meta/physical exhibition Building Centre, Hong Kong architecture in London Event

meta/physical exhibition at Building Centre

Theme of ‘Boundaries’ Designs in London, England, UK Architectural Events News

7 Jun 2019

meta/physical exhibition: Hong Kong @ Building Centre

Location: Building Centre, 26 Store St, London WC1E 7BT, England, UK

“meta/physical– Boundaries of Hong Kong”

June 3 to 29, 2019

Space: downstairs gallery

Times: Mon – Fri 9.00am – 6.00pm Sat 10.00am – 5.00pm

Curatorial Team: Alvin Kung, Justin Law, Suanne Cheung, Jessica Lai and Zachary Wong.

meta/physical exhibition: Hong Kong @ Building Centre
image courtesy of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office

London ETO promotes Hong Kong architecture and creative talent in London

The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London (London ETO) is supporting Hong Kong’s architecture and creative talent during this year’s London Festival of Architecture by sponsoring a special exhibition organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects (HKIA) during June.

The exhibition themed “meta/physical– Boundaries of Hong Kong” runs from June 3 to 29 (London Time) is being held at the Building Centre, London. It showcases 10 projects by young Hong Kong architects, demonstrating how they explore various boundaries via a series of objects, building models, photographs and short films.

To complement the exhibition, a panel discussion was organised by the HKIA, in which architects from Hong Kong and London shared their experiences in the industry with the audience.

Speaking at a reception to launch the exhibition on June 3 (London Time), the Director-General of the London ETO, Ms Priscilla To, said, “We are very pleased to support the HKIA’s first ever participation in the London Festival of Architecture, the world’s largest annual architecture festival. This exhibition will not only showcase the talent, creativity and professionalism of Hong Kong’s architects, but will also provide an excellent opportunity for the relevant sectors from both Hong Kong and the UK to exchange ideas and foster collaboration.

meta/physical exhibition: Hong Kong event at Building Centre London
image courtesy of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office

“The theme of the London Festival of Architecture this year, ‘Boundaries’, is very relevant to Hong Kong. While Hong Kong is just a tiny dot on the world map, we have an international business and financial centre with a population of about 7.5 million. Through careful land development, modern town planning, innovative architectural design and state-of-the-art engineering support, Hong Kong has increasingly been celebrated for its distinguished city landscape showing the unique character of blending the culture of East and West.”

Also speaking at the reception, the President of the HKIA, Mr Felix Li, said, “After months of relentless hard work by the project team in Hong Kong and London, the HKIA’s first-participating exhibition in the London Festival of Architecture has now formally launched. We hope our visitors will have a brand new insight of Hong Kong afterwards.”

The exhibition seeks to replicate how a visitor would experience the richness of ‘boundaries’ in multi-dimensional senses ranging from the stimulation of neon street signs to midnight urban traffic, and from the enclosures by high density building facades to edges of country parks. It invites visitors to experience these “meta/physical” boundaries in ways closely related to Chinese philosophies: the two states of being, physical vs. meta-physical (實、虛) and the two states of act, establish vs. diffuse (立、破).

For more information about the exhibition visit The exhibition will run until June 29, 2019 at the Building Centre (26 Store St, London WC1E 7BT).

Website: Visit London

meta/physical exhibition: Hong Kong @ Building Centre images and information received 070619 from Hong Kong Government Office in London

Location: Building Centre, 26 Store St, London, WC1E 7BT, England, UK

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