Mikou Design Studio Architects, French buildings designs, Paris architectural office

Mikou Design Studio : Paris Architecture Office

Contemporary Parisian Architecture Practice, France.

post updated 16 December 2024

Mikou Design Studio – Contact Details

Mikou Design Studio, Paris, France

Mikou Design Studio
27 Boulevard Beaumarchais
75004 Paris, France
Métro ligne 1, Bastille

Tel +33 (0)1 44 54 13 40
Fax +33 (0)1 42 97 47 76


About this Paris Architects Office

Mikou Design Studio Architects office Paris France

Mikou Design Studio is a place of creation and experimentation in architecture and its inter-disciplinary cross-fertilisation. We design in a continuous workshop spirit with a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers, graphic artists, scenographers and town planners from very different cultural backgrounds.

Every project is an opportunity for challenging and redefining the meaning of a brief, a function in an urban, social and human context, in order to invent new ways of living, places of sharing and gathering which are more sensitive and sensual stimulating an emotional response. Distancing us from preconceptions of form and function gives us the freedom to create original solutions which enhance the fourth dimension of space – the dimension of sensitive spatial experience, the interaction between people and their environment.

Mikou Design Studio is currently involved in a large number of projects throughout France, Germany, Brazil and Morocco, with a focus on cultural and educational buildings, housing and offices. MIKOU DESIGN STUDIO has been chosen from 400 european applicants to represent the avant-garde of the most creative architects of 2011.

Paris Architect : Office Listings

Mikou Design Studio – Recent Projects

School Complex, Bobigny, France
Date built: 2012
School Complex Bobigny
Ecole Bobigny – new photos
The city centre school in Bobigny is in a strategic urban location, bounded by three large streets and by a pedestrian space on the north. It is in the middle of an urban complex mainly composed of housing, near the city hall.

Jean Lurçat College, Saint Denis, France
Date built: 2013
Jean Lurçat College Paris
Jean Lurçat College – new photos
The college Jean Lurçat in Saint Denis is located in the articulation of two landscape types: a space of shattered non structured housing blocks which give the district its identity and give a convivial scale on the rues Diderot and d’Alembert.

School Complex, Saint Denis, France
Date built: 2010
Saint Denis School building design by Mikou Design Studio
Groupe scolaire du Bailly – new photos

Piscine du Fort, Paris, France
winning competition entry, April 2012 – about to be completed in 2014
Piscine du Fort Paris
Piscine Issy-les-Moulineaux

Piscine Tourcoing, France
construction work started in autumn 2012
Piscine Tourcoing
Piscine Tourcoing

Lyon La Duchère, France
competition entry of apartments
Lyon La Duchère
Apartments La Duchère

Bottrop Higher Technical College, Germany
Bottrop Higher Technical College
image from architects
Bottrop Higher Technical College

Russian Cultural Centre and Orthodox worship, Paris, France
Russian Cultural Centre Paris
image from architects
Russian Cultural Centre Paris

Centre de Formation aux Métiers du Développement Durable, Marrakech, Morocco
Chwitter Marrakech
image from architects
Chwitter Marrakech

Key Building by Mikou Design Studio

Dunkerque Theater, France
Date built: 2009-
Dunkerque Theater
Mikou Design Studio Paris – key design

Mikou Design Studio Projects

Urssaf Headquarters, Saint Etienne, France
Date built: 2009-
Urssaf Headquarters design by Mikou Design Studio
Saint Etienne Offices

University Campus, Ratzeburg, Germany
Date built: 2009-
University Campus Ratzeburg design by Mikou Design Studio
University Campus Ratzeburg

Institute for Islamic Culture, Paris, France
Institute for Islamic Culture design by Mikou Design Studio
Institute for Islamic Culture Paris

House of Arts and Culture, Beirut, Liban
House of Arts and Culture Beirut design by Mikou Design Studio
House of Arts and Culture Beirut

Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Academy of Arts Tallinn design by Mikou Design Studio
Academy of Arts Tallinn

Rio tower, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio tower design by Mikou Design Studio
Rio tower

Florence place, Fes, Morocco
Florence place design by Mikou Design Studio
Florence place Fes

Architects Practice Staff Information

Number of employees: 15 to 20

Partners: Salwa Mikou Selma Mikou

Project managers: Iskra Pencheva, Cecile Jalby, Michael Courtay, Trevor Ablott

Year established: 2005

Areas of specialty: Architecture / Landscape / Urban Design

Location: 3 rue du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France, western Europe

Paris Architects

Website: mikoustudio.com

French Architecture

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