Home of 2030 Design Competition
Home of 2030 Design Competitions news – joint winners are +Home and Connector Housing – findings into how homes of the future should be designed
e-architect feature policy for architecture profession and construction sectors from around the globe. Discover architecture policy information, new building design legislation issues globally.
The website features a selection of the best new building designs around the world, by respected designers. Examples include reports issued by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and Architecture and Design Scotland (A&DS) in the UK.
In addition, we post information and images of significant contemporary architecture projects on this international website. Our focus is on internationally-significant architectural works.
In conclusion, our tag archives are informative and together provide a useful global architectural resource. We post content seven days a week.
Finally, you can find a strong grouping of architectural posts on our site.
Home of 2030 Design Competitions news – joint winners are +Home and Connector Housing – findings into how homes of the future should be designed
Home of 2030 Design Council Guide news – findings into how homes of the future should be designed: public vision for the home report sets out 20 principles.
UK Summer Statement response news: British construction industry and property sector reaction to Chancellor’s Summer Economic Update – recovery from COVID-19 includes stamp duty cut
Introduction of Statutory Pre-application Consultation: 3-month statutory consultation period prior to Application being lodged for ‘Major’ and ‘National’ applications, resulting in pre-application consultation report by planners.
The Scottish construction industry has called upon the Government to fast track the Scottish Futures Trust to help end the job losses in the sector.
A national online database that holds information on and images of more than 280,000 of Scotland’s buildings and built archaeology opens its files today (Tuesday, August 11) so that members of the public can add their own knowledge directly to its archives.
The RIAS (The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland) has scored a world first on 1st February, launching an accreditation scheme for sustainable building designers.
News release from Culture Minister Linda Fabiani MSP launching Listing and Listed Building Consent policy; and a consultation on a new Joint Working Agreement between Historic Scotland and COSLA. Both have been launched today in accordance with the Scottish Government’s Planning Summit.
Sullivan Report prepared by a panel appointed by Scottish Ministers to advise on the development of a low carbon building standards strategy to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.
Culture Minister Patricia Ferguson will tomorrow outline the Scottish Executive’s aspirations for the future of the country’s architecture. Ms Ferguson will make her statement as she launches the Executive’s revised architecture policy, at The Lighthouse, Scotland’s Centre for Architecture and Design.
Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS) has teamed up with the Scottish Executive Development Department to drive forward the design agenda with the six (6) Pathfinder Urban Regeneration Companies (URCs).