Armada Den Bosch Building, Palesikwartier Holland, Architect, Dutch development photo
Armada Den Bosch, Holland : Palesikwartier Buildings
Contemporary Buildings in The Netherlands design by BDP Architects
2 Nov 2007
Armada Den Bosch
Location: Den Bosch (s’Hertogenbosch), Holland
Date built: 2004
Design: BDP
1998 architecture competition winners: 10 apartment blocks
photo : Martine Hamilton Knight
Ground-breaking residential scheme celebrates the great outdoors.
Local climate and topography shaped our entire 250-apartment scheme.
We planned the location and orientation of ten mixed long and tall houses to capture the sunpath and minimise overshadowing.
Roof elevations face south and southwest, bathing all living rooms, balconies and principal bedrooms in natural light.
South (wind) side elevations form giant roofs, giving them a distinctive curved profile, while northern elevations house social winter gardens with planted terraces and balconies.
BDP – formerly Building Design Partnership
– design a waterside residential development in an historic town
– drive regeneration of a former industrial centre
– maximised natural light and views, minimised wind turbulence
– green energy: rooftop solar collectors supplement hot water supply
BEX (Building Exchange) Award (Regeneration Achiever) 2005
MIPIM (International Property Market) Award (Finalist) 2004
Regeneration Award (International Regeneration category) 2004
Publieksprijs (Best-Loved Building Award) 2004
source: Armada Den Bosch Buildings by BDP Architects
Location: Den Bosch, Netherlands, western Europe
Architecture in The Netherlands
Contemporary Dutch Architecture
Netherlands Architecture Designs – chronological list
Amsterdam Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect
Dutch Architect – design firm listings
Dutch Architecture – Selection
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