Sky Mirror Xintiandi Style, Huangpu Public Realm, Chinese Urban Landscape, Architecture Images

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu

8 Jun 2020

Sky Mirror at Xintiandi Style Shanghai

Design: Lacime Architects

Location: Address: 245 Madang Rd, Huangpu, Shanghai, China

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

Photos © CAAI

Sky Mirror Fights “Social Isolated Island”

From May 25 to June 8, Design Shanghai @ Xintiandi Design Festival was held again. This year’s theme is “Together! – Harmony in Diversity”. This event aims to change the increasingly negative social attitude in the current society, so that each unique individual can show his/her personality and eliminate the resistance, barriers and misunderstanding to communication. As a result, everyone can get together spontaneously!

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

日清设计Lacime Architects对设计节主题进行解读与重构,“天空之镜”由此应运而生。Original Identity Gallery 原境界美术馆作为品牌方参与了新天地入口互动装置的策划展示。
Lacime Architects interprets and reconstructs the theme of the Design Festival, thus the “Sky Mirror” emerges at the right moment. As the branding part, the Original Identity Gallery has participated in the planning and exhibition of the interactive installation at the entrance of Xintiandi.

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

1. 请介绍一下本次参与设计节的作品。
1. Please introduce the work for this Design Festival.

With the theme of “Get Together under Blue Sky” and the derivative meaning of “Sky Mirror”, the work is actually an echo and extension of the design concept of an art hotel designed recently. It tries to guide people to “sit down and looking at the sky together” through the combination of two stainless steel art installations with different functions – the “mirror” and the “chair”, which is an unusual but extremely precious behavior in today’s city.

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

2. 请谈谈此次作品和本次设计节主题“不同而和”是如何呼应的。
2. Please talk about how this work echoes with the Design Festival’s theme of “Harmony in Diversity”.

When you’re wandering around the city and suddenly you hear John Lennon singing his dream from half a century ago on a nearby street corner, will you still feel touched? “People live in harmony under the blue sky”, what a beautiful future utopia Lennon imagined! However, the change of social mechanism has made the real city more and more like an “isolated island of communication”.

Even “looking up to the sky” such simple act becomes particularly precious in the increasingly indifferent and exclusive city where all walks of life live. Therefore, we hope to guide “different walks of life” to “look at the sky” in a harmoniously way through this enlightening art installation. Even if it is only for a moment, it may bring a different experience to the city and the human communication.

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

3. 您如何通过这个装置打造公共文化空间?如何让观众身临其境,获得独特的体验?
3. How do you use this installation to create a public cultural space? How to let the audience gain immersive and unique experience?

Shanghai Xintiandi is a popular destination for millions of people who live in Shanghai. The relationship between “Xintiandi” and “common people” is similar to that in the English novel The Moon and Sixpence. “The moon” is a metaphor for the nobility and beauty of “dreams”, while “sixpence” demonstrates the cruelty and truth of “reality”, which do not hinder your yearning for “the moon” and the pursuit of “dreams”.

As far as our installation is concerned, the relationship between the “sky” and “people looking at the sky” also has this kind of “ideal and reality” relationship on a macro level. Even if only for a moment, it also reveals the right of all people to pursue “dreams”. On the micro level, this work pursues overall visual transparency and high participation.

The setup of doors, holes and seats greatly enhances the participation possibility of adults and children, thus creating a free-flowing space. In addition, the circle originally has the property of “gathering”, which can enhance the sense of domain and spirituality of the place. All these measures aim to make it easier and more natural for people to “sit down and look at the sky”.

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

4. 这段特殊时期有为你的生活和工作带来什么启迪吗?
4. What enlightenment did this particular time bring to your life and work?

Internet and smart phones has changed the mechanism of social activities and made the real city more and more like an “isolated island of communication”. The isolation period caused by the epidemic has undoubtedly aggravated this situation, and the city has become more and more unfeeling and exclusive. As an architect, “gathering” and “separation” is always a topic that can’t be neglected, and this special period has strengthened our thinking on this issue.

