Eteläpuisto Park Tampere Competition 2014, Finnish architecture award, Finland design contest

Eteläpuisto Park Tampere Competition Winner

Architecture Prize Awarded to KCAP Architects&Planners

Design: KCAP Architects&Planners

Location: Finland

KCAP wins shared first prize in Eteläpuisto Park Tampere competition, Finland

Eteläpuisto Park Tampere Competition Winner 1

23 May 2014

Sunny Side of the City

Zurich/Rotterdam, 23 May 2014 – KCAP Architects&Planners with a team of international collaborators has been chosen as one of two winners in the competition Eteläpuisto Park Tampere. The competition is part of the Tampere city center development program. The design of team KCAP with as title ‘Sunny Side of the City’ has been chosen unanimously as shared first prize out of a selection of six competing entries.

The task was to create a high-quality urban residential area and provide for programs suitable for the city structure and for the landscape. At the same time, recreational use of the shores had to be enabled while providing for a natural connection to Hämeenpuisto Esplanade.

Eteläpuisto Park Tampere Competition Winner 2

‘Sunny Side of the City’ is a concept that brings the city to the lake and the lake to the city. New living is integrated into the park which offers a lake shore for everyone. The lake side in connection with the city acts as a catalyst for the development of the whole city and the wider region.

Eteläpuisto Park Tampere Competition Winner 3

KCAP worked together with Arkkitehtistudio M&Y Moisala & Ylä-Anttila, Tampere; Schweingruber Zulauf Landschaftsarchitekten, Zurich; Ramboll Finland Oy, Tampere / Traffic planning and Keoto AG, Zurich / Sustainable development and energy concept.

Eteläpuisto Park Tampere Competition Winner 4

Eteläpuisto Park Tampere Competition Winner information from KCAP

Location: Tampere, Finland

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