How video games can improve your level of performance and creativity, Gaming advice, Virtual world fun
How video games can improve performance and creativity
28 May 2020
How video games can improve your level of performance and creativity
As architects and construction workers, we often pursue several creative activities such as sketching, sculpting and painting as ways to develop our creative process. But, have you ever considered that playing video games can boost creativity and change perspectives for the better? Here we discuss several reasons why you should turn to the gaming environment for your next creative project.
- Discover your inspiration and passion
Video games are full of fantasy and surreal worlds to explore, time periods to analyse and compare different architectural styles. With the advancements in technology, the latest console generation is closer than ever to produce life-like traits to roam around and find inspiration from. You don’t even have to actively play- just walk around the open-world game and explore the nuances it holds.
- Improve your hand-eye coordination
When you’re playing video games on PlayStation, Xbox or online, you’ll eventually use standard controller held with two hands. The game will show you prompts on the TV screen and you’ll have to interact with this controller in order to complete the mission. This activity leads to improved hand-to-eye coordination because you build stronger visual cues. In order to win a game, the reaction time will need to be in a matter of seconds. This way you’ll be more aware of the virtual surrounding, experiencing the space, time and accessibility at first hand.
- Cultivate the digital space
Working in a decade of software revolution and industry advancements, your computer plays a key part in many design workflows. When it comes to developing a building design, the computer can offer new ways of seeing the finished product in the digital space. The ability to pick up the controller and interact with an environment becomes essential in your day-to-day efficiency.
Even though that’s highly unlikely today, there are still people who don’t interact with computer drawing software and models. These ones are less likely to understand how objects and details can be manipulated and transformed. Consider playing games as the practice you need in order to identify problems, blocking points and how to solve them effectively and in a more intuitive manner.
- Develop a 3D perception
Many architects and designers agree on the fact that video games have significantly influenced their ability to understand three-dimensional space. In video games, you control a character or your viewpoint in real-time. Video games provide the framework in a similar way to photography and filmmaking that tricks your eye into figuring out a space beyond the screen. Today, gaming environments enable in-depth point of view in order to provide an authentic experience. As a result, you increase the ability to perceive changes on-screen, while working more efficiently with tools.
- Strategy thinking
Video games can improve our ability to react strategically to obstacles we’re facing with. The growing trend in some of today’s higher-end games is to create surroundings where players must move and survive on their own.
Of course, the game will make some suggestions here and there, but the player must choose his best course of action and movement. Responsibility and success are up to the players’ decision. This possibility creates almost limitless variations of how the game can play out. Only you are responsible for the success or failure, based on the decisions you make.
- Keep your playful and joyous spirit
The phrase “either you use it or lose it” relates to your best asset, and that’s creativity. There’s a reason why people keep telling others to be active, keep up with trends and engage with different groups. If you don’t continually feed your mind with information, it will become less active over time and creative thinking processes you may take for granted will be hard to handle.
Video games can keep you alert while discovering different perspectives. Various studies have been done in order to test visual perception between gamers and non-gamers. The results often conclude that gamers are more perceptive and can make quick decisions when they have to choose between two or more options.
- Develop your personality traits
Are you a leader or a passive follower? Video games can improve your ability to lead and make important decisions. In multiplayer games, the player is often required to coordinate an objective in real-time with real people. Those who are shy or soft-spoken may find they have developed the ability to be bold, determined and speak for themselves. These traits will also reflect in your work and form of expression. It will also improve your ability to work in a team, and teamwork is only successful with the right communication to lead it.
And last but not least – have fun. Explore different setups and platforms and go through their traits. From simple mind-numbing puzzle on phones to adrenalin rush PlayStation games and range of popular games like Starburst slot games – there’s video game type out there for everyone. If you open up to the experience and blend the differences between real and virtual surrounding it may change your life and point of view on every aspect of your life.
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