How to Maintain an Organized House Guide, Home Style Advice
How to Maintain an Organized House
11 June 2020
An organized home is such a rewarding place to get to after a long day at school and work. It also makes it easier to keep stuff and find your things if everything has a designated place. You can keep your peace of mind if the house is clutter-free. One thing you should remember about a home is that they don’t organize themselves. There are a few things you can do to keep the house organized all the time.
Cleaning as You Go
A disorganized and messy home didn’t just happen in an instant. It is the result of bad habits, piling up work, and failing to clean up immediately after a mess is made. Delaying your tasks can result in it getting bigger which would need a longer time and more effort to clean and organize. To avoid this, just adhere to a simple rule. You have to clean as you go.
For example, you wouldn’t need so much time to put the glass from where you drank in the sink and wash it immediately. If you leave this on the counter, you would notice how many dishes are already there. Clean it up yourself after doing any activity and this is a great habit to impose especially on kids.
Storage and Organizers
The best way to keep everything organized is by having places to hold your things. Cabinets and drawers are the most practical way of having storage systems at home. Have something built in different sizes so everything can be kept and not just lying around, free to be misplaced, and left everywhere. Places that contain a lot of stuff like the kitchen should be installed with magnetic bars as mentioned in Bin There Dump That’s home organization tips to keep your smaller containers of spices and herbs. This is also useful for keeping other metallic materials easily.
Invest in boxes that can be stacked and label each one so you can easily find what you are looking for. Keep in mind that you constantly have to put everything back to their proper place every after use so as not to pile them again on surfaces including tables and countertops and become disorganized again eventually.
Simple Living
Simple living with only the things you need would ensure that your home can easily be organized and decluttered. Having too many things will just bring so much clutter. Start by storing or giving away some things you do not need. Keep a minimalist living with only the essential things. Additionally, think twice before buying additional things for the home because these can ultimately end up unused in the long run.
The whole family will surely benefit from the perks of having an organized house. All it takes is a conscious effort to clean up every now and then, make organizers and storages and keep only the important things. Everything at home can become so much better if these can be carried out into real and consistent actions.
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Norra Tornen, Hagastaden, north of Stockholm
Design: OMA / Reinier de Graaf
photograph : Laurian Ghinitoiu, Courtesy of OMA
Norra Tornen
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