With the theme of “Get Together under Blue Sky” and the derivative meaning of “Sky Mirror”, this design work tries to guide people to “sit down and look at the sky together” through the combination of two stainless steel art installations with different functions – the “mirror” and the “chair”, which is an unusual but extremely precious behavior in today’s city. This is also an artistic response to such questions.

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

5. 现阶段如何平衡“Together”和“Social Distance”?
5. How to balance “Together” and “Social Distance” at the present stage?

“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。”(The master said, “the superior man is affable, but not adulatory; the mean man is adulatory, but not affable)我觉得“和”与“同”是两个概念,在中国先秦时期,“和”是一个非常重要的概念,它多指有差异性、多样性的统一,于“同”的同质化是有巨大区别的。比如烹调,必须将酸、甜、苦、辣、咸全调合在一起,达到五味俱全、咸酸适中,才能算上是上等佳肴;又比如音乐,必须将宫、商、角、徵、羽配合到一起,才能达到一种五音共鸣、声在宫商之外的境界,才算是上等美乐。所以我认为“距离与差异”是“和”的前提,“和”因“距离与差异”变得更为多样统一。这也好比我们的作品,“看天”这个过程并不因为“众生象”的参与变得复杂变味,反而我们通过“天空之镜”,让“差异”的个体共同“和”于“看天”这样简单的行为之中,也算是我对“和”与“离”的理解与回应。
Confucius said, “The superior man is affable, but not adulatory; the mean man is adulatory, but not affable.” I think “harmony” and “uniformity” are two concepts. In China’s Pre-Qin period, “harmony” was a very important concept. It mostly refers to the unity of differences and diversity, which is greatly distinct from the homogenization of “uniformity”.

In terms of cooking, a good dish must mix sourness, sweetness, bitterness, spiciness and salt to achieve a perfect combination of five tastes and a moderate proportion of saltiness and acidity. As far as music is concerned, it is necessary to coordinate Do, Re, Mi, So, La, so as to achieve a beautiful and harmonious musical state, and compose a fine and wonderful piece of music.

Therefore, I think “distance and difference” is the premise of “harmony”, and “harmony” becomes more diverse and unified because of “distance and difference”. Just like our work, the process of “looking at the sky” will not be complicated by the participation of “all walks of life”. Similarly, through the “Sky Mirror”, we can “harmonize” “different” individuals with the simple behavior of “looking at the sky”, which is also my understanding of and response to “harmony” and “separation”.

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

6. 你觉得设计节无法被取代的理由是什么?
6. Why do you think that the Design Festival cannot be replaced?

Personally, I think it should be clear that the two concepts of “art” and “design” are not equal, but they can have an interactive relationship. “Art” is the social ideology in the superstructure, which mostly refers to the expression of ideology. “Design” refers more to the form produced by some mechanism or method to solve a particular problem.

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

However, both of them have the same functional attribute – they are attaching to the social and historical development, and focusing on and trying to solve the social and historical development problems in a particular period. The relationship between them is not one of deciding and being decided, but one of mutual influence. In my opinion, the “Design Festival” is more like the carnival of designers who uphold the concept of “designing with artistic thinking”.

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

In this dimension, the “art” and “design” has a harmonious relationship, and we all use different “artistic concepts” and different “design mechanisms” to inspire and solve different social problems. I think that’s the most interesting thing! Just like this work, we use the “ Sky Mirror” to inspire the increasingly indifferent city of “all walks of life”, which is our understanding of and response to the current social situation.

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai

装置名称 | 天空之镜
Name of Installation | Sky Mirror
装置位置 | 复兴中路与马当路交界口,新天地时尚南门广场
Location of Installation | At the intersection of Fuxing Middle Road and Madang Road, the south gate plaza of Xintiandi Style
主设计师 | 赵晶鑫
Chief Designer | Zhao Jingxin
设计团队 | 张铎 冀林娟 申田野 何逸然 王碧婕
Design Team | Zhang Duo, Ji Linjuan, Shen Tianye , He Yiran,Wang Bijie
装置制作 | 上海午忱艺术设计有限公司
Installation Manufacturer | H&H ART DESIGN
摄影团队 | 行知影像
Photography Team | CAAI

Sky Mirror, Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai, China images / information received 080620

Location: Xintiandi Style, Huangpu, Shanghai, China

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