Moving Your Steel Structure Tips, Strong construction material guide, House Design

Moving Your Steel Structure

21 Aug 2020

Steel has been around as construction material for quite a long time now. In fact, it is seen as one of the best materials you can use for putting up a building. It is highly durable yet lightweight; it gives your building very stable support; it is flexible as a structure and can easily be assembled in many different ways; it is fire resistant; it is sleek in design and finish; it is resistant to earthquakes, and it is highly reusable/recyclable.

This last characteristic is the reason why steel is a highly sustainable material, and why, when restructuring or relocating is required for any building, steel can easily adapt. Many steel frameworks or buildings are actually transported from one location to another if there is any need for this.

Moving Your Steel Structure
photo : Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Moving Your Steel Structure – Building Material Guide

There are many reasons why steel buildings or structures have to be moved. Some redevelopment may be scheduled for the land the building is originally on. Other times, the building may really be for demolition and the structure can still be reused.

Moving your steel structure or your whole building may sound odd but it is doable. Here are some things you need to remember when you make the move:

  1. Check with your original manufacturer.

There are some manufacturers of steel buildings that have shipping capacities as well such as Worldwide Steel Buildings. Check with the manufacturer of your structure if they have the facility to help you with the move, especially if yours is a pretty big or complex building and not just a simple storage facility.

If they built it and shipped it to you initially, they may be able to help you with the move as well. This may help you save costs on having to deconstruct the whole thing into its parts and having to reassemble at the destination site. Apart from the time, effort, and energy you won’t have to expend, it will save you some significant costs as well.

  1. Prepare the new site.

To make the move as quick and as efficient as possible, make sure you’ve prepped the destination site and have made it ready to receive the transported framework. The foundation, support, and pits for the major poles have to be ready to receive the new structure that will be put in place.

  1. Consider the most efficient placement for view and sunlight.

This is a good time to maximize the sunlight and view that you get, if you didn’t get this from your previous location. Position your structure in such a way that it gets the best of these two in order to make the most out of the aesthetic experience inside your building as well.

  1. Comply with the necessary regulatory requirements at the new location.

A new lot will require different regulatory permits and rules that need to be observed. Make sure you are following all these rules so that you don’t encounter additional headaches when your move is finished and everything else is already in place.

These are some of the basic things you need to remember when you eventually have to move your steel structure. Get everything in place and your transition will definitely be a smooth one.

@lorelyn @brynel_maries Edited

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