Water damage caused by bad weather, Cleanup repair guide, Homeowner property restoration in Aurora, CO advice

Water Damage Isn’t Only Caused By Bad Weather

22 May 2024

Do you have a minor panic attack every time bad weather is in the forecast? Strong wind gusts and heavy rains can cause significant property damage. For instance, the wind can tear shingles off your roof, ultimately resulting in leaks.

Suddenly, your living room resembles a shallow wading pool. However, did you know bad weather isn’t the only reason you may need to call a company specializing in water damage restoration in Aurora, CO? Several things can cause water damage in Colorado homes and businesses.

Water damage caused by bad weather

Common Causes of Water Damage in Colorado Homes and Businesses

Water damage occurs when a lot of moisture gets into areas that were never intended to get wet. This includes areas like the space behind your walls, underneath your floorboards, and items like your furniture and carpet.

While severe storms are often responsible for water damage, they’re not the only thing that can cause the problem. Water damage can happen at any time, even when the sun is shining,

Bad Weather

Okay, we’ve mentioned bad weather like severe storms and it’s a common cause of water damage for many homeowners out there. Anything from a strong thunderstorm to a hurricane can cause flooding inside a property.

For Colorado residents, hurricanes aren’t a threat. Just think of it as an example of severe weather. However, thunderstorms can be severe in the area, bringing heavy torrential downpours. Flash flooding can also occur during bad weather, even if your property is at a slightly higher elevation.

Leaking Pipes

Even if your business only has a small employee restroom, there are still water pipes running throughout the building, and this also applies to homes.

You have water pipes in the bathrooms, laundry area, and kitchen, and this means that there are a lot of pipes to keep track of. Don’t worry, no one expects you to get into the structure to check each pipe, even professional plumbers are only going to perform this in-depth inspection upon special request.

However, multiple pipes also increase your chances of developing a leak, and a broken pipe in the wall can lead to structural damage. Even a leaky pipe underneath the kitchen sink can cause significant damage. Even worse are leaking drainage and sewage pipes. Repairs and clean-up are often extensive and expensive.

Clogged Gutters

When was the last time you cleaned your gutters? The gutters around your home or business serve a vital purpose.

Most experts recommend cleaning your gutters at least two times a year, once in the spring and again in the fall. A spring cleaning gets rid of all of the accumulated winter debris, you know, things like dead leaves and twigs. A fall cleaning helps ensure your gutters are ready for winter.

Your gutters act as a type of water control and drainage system. Gutters help prevent water from leaking down the sides of the home or business. When your gutters can’t keep water away from the building, it’s not uncommon to see moisture running down the walls and pooling in the ceiling.

Water in the ceiling typically results in extensive damage. You may need to replace the ceiling and make other extensive structural repairs.

Malfunctioning Sprinkler Systems

If you have an automated sprinkler system inside your business, you’re meeting at least one fire code requirement. Some homes also have indoor sprinkler systems, typically above the furnace.

If the system detects a fire, water is automatically dispersed. Sometimes, a sprinkler system can prevent significant fire damage. Unfortunately, sprinkler systems, especially older ones, aren’t foolproof. Sometimes, they can kick on for no reason. Turning a malfunctioning sprinkler system off is also rarely easy. You probably need to shut the water off at the source.

Even though the sprinkler heads are relatively small, each one can put out a lot of water. Since the water is released in a spraying pattern, the moisture can get pretty much everywhere.

From large puddles to soggy carpets, furniture, ceilings, and walls, cleaning up after a sprinkler system goes off typically takes a lot of time and effort.

Leaking Washing Machine

Your washing machine is connected to a water supply line. These lines are under continual pressure to ensure your washing machine starts the second you hit the ‘Start’ button. If your water supply lines are braided stainless steel, you can take a deep breath.

Braided stainless steel rarely experiences a rupture or break. However, some water supply lines are made from PVC or rubber and these materials can wear out over time. Unfortunately, when a water supply line breaks, it only takes a couple of minutes for your laundry area to start resembling a kid’s swimming pool.

Water damage restoration: cleanup, repair & remediation

Air Conditioner Condensation

When summer temperatures start rising, your air conditioner kicks on, and you get to stay cool and comfortable regardless of the temperature outside. Air conditioners normally produce some condensation, which is exactly why it comes with a drain pan. The pan collects the condensation, preventing it from flowing into the yard.

Over time, the air conditioner’s drainage system can wear down, as the pan can become damaged or the drainage line can rupture. Dust and dirt can also clog the drainage line, especially if you forget to clean the area around the A.C.

When the water can’t drain properly, it can back up into your home or business—unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for this to become a serious problem.

Clogged Drains

If there’s a sink in the building, you have at least one drain. Anything from grease and hair to toiletries can clog a drain.

Sometimes, a clogged drain only results in a backup of water in the sink, but this isn’t always the case. A clogged drain can also lead to significant water damage. Moisture can seep onto the floor and even into the walls.

When moisture gets into the walls or underneath the floorboards, mold and mildew can become significant problems.

Let a Water Damage Restoration Specialist Handle Your Wet Mess

Sometimes, it takes a lot more than a mop and some towels to clean up excess water inside a business or home. Regardless of the cause, it’s best to contact a water damage restoration specialist.

From cleaning up to sanitizing and restoring the property, the professionals can handle everything, ensuring your property is safe and habitable again so you can get back to your daily life without worry.

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