Chapel Hezenberg, Contemporary Dutch Religious Building, Church Design Holland

Chapel Hezenberg Building

New Dutch Religious Architecture – design by möhn + bouman, Architects, The Netherlands

31 Dec 2013

Chapel Hezenberg, Netherlands

Design: möhn + bouman, Architects

pastoraal centrum hezenberg

Centre for pastoral care in The Netherlands

The journey of a stable to a chapel; the story of this little building.

Chapel Hezenberg
photograph : Sarah Blee, möhn + bouman

Embedded deep in a beautiful landscape, itself shaped during the last ice age, this chapel embodies a peaceful and inspirational atmosphere.

Chapel Hezenberg
photograph : Sarah Blee, möhn + bouman

The harmonious, timeless furniture, crafted from pure oak, reflects the building’s woodland environment. Behind the altar a unique piece of art shimmers softly in the light. This creation of transparent coloured slides drifts gently with every breath or movement in the room; making tangible the presence of those around it.

Chapel Hezenberg
photograph : Sarah Blee, möhn + bouman

The baptismal font is a unique, handmade piece of golden copper. At the lip of the font the metal curves, folding in on itself and giving a sense of protection and encirclement. The delicate creation of this chapel offers an ethereal peace, and a haven in a modern world.

photographs : Sarah Blee, möhn + bouman

Hezenberg Chapel – Building Information

Location: Hezenberg, Netherlands
Client: Hezenberg – Centre for pastoral care
Design: 2011
Status: completed 2012
Area: 93 sq m
Architect: möhn + bouman

Photographer: Sarah Blee, möhn + bouman

Chapel Hezenberg images / information from möhn + bouman Architects

Hezenberg Centrum voor Pastoraal Psychologische Zorg

Address: Hezenberg 6, 8051 CB Hattem, Netherlands

Phone: +31 38 444 5251

Location: Hezenberg, the Netherlands, northern Europe

Architecture in The Netherlands

Contemporary Dutch Architecture

Netherlands Architecture Designs – chronological list

Dutch Architectural News

Hattem is located adjacent to Zwolle, a suburb souh west of the city:

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Da Portare VIA - Dutch Architecture News
photograph : Maarten Willemstein
Da Portare VIA in Zwolle

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Comments / photos for the Chapel Hezenberg – Dutch Religious Architecture page welcome
