Kaiserstraße Apartments, Blumenau, Brazil

Kaiserstraße Apartments Blumenau Brazil

Alencar Arquitetura proudly introduces Kaiserstraße, a perfect representation of innovation with a hint of history in the city of Blumenau, Brazil. The project redefines the meaning of living at home. Its balconies all have sun exposure and are surrounded by green gardens, with the capacity to accommodate a private swimming pool

Casa Tejona, Lima, Contemporary Peru Residence

Casa Tejona in Lima Contemporary Peru Residence

The Casa Tejona project in Lima, Peru, was conceived by Arq. Martín Dulanto with the premise of minimizing its impact on the environment, seeking to link all its spaces with the surrounding nature. It seeks to generate the atmosphere of a temporary temple taken over by vegetation

Casa Sombrero, Campinas Brazil

Casa Sombrero Brazil

Located in a residential condominium in the city of Campinas in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil, the exploration of the land made by the FGMF office consists of a residence designed as Casa Sombrero, with an organization focused on itself and focused on the integration of private indoor and outdoor spaces