Ways to keep office building in top condition tips, Workplace maintenance advice, Property help guide

Ways To Keep Office Building In Top Condition

22 July 2021

Facility Management is simply a process for establishing coordination between people, businesses and buildings. The term is wide enough to include anything related to business administration, behavioral science, engineering, architecture and professional office cleaning (ThinkFM would be able to help here). A facility manager is responsible for maintaining an environment that encourages productivity, client and employee-friendly, follows governmental rules, works efficiently, and follows safety protocols.

Ways to keep office building in top condition

Ways To Keep Office Building In Good Condition

Services related to financial management may include: –

All these services are essential for keeping your office building in good condition. The most important in them is maintenance and repairs. Statista pegged facility management market size worldwide at $53.5 billion for 2017.

The report was published in 2017 and related to the only retail industry. According to Freedonia, building maintenance services would grow annually from 2017 at 4.3% to reach $176.5. industries and businesses around the world have identified how building maintenance can impact their productivity. However, the most recent study published by Mordor intelligence, including statistics from 2018 to 2026, says that the market would shoot with a CAGR of 12%.

What do you want for your building maintenance?

Now, look around your office. But you cannot see any problem. The building is in mint condition. If that is so, you need to see it from the perspective of experts. We should also inform you that if you do not perform these functions regularly, you will pay for that heavily later. We have done this for you here in this article. All you need to do is just tick in the checkbox.

Ways to keep office building in top condition

Security is foremost

You might have hired armed security personnel from an agency. Is this enough? Absolutely, no. You need to secure all the entrances and main areas with avant-garde biometric access technology. You need only authorized personnel to have access to your building to avoid any mishap. Cameras can only see what is visible to them. They cannot say who is supposed to go in there or not. You can choose from a plethora of options available in the market, depending on your budget.

  • Face recognition
  • Iris recognition and retina scan
  • Fingerprint recognition
  • Speaker identification
  • Signature recognition

Use high-quality building material

  1. S. Department of Commerce with the National Bureau of Standards has conjointly published the American Standard Building Code for buildings. It is a comprehensive guide on suitable standards for building. You also need to conform with International Building Code, International Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, etc.

All the buildings must be built with materials of certified quality and specified standards. If any building is found deviating from the rules, the state or federation may declare it unfit for use and revoke its license. Buildings should be made with the best materials, and they should also be repaired from time to time. A crack in the ceiling or water leaking from a wall may be a sign that it needs a complete overhaul.

Pest Control is growing fast

The pest control industry would grow at a CAGR of 4.6% to reach 16.9 billion in 2021. The reports show that the service industry shot up due to persistent complain of removal of bedbugs and rising cases of Zika Virus, Corona Virus, Aedes aegypti mosquito, and Legionellosis.

A report published in 2003 in New York Times astonished everyone by saying that a building’s HVAC system is responsible for deadly pneumonia that killed people in Philadelphia around 45 years ago.

Legionellosis bacteria is found in large cooling vents. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning in the building. The system can start a pandemic if it is not cleaned and repaired in time. Building elevators should be tested at reasonable intervals so that they may not get stuck. Just imagine how much stir it would cause if a person with a heart ailment gets stuck in your elevator!

Check signs of water ingress

Water leaks can cause electrical failures, bad smells in buildings, damage woodwork and ornamental ceiling structures. These may occur for any leakage in pipes or taps or leakage from an adjacent building. If not repaired in time, it can significantly lower the age and strength of your building. You may ask your repairing service provider to use the best quality sealant for containing water ingress.

Loose latches on doors and windows may permit rainwater or cleaning water to enter your room or building. Using proper sealants may make save you a lot of bills on heating or cooling. To check any leakage, the thermostat can be installed and maintain a steady room temperature.

Fire doors, ask no more

Emergency fire exit doors are a must for a business building. A small short circuit can put your building in flames. New York was the first city to enforce fire escape regulation after the historic tragedy at Triangle Shirtwaist Factory on March 25th, 1911.

The government of the US and the Department of Labor mandated OSHA- Occupational Safety and Health Agency. Against this backdrop, the National Fire Protection Agency has laid out specific guidelines for fire safety guidelines, i.e., they should have fire extinguishers, fire escape doors, a staircase to have a 50-degree incline, specifications for risers and treads etc.

Go green and clean

The U. S. Green building Council is a non-profit organization with 17,000 members that encourage buildings to be made with sustainable material to build green carbon impact.  The United States Environment Protection Agency mandates every building to be made with minimum requirements as mentioned in the International Code Council’s International Green Construction Code of 2012 to ensure minimum environmental and health degradation due to repairing and constructing buildings. There are many others like ILFI, Green Globes, ICC 700 etc.

Workplace maintenance and repair

All the buildings and residencies should be built as per 2012 IgCC’s standards or other recognized parameters. Deviance from these rules may attract a penalty. Therefore, you can make your existing building more energy-efficient and sustainable by relying on their guidelines.

Ways To Keep Office Building In Top Condition Summary

You may renovate your building, embellish it with high-end gadgets, spend a fortune and still not fulfil basic repairing and maintenance requirements. For these reasons, many companies have started giving maintenance and repairing services. You only need to look out for one.

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