Trusted Retirement Advice, Real Estate Enhacement Tips, Building
Remember to take care of these 3 things before you retire
7 Oct 2019
Remember to take care of these things before you retire
People often stress themselves out before retirement, because they don’t know what to do and how exactly to prepare for it. There are a few things you should do, and here are three of them.
If you plan on downsizing your house, you should definitely repair all the things that need it. Stains on the wall? Repaint it. Leaking roof? Fix it. Getting rid of all the malfunctions in the house can increase its value.
Retirement Plans Advice
Pay off every debt you have. A good option if you don’t have enough money for that is equity release. Since the choice can be difficult about which one to choose, there are websites that can help you by comparing different equity solutions. They also offer tools like equity release calculator or rates of interest on equity release.
Paying off your debt will give you more money to spend during your retirement, without having to worry about it. Do you have a funeral plan? It’s important that you can also prepare for the worst-case scenario. Start from inquiring about funeral services, burial and cremation costs plus other things such as urns, coffins, flowers, headstones and grave markers.
Make sure that you are happy with the thought of retiring. If you don’t feel excited, or you’re unsure – don’t retire yet. There is no specific age at which you have to retire – you can do it when you feel ready. Or you retire from your full-time job and find a part-time one. The second option is getting more popular nowadays.
If you want to learn more about the things you should take care of before retirement, check out the infographic below.
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photography : John Gollings and BVN
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