Dresden Developments, East German Building Project News, Saxony Property Design

Dresden Property Information : Buildings

Saxony Building Developments – Southeast Germany Built Environment Links

post updated 11 Nov 2020

Dresden Building Developments

Dresden Architecture Designs – chronological list

Saxony Architectural Projects + Key New Property Designs, alphabetical:

Centre Regenerative Therapies Dresden

Dresden Building

Dresden Station

Forschungszentrum Dresden Rossendorf

GFC Coswig

Glaeserne Manufaktur

Military History Museum

Postplatz Office Building

Reconstruction Multifunctional Building

The Cube Dresden

Zwinger Building

Location: Dresden, Saxony, southeast Germany, western Europe

London Architectural Designs

London Architecture Designs – architectural selection below:

This is the capital city and, after Leipzig, the second-largest city of the Free State of Saxony in Germany. It is situated in a valley on the River Elbe, near the border with the Czech Republic.

The city has a long history as the capital and royal residence for the Electors and Kings of Saxony, who for centuries furnished the city with cultural and artistic splendour. The city was known as the Jewel Box, because of its baroque and rococo city centre.

After World War II restoration work has helped to reconstruct parts of the historic inner city, including the Katholische Hofkirche, the Zwinger and the famous Semper Oper.

Postplatz Office Building designed by achitects tchoban voss:
Postplatz Office Building Dresden Saxony
photo © Florian Selig
Postplatz Office Building
In the city centre at Dresden’s Postplatz, directly opposite the historic Zwinger, a new six-storey solitary building with an additional staggered storey and two basement floors was built.

The Cube Dresden: first carbon concrete building in the World, designed by architects HENN:
The Cube Dresden Carbon Concrete Building
image courtesy of architects practice
The Cube Dresden
HENN has developed the concept design for the world’s first building made of carbon concrete, The Cube. The 220-m² experimental building combines a laboratory and event rooms, and sets an example of architectural and structural innovation at the Technical University of Dresden (a German “University of Excellence”).

German Building Designs

German Architects

German Architecture

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Website: Dresden