Green Architecture Basic Elements, Sustainable Buildings, Climate Change

Four Elements of Green Architecture

Save The Earth: Eco Design & Reducing Waste – CO2 Emission Reduction Concepts

19 Mar 2019

Four Key Elements of Green Architecture Guide

Canada, the United States, and many other nations all over the world are becoming more and more aware of the need to save the Earth. Drives to reduce waste, especially plastics, and promote the wise use of the planet’s valuable resources have been sprouting in the last few years. Even activities as entertaining and glamorous as pageants have joined in the call to protect the environment.

Four Basic Elements of Green Architecture

In connection to that, the designs of homes have also become more and more environmentally attuned. In this article, we present the four basic elements that comprise green architecture.


Besides protecting the environment, green architecture also contributes to the overall health and well-being of the inhabitants. Through the use of non-toxic materials such as organic paints, all-natural adhesives, and other similar items, the air is kept free from contaminants that might trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks.

Another health-enhancing component of green architecture is the incorporation of greenery and other plants in the design. Plants have been found to have a calming and stress-reducing effect.

Finally, proper planning of where the building is to be located is another healthful move that going green is very mindful of. You see, when a home is located close to the essentials of life like stores and schools, the need for motorized travel is reduced and walking is encouraged.


The materials used in building an environmentally friendly home should be sourced from nature and be harvested in sustainable ways. Such materials should also have high levels of recyclability. Their use should also produce only the lowest possible amount of waste and emissions.

The materials that fit the above description can be priced a little bit higher. Because of this, there is a need for you to consult lawyers such as those from the McQuarrie law practice when you put a value on the property for selling or real estate taxation purposes.

Energy Systems

For its inhabitants to live comfortably in it, a home should have a proper cooling and heating system. Those who advocate for environmentally friendly buildings are mindful of how a house’s cooling and heating system is set up. They make use primarily of sunlight to heat up the place and cool it down by making strategic use of insulation materials. Of course, sunlight can also be used to illuminate spaces, reducing the building’s need for electricity.

Water Use

Water is a vital resource, and no one can survive without it. Hence, water should be kept flowing even in homes that apply environmentally friendly principles. However, just because water needs to flow doesn’t mean that it has to do so freely. Water must be well managed to the point that wastage is effectively minimized, if not totally eliminated. One of the most common ways of doing this is finding ways to collect and use rainwater for flushing and other activities that don’t require potable water. Making use of water-efficient appliances and fixtures is also a good way of achieving this.

Going green is surely not something that can be haphazardly done. This is a decision that requires careful thought in making and much greater cognitive power in following through. But the effort put in is not insignificant if we consider the amount of positive impact green buildings and architecture make.

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