9 top tips for naming your portfolio website guide

9 top tips for naming your portfolio website tips, Online business brand advice, Artist name generator guide

9 Top Tips For Naming Your Portfolio Website

post updated 17 February 2024

When thinking about the perfect name for your architect portfolio website, you can run through these tips first to see if they give you a spark of inspiration.

There are plenty of tips on naming your business and developing your brand’s name, but it’s also important to name the site in which you’ll be keeping your architecture portfolio archive. Alongside tools that are available online such as an artist name generator which can be very useful when coming up with ideas or inspiration, we’ve created a list of tips that we think are most likely to help you make a decision. It’s also worth using website design software to preview how your name will look displayed in different ways on a website.

9 top tips for naming your portfolio website

26 September 2021

1. Think About The Acronym

When your site name is abbreviated to a few letters, it’s worth ensuring they form a memorable phrase. That way, people will remember your site more easily, and you can use the acronym on your branding without any concerns that people will mix it up with something else. Some famous examples include the BBC and AOL. The former is the British Broadcasting Company, and the latter is America Online.

2. Mix And Match Words

Many famous brands are mash-ups of two or more words, which makes them both unique and memorable. By being unique, their brand identity can’t simply be transferred to a competitor, as it’s tied into their name. An example would include the note-taking app Evernote or the travel review website TripAdvisor. Both of these combine two words and are regarded by many as successful brands.

3. Use Your Favourite Books

It takes a lot of creativity to be an author, and that’s why people enjoy reading so much. But not only that – when we read, it creates vivid pictures in our imagination. We can derive ideas from that too. Ideas that could become names for your website. If you’d like to try this out, pick out one of your favourite books and re-read a chapter. See if any names or descriptions leap out at you.

4. Look At Other Languages

Although this article is written in English, that doesn’t mean you have to pick an English name for your website. If you’re fluent in a foreign language, think about any words you could merge with English to make a name. Sometimes you might find a word that fits so well you can simply use it as is. For example, if you were running a blog reviewing karaoke acts, which is Japanese for ‘empty orchestra’, but in English means an amateur sing-along, you might call it KaraOK.

5. Name It After Yourself

If you’ve struggled to find any ideas that you think are suitable, then one of the most accessible options you’ve got is naming your website after yourself. Other people may share your name, but it’s a great way to identify your website as part of you. If you become famous, many people will discover you through your website. An example would be Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream.

6. Pick A Place Name

One of the world’s biggest companies, Amazon, takes its name from the Amazon River, which is the world’s largest river. Nowadays, the name seems fitting, but back when Amazon was small, it was another name among many. So it makes no difference to your brand’s reputation or strength if it’s named after a location. You just have to pick a location that has some meaning to you. In this article, Sloboda Studio covers the main points to take into account if you are wondering how to build a website like Amazon.

7. Combine Names And Places

Another idea that you can use is to feature part of a place name and part of your name in the website name. That way, it’s unique but doesn’t get confused with any locations or names. That’s what the founder of IKEA did when he combined his initials with the initials of his hometown to create the IKEA acronym.

8. Mix Two Companies Together

If you’re fortunate enough to own a second website already, you might be able to merge them if they have similar functions. You can simply create a new name that includes elements of both old names when you do this. That’s precisely what happened to Fox Film Corporation and Twentieth Century Pictures when they merged to become 20th Century Fox.

9. Think About Some Nicknames

When we go through life, we sometimes pick up nicknames from other people. They might be a shorter version of our name or a reference to a trait or ability. These nicknames can also serve as inspiration for what you should name your website after.

9 top tips for naming your portfolio website Conclusion

These are only nine tips out of dozens that are available to help inspire you when naming your architect portfolio website. Hopefully, these have given you some ideas or solved the naming challenge you were having. Once you’ve got your website name, you’ll have taken a big step forward in your creative journey.

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