Common causes of low water pressure and how to fix it, House Plumbing Tips, Property Guide

6 Common Causes of Low Water Pressure and How to Fix It

25 July 2023

Many British people these days complain of having a hydro-jetting session rather than normal water pressure, whether while washing the dishes in the kitchen sink or while having a shower in the bathroom.

Causes of low water pressure and How to fix it

It gets pretty overwhelming to experience such a technical plumbing issue in the busy mornings or even when having a laundry day at the weekend.

Several reasons might cause low water pressure, and finding the one that bothers your everyday life at home is essential for adequate fixing.

In this material, we will give you a list with the top explanations of why you might experience such a problem and how to fix it in no time.

What Causes Low Water Pressure

Before you call your local licensed plumber, ensure you cannot fix your low water pressure issue yourself.

Although plumping is tricky, and many homeowners wouldn’t want to deal with it alone, sometimes the cause might be easy enough to remove without extensive technical knowledge or experience.

Here are the most common reasons for having low water pressure in your home taps.

Municipal Water Problems

Experts recommend contacting the local water supplier first, for sometimes, the low water pressure in your home is just the tip of the iceberg.

In this case, there’s one general problem in your neighbourhood, district or even the entire city. When there’s a municipal water issue, no matter what a homeowner does for its own plumping system, the efforts are useless.

Until the general problem isn’t fixed, don’t expect your water pressure to increase. The fastest way to find out if you’re in such a situation is by getting some info from your neighbours. If they experience some form of low water pressure, it’s definitely a general regional issue.

To get more details on when the problem will be fixed, call the local water supplier and get some recommendations on what you can do.

Shutoff Valve Issues

Here’s another similar case that might have caused the lower water pressure in your home. Try to recall if you or someone around your house recently experienced plumbing repairs.

If yes, the house shut off the valve during the fixing process. Whether it was closed just for a while or remained without opening, such a technical repair might lead to the lower pressure of your home water.

Buildup in Pipes

Although the previous two reasons shouldn’t be expelled from your checklist of why the water pressure is low at home, the truth is that in 90% of the cases, we are talking about a blocked pipe.

The water flow progressively reduces when it gets full of buildup through the years. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to fix this issue, too.

We suggest you start with eco-friendly unblocking solutions such as white vinegar, club soda or baking soda to dissolve the calcium buildup. If the minerals have stuck inside the pipe and you cannot get rid of them, call the local plumbing company for expert assistance.

Failing Pressure Regulator

This thing has been made to establish solid control over the water flow. The idea is not to let it be too high or too low.

When the pressure regulator is out of order, it might reduce or increase the flow as the control management fails. The most common solution for such a problem is entirely replacing this plumbing part.

Don’t buy a new one without consulting a specialist in advance, as the model you select might not fit your plumbing system at home.

The Pipes Are Corroded

The specialists claim that a metal pipe usually lives up to 100 years. However, during this century of functioning, it can experience different issues and damage types.

The most common one is corrosion. Unfortunately, the corrosion starts entirely before the approach of this lifetime deadline. When the corrosion is very high, the water stops flowing normally.

Faulty Faucets and Fixtures

It’s not just the pipe–the faucets and fixtures can be blocked by mineral buildup, too. Use the same approaches from the above to unclog them.

Don’t forget that if you find difficulties in doing this chore, there’s always a handyman in your district who can give you a hand and repair the issue in no time.

How to Fix Water Pressure Loss in Your House

Now let’s move to the fixtures you can try according to the reason for your home’s low water pressure.

Again, we remind you that there’s always an easy and safe way to deal with the different causes, which is to call the local plumbing company.

If you feel well-prepped for such a technical chore, here are a couple of DIY repairing project guides to stick to.

Fix Any Pipe Leaks

Pipe leaks can be fixed with a replacement of the pipe. But is it possible to save some money and repair the leaking pipe?

At some point, yes, it is.

First of all, shut off the water supply. Then, if the hole is small, repair it with ordinary fibreglass tape.

Open the Valves

If the opened valve is the reason for the low water pressure, what’s the DIY fix solution? As a matter of fact, it’s easy to deal with this problem.

Just turn the valve counterclockwise to the maximum until the handle becomes parallel to the original pipe.

Clear the Buildup or Pipe Corrosion

You can use the buildup elimination tips mentioned above to remove the corrosion: white vinegar, baking soda paste, club soda, and you name it.

Conversely, corrosion should be better prevented rather than treated afterwards.

What you can do for this purpose is any of these:

  • Install accessories that can control the average water pH level between 6.5 and 8.5;
  • Always clean the pipes and regularly disinfect them with eco-friendly or homemade cleansing solutions;
  • Use a sealant on all metal elements for extra protection;
  • Consider applying u-bolts, straps, and clamps so they can easily cut down vibrations, which in most cases cause corrosion.

Fix a Broken Pressure Regulator

We’ve mentioned that when that is the issue, you should better replace it with a new one.

However, there might be a way to fix it, too. Here’s a good idea to try: first, clean the regulator thoroughly. See if it now works correctly.

If the problem is still there, note that, in most cases, the diaphragm is out of order. The good thing is that most pressure regulators come with a spare diaphragm for future replacement. See if you have one and place it according to the manual instructions.


Different plumbing problems can lead to low water pressure in your home. When you discover the main reason for your technical issue, it becomes easier to fix it.

In all cases, though, never overrate yourself as a great plumber just because you’ve managed to unclog a pipe once. If you don’t have the necessary knowledge, practice and tools, better rely on a professional for fast fixing.

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