5 Tips on Managing Your Construction Project Remotely Advice, Guide, Tips

5 Tips on Managing Your Construction Project Remotely

18 Sep 2020

5 tips on managing a construction project remotely

Long gone are the days when a project manager had to drive from one construction site to the other. The traditional way of checking how the project’s progress is going and talking to employees just in person is not only time-consuming but also unproductive, especially during this new COVID world. Here is where remote construction management will help you supervise all your construction sites.

Even when technology sometimes might seem overwhelming, adapting to remote project management construction will make everything easier. Plus, using remote construction management will allow you to save some money, which is always a good thing.

If your company manages big and complex projects which have a large crew you need to handle, remote construction management is the way to go if you want to avoid being overwhelmed with work. Below we would give you some tips on remote project management construction so that you can get started.

5 Tips for remote project management construction

1.   Choose a communication platform and stick to it

When you decide to manage your project remotely, communication is one of the most important aspects. There are many tools through which you can communicate with your team. However, because there are several tools, communicating can turn into a mess if you don’t choose a couple of platforms and stick to them.

Our first advice is to not rely solely on email communication. Remote project management construction requires more than emails, which can get lost in your employee’s inbox.  You need a chat platform and a primary communication app such as Skype, GoToMeeting, or Zoom.

Using these digital platforms can sometimes make it difficult to build real relationships with your team. That’s why it is essential to do video conferences. Try to avoid handling everything through text since it will reduce the human element inside work communication.

Also, think about the digital work environment you want to have. Now that all your employees will be communicating through a screen, they won’t have the opportunity to relax in the cafeteria talking with coworkers. In this regard, you will probably want to have a chat platform that allows them to talk with each other outside of your digital work environment.

2.   Maintain daily communication with your team

Remote project management technology construction requires organized but also constant communication. Talk with your employees daily. Check with them the tasks they are working on at the moment and whether they are having any issues.

With a regular communication channel, you will avoid delays in your projects, and you will know firsthand all the information. As we mentioned before, try to include a personal element to the conversation, such as asking how their week is going or if they have some plans with their family over the weekend.

Integrating both working and personal topics to the communication, your employees will feel they are working in a supportive team that also cares about having the right balance between social and professional life.

Finally, make sure that you at least have one meeting face to face during the year to meet your whole team.

3.   Track the productivity of your employees

When you implement remote project management technology construction, paper timesheets won’t work. You need to use another tracking system that will allow you to check all your employees’ shifts and even add extra work hours when necessary.

To track productivity, you can simply use a tool such as the cloud, where you will collect all the information, and there won’t be any inconsistencies that could happen when doing manual tracking. You can store all your employee’s information in real-time.

The best part of using this tool is those project managers, as well as Human Resources personnel, won’t have to worry about this anymore. They can turn their focus into other tasks in the project.

Visit this website to learn more about how could-based resources can increase your productivity and other activities to improve construction resource management.

4.   Have a Project Management Software

If you have managed projects before, you know how hard it is to get everyone on the same page and then explain to every team what they need to accomplish. Even when going virtual can help you save time, if you don’t have the right Project Management Software, it will all be for nothing.

You need to keep in mind that everyone will be scattered in different places with a virtual team, and it is crucial they know what to do. Our advice is to get familiar with the software before implementing it. That way, when you transition to remote construction management, you’ll know how everything works.

Especially at the beginning of a remote project management technology construction, you need to be clear with your teams, letting them know their goals. With software such as these integrated EVM software solutions, you can measure the team’s success based on objectives and not how much time they spend on a particular activity. This way, it will be simple to follow the timeline you created.

Project Management Software also gives you the possibility to grant access to everyone involved in the project. Most software comes with apps that your employees can download and access the schedule anywhere.

5.   Listen. Listen. Listen

With remote construction management, you want to make sure there is a bridge of open communication between you and your team. Sometimes, in these new virtual environments, employees tend to close up and don’t discuss problems that delay tasks or damage teamwork.

As a remote manager, it is your responsibility to make them feel comfortable. Ask tough questions during team meetings because solving a problem at the beginning will prevent bigger issues in the future.

Since there is no office interaction, you won’t be able to tell how your employees are feeling from their facial expressions. That’s why it is important you learn to listen carefully to the message they are trying to get across.

Remember, your employees also have personal issues that could affect their work productivity. Listen to them and provide them with solutions that could benefit both parties.

Remote Construction Management Conclusion

Transitioning to remote project management construction will demand commitment from your whole team. Your employees will need to adapt to new technologies and a different work pace. However, if you work with them along the way, guiding every step, together, you can figure out what works. Don’t forget communication is always the key!

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