. In these cases, your product will have to be more unique than the others on the boardwalk or, alternatively, you can make your building stand out through colorful advertising on the walk.

This method will have you competing over a customer base if your good or service is too like those on the Walk. However, if your product or service is of better quality than those you are competing with and your price is low enough, you will be successful.

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Location – United Arab Emirates

The second method of growing your customer base is by locating your business near places that people ordinarily pass by on a day-to-day basis. This includes placing your business near two of Dubai’s main highways. It can also mean placing your business in the middle of the JBR Walk or at the beginning or end of it. This especially true of placing food stores at the beginning or end of a apartment area. Those walking the boardwalks of the Marina Walk and JBR Walk will probably be tired and would definitely stop in to buy coffee near the end of their apartment, or buy food in the middle to add fuel to keep themselves going.

If you do not want to compete against others on the boardwalks, there is the option of placing your business near public transportation. Dubai has many public transportation stops along the highways, including bus stops, and has many subways.

Placing your business near a bus stop, subway, or strategically locating it on boardwalks and other apartmentping centers are perfect ways to grab the attention of those passing by. If you have a good business name and sell interesting merchandise, goods, or services, eventually curiosity will overtake those passing by and make them visit. In this case, good customer service and high-quality goods and services will keep your new customers coming back.

Residential Towers in UAE

One of the easiest ways to start with a sizable customer base is to get residential apartment for sale in a residential tower. If your product or service is distinct from those already in the tower, you will have a built-in customer base of the thousands if it appeals to almost everybody in the tower. Examples of this include selling coffee, selling jewelry, and other items that most people will buy at least occasionally.

The challenge of having a business in a residential tower is growing your base. Since most businesses are outside of residential towers or by a main highway, your business will have an heir to exclusivity and will be a sort of “secret’ to those not in the know. You will likely also be able to expand your business outside of the tower and into the neighborhood.

The biggest challenge you will have is to grow your business outside of the neighborhood. To do this, you will need to mount an aggressive advertising campaign. Such a campaign must also be backed up by having the highest quality of your product and service in the vicinity, if not the entire city, and you must also back the advertising campaign up by providing the best customer service you can provide. If you can back up your advertising campaign by living up to extremely high standards, you will expand your base. The best way to grow your customer base in this case is through word-of-mouth and a positive reputation.

How to grow your customer base in Dubai – Conclusion

Exposure, Location, and having a built-in customer base though having a residential apartment for sale in residential towers are the three best ways to grow your customer base. These three factors should be considered when choosing the place where you will get your residential apartment for sale. Your decision should then be backed up by providing high-quality customer service and high-quality products or services.

If this sounds like something you can do, we look forward to seeing you getting your very own residential apartment for sale in Dubai Sale soon!

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