22 Tops Housing Complex, Building in Wolfsberg, New Austrian Architecture Images

22 Tops Housing Complex in Wolfsberg

Residential Development in Austria design by HOLODECK architects

22 Nov 2016

22 Tops Housing Complex, Austria

Design: HOLODECK architects

Location: Wolfsberg, Austria

22 Tops Housing Complex

22 Tops Housing Complex

The new housing complex respects the adjacent existing building and the surrounding detached single-family dwellings by preserving both original scale and existing views into the landscape.

22 Tops Housing Complex

22 Tops Housing Complex design by HOLODECK architects

22 Tops Housing Complex Austria design by HOLODECK architects

The new buildings face towards the east and west and include several balconies and loggias that have been created to represent the idea of an intertwining landscape.

22 Tops Housing Complex 22 Tops Residential Development

National Construction Award Honorable Mention Carinthia Ugo Rivolta European Award Nomination

New Homes in Austria

22 Tops Housing Complex in Wolfsberg – Building Information

Year: 2002 – 2008
Location: Wolfsberg, Austria
Client: Gemeinnützige Wohnungs GmbH der Kelag
Architect: HOLODECK architects
Project Team: Marlies Breuss, Michael Ogertschnig, Manuel Garcia Barbero, Christine Schmauszer, Peter Pschill, Gernot Köfer
Gross Floor Area: 4240 sqm

22 Tops Housing Complex Wolfsberg

Building in Wolfsberg

22 Tops Housing Complex

Photography: Paul Ott

New Residential Building in Wolfsberg images / information received 221116 from HOLODECK architects

HOLODECK architects on e-architect

Location: Wolfsberg, Austria, central Europe

Architecture in Austria

Contemporary Architecture in Austria

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photo : Paul Ott
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Website: HOLODECK architects