Ventura House: Dorset Residence, England

Ventura House, Dorset Residence, Poole Residential Development, English Architecture Ventura House: Property in Poole Residential Property in Poole, Dorset, England, UK – design by David James Architects 5 Mar 2015 Ventura House in Dorset Design: David James Architects Location: Poole, Dorset, England Ventura House – Dorset Residence Poole harbour in Southern England is the second largest … Read more

Lune de Sang Sheds in NSW

Lune de Sang Sheds

Architects: CHROFI. The vision is exceptional in that rather than planting a fast growing crop, various hardwoods of the region have been chosen to establish a rainforest landscape that will take generations to mature. The hardwoods will be tended to maturity and then selectively harvested, the long lifespan of the trees meaning a wait of between 50 and 300 years before the various species fully mature.