Traditional bingo hall buildings design, Gambling venue property, International architecture
A Look At The Traditional Bingo Hall
10 July 2020
photo by Chitrapa – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
As online bingo continues to explode in popularity, the popularity of this great game shows no signs of slowing any time soon.
Whether the thrill of the chase or the adrenaline rush when you finally realise you’ve matched a line or a full sheet, bingo is packed with as much excitement as any game out there!
In recent years, many of the traditional bingo halls have been replaced by a growing appetite for online bingo. Indeed, with the opportunity to bring all the fun of the hall into the comfort of your own home, this is no surprise.
Newcomers to online bingo are often eager to get started yet find it tough to understand the industry right away. Sites such as are a quality, expert source of information on all things to do with online bingo sites and are sure to fill in any knowledge gaps you might have!
In this article, we will take a look at the traditional bingo hall and what makes it such a historic place. We will see how bingo began many centuries ago, charting its development through the phenomenon of the hall to the state of present-day online bingo. Try playing bingo Australia.
So, without further ado, let’s take a look at exactly where and how bingo began, it’s a fascinating tale.
Where Did Bingo Start?
In the 16th century, an Italian game named was played that is considered by most historians to have been an early form of the lotteries that so many of us play today.
This game worked much like the modern lottery in which players were assigned a group of numbers on a ticket, which they paid for. A draw would be made once all tickets were sold and those lucky enough to match their numbers to those drawn would win prizes.
A key moment came some two-hundred years later when French nobility brought the game into one room and players had the opportunity to win by matching numbers on a card with those drawn by a host. It is here that the lottery-style game becomes more recognisable as bingo and the first bingo halls were made!
Then, in the 1920s, American businessman Edwin S. Lowe created the modern version of bingo when, having witnessed a game named ‘beano’ being played at a fairground, he decided to test it out on private company at home. His friends couldn’t get enough and so Lowe decided to launch his own version of the game named ‘bingo’ that would be designed for private use. It’s true, the first bingo halls were people’s homes!
By the mid-1930s, over 10,000 games of bingo were being played across the USA each week. The game is still very popular these days, so why not try online bingo casino.
The British Bingo Explosion
The true birth of the bingo hall, however, can be traced back to Britain in the 1960s.
Marketed to women and the especially elderly women as an alternative to the pub or social club that most men would have drunk in, bingo was seen as a fun way to meet with friends over a few drinks that might just lead to winning a few pounds!
Soon bingo halls had popped up all over the UK and the business became a multi-million-pound one that became deeply embedded in British culture.
Although today many halls have closed down or restricted openings, online bingo looks set to carry the torch for this classic game.
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