Keep contractors and staff safe with safety software

Keep contractors and staff safe with safety software, Managing Employee Health Tips, Safe Building Work Guide

Keep contractors and staff safe

21 May 2020

Keep contractors and staff safe with safety software

Keep contractors and staff safe – Managing Employee Health

While some industries have had to pause some of their work, building and design is one of those that has not. Urban and residential spaces continue to sprawl, and people still need housing and public buildings to live and congregate at.

However, with COVID-19 now present in over 70 countries, some building spaces need to be reimagined, or redesigned to meet changing needs. As these projects change, and new safety measures are incorporated to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19, it might be time to consider adding safety software or upgrading to a new technology to aid in the regulatory process for evolving health and safety regulations on the job sites.

Managing Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulations

All job sites have entrenched environmental, health, and safety regulations that they must follow and plan for before construction begins, and contractors come to the site. However, with COVID-19 still spreading quite quickly, these regulations and safety measures have had to be adapted.

Workers are expected to continue physically distancing themselves, and in some cases wearing pieces of personal protective equipment that they have not previously needed to. Managing the procurement of the proper PPE, ensuring that regulations are adhered to, and monitoring workers on the job sites for exposure, particularly the monitoring of lone workers, needs to be done properly. That is where safety software comes in.

Safety Software and COVID-19 Management

Software and other associated technologies have been used to manage projects and their components for years, but when it comes to safety a paper-based system is still utilized by some occupational health management teams. As we are firmly in the digital age, digital solutions in the form of safety software can make safety management and updating existing plans that much more efficient.

Job sites can have hundreds of contractors and employees working on them, which means there is an increased risk of exposure, and potential outbreak clusters. To ensure that everyone stays as safe as possible, there are certain mechanisms that software offers that a paper-based system does not. So, how can it manage your COVID-19 response on the jobsite?

Managing the Response

Safety software has the unique advantage of being able to quickly update all workers about changing regulations. For example, if certain PPE needs to be worn, or does not need to be worn, alerts can be sent out to all employees who have profiles and access to the software. It can also help with contact tracing, as shift workers can easily be traced. Leave forms due to COVID-19 can also be filed digitally, which eliminates any contact between people, and will further reduce the spread of the virus.

A paper-based system simply cannot do this. At the end of the day, someone will have to handle all of these documents, file them, and determine who may or may not have been exposed based on shift rosters, instead of simply clicking a button.

Keep contractors and staff safe summary

Help your contractors and workers perform their jobs in the safest environment possible, by upping your technology game.

In a world in which technology is now dominating the business landscape, computers are becoming much more important in managing the health and safety requirements of companies. The Head of Marketing at Engage EHS, David Rowland, says as much, claiming that “health and safety software can save your company many hours every week that would otherwise have been spent searching for pieces of paper at the bottom of a filing cabinet.”

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