Scratch Cards Online Tips, Buying Houses, Safe Bet Guide, Dream Homes
Could you play scratch cards online and win a house?
21 May 2020
Do People Who Play Scratch Cards Online Buy Houses with Their Winnings?
If you ask just about anyone, most people will tell you the first thing they are purchasing with their lottery money, after they pay off their bills, is a new house. Just what kind of houses are they buying though? When lottery players play scratch cards online, are they really thinking about their dream home, or does that come after the win? For those that buy houses, how many of them get to stay in them? Is buying a house even a safe bet when you win the lottery?
Dream Homes Found
In 2012, one young British couple was lucky enough to score a major lottery win of more than £45,000,000. The very first thing they did was go out and purchase a seven-bedroom mansion near Wollaton Hall just outside of Nottingham. They originally purchased what was formerly known as the Rainbow House with grand plans of transforming it into their dream domain. Unfortunately, life got in the way and as time went on, their mansion quickly began to fall into deep disrepair, becoming the local target for vandals and drug deals.
Many nearby residents began complaining to the local town council that the home was a safety issue, especially once it became apparent that it was a cesspit of vermin and drug deals. The young couple eventually agreed to tear the property down and focus on building the home of their dreams rather than renovate the existing property.
In 2016 a Tennessee couple won one third of one of the largest lottery jackpots to date. They had originally planned on paying off the home they were living in and quietly living out their lives, but just a short time later, they ended purchasing their dream home, complete with 10 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, a movie theatre and their own private lake.
One couple from Wales decided to pay off their mortgage, pay for their son to attend Oxford Brookes University and then invested in the home of their dreams in Somerset. In fact, many people buy lottery tickets or play scratch cards online in hopes of having their dreams come true.
Lottery Dreams
For those that enjoy watching how lottery winners live, there is even a TV show dedicated to the homes that lottery winners plan and purchase. The show, My Lottery Dream Home, airs on the American TV channel HGTV.
This show follows recent lottery winners, from those who play the traditional lottery pick to those that play scratch cards online, as they search for their perfect dream home to purchase with their lottery winnings. Some choose loud and ostentatious, while others go for more subtle and laid back. The show also showcases some of the fun additions that many lottery dream home buyers are looking for, such as an in-home movie theatre, a moat, an aquarium, a mini version of the home for their prized pet pooch, a sauna, a water slide, and even a property name.
Other fun add-ons that lottery winners like to splurge on is a museum to house their vehicle collections, a helipad, a dock for their private stretch of water, and libraries complete with rolling ladders. For those that like fine wine, a wine cellar is a must, while for the active lottery winner, a horse stable or tennis courts become a given. Some even go so far as to require that their new home has its very own secret passage.
Not everyone of course goes out and immediately purchases a new home with their winnings, but it certainly is fun to dream about what you could purchase if you play scratch cards online and win.
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Design: OMA / Reinier de Graaf
photograph : Laurian Ghinitoiu, Courtesy of OMA
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