4 Modern Trends in Architecture Every Student Should Know Tips, Architect Education Advice, Building Guide
4 Modern Trends in Architecture Every Student Should Know
Oct 19, 2020
The art of creating buildings has been evolving along with the rest of the world. It has always reflected the immediate needs and capabilities of the humankind to achieve their goals.
Along with the field itself, the studying process has been seeing plenty of changes. Your education provides you with a foundation, upon which the rest of your career will be built.
We now live in a time that could very well be the most accommodating for architecture students all over the world. Not only are they able to study the great successes and failures of the past, but the abundance of resources and demand offers a huge range of opportunities for them to choose from.
Here are some of the modern trends that can help you better grasp the direction the modern architecture is heading.
Comfort & Accessibility
The first and most important trend in today’s architecture is the push for comfort, health, and accessibility. In other words, the field is focused on creating long-term projects. The main goal is to achieve maximum quality of life for the inhabitants of the future buildings rather than simply provide a roof in the shortest time possible with as little resources spent as possible.
This trend is harder to follow than it may seem at first glance. It requires a lot of in-depth knowledge in a variety of specialized fields completed with a considerable amount of experience. As an architecture student, you’ll have quite some work cut out for you.
Developing a diverse range of skills required for efficient work within this trend will require all the study help on https://studyfy.com/essay-editing you can get. And if you feel like you are being overstressed from the sheer amount of work, consider outsourcing some of the secondary tasks to online essay writing services like Paper Writer platform.
Space Efficiency
The human population grows exponentially. A major percentage of people are drawn to major cities in search of more opportunities and more developed infrastructure. This creates a looming problem of overpopulation.
This problem is what many modern architects are forced to deal with daily through the course of their work. The solutions to this issue have created a trend for conserving as much space as possible.
The space efficiency approach finds different applications when used in designing office buildings as opposed to living quarters. Furthermore, the specific use of this principle may even differ within one type of buildings.
Despite that, the majority of modern architects share the same goals when designing a space-efficient building. These goals are closely related to interior design and go beyond simple conservation of space:
- Space efficiency;
- Cost efficiency;
- The health of inhabitants;
- Comfort and productivity of inhabitants.
All of these basic principles have the general well-being of the people who will inhabit the future building in mind, as well as the financial interest of the project’s sponsor. Maintaining this balance can be the greatest challenge for architects of all schools and levels of experience.
The resources available impose limitations on your otherwise unrestrained imagination. The ability to do the best you can with what little you have available is one of the most important skills you could develop.
Green Effort
Modern society is growing more and more aware of the effect humanity has on their habitat. As the pollution levels are rising, more and more activists become vocal about the problem.
This in turn finds a reflection in many spheres of our lives. Governments pass limits and regulations on various fields, companies use environment-friendly products as a marketing strategy, and architects fill the demand for houses that are safe for surrounding nature.
This trend has completely changed the rules of the game for the architects that chose to follow it. This approach affects more aspects of a potential project than you might think.
The materials available to you are limited to those harmless for the environment. The sources of energy for the buildings are changed from conventional to renewable. This comes with its own type of various problems. Extra limitations may appear depending on the local wildlife.
All of this is combined with the need to fulfill the basic needs of the building’s inhabitants. It has to be safe, cost-efficient, accessible, comfortable to live in, etc. All of these limitations can create a considerable challenge for an architect. Although it doesn’t scare those who are ready to adapt to the whims of the market.
Smart Space
Technology has been progressing at an exponential rate for the last few decades. Devices have become a vital part of our daily lives. It is hard to imagine a sphere that doesn’t benefit from technology nowadays. Architecture and interior design are no exception. The human reliance on their devices has had an influence on how a modern habitat is designed.
The current level of technology makes it possible to make buildings into networks of interconnected systems and devices. This trend is very young even compared with the other modern ideas.
The cost of such a transition does slow its spread considerably. But it is making its way into the general market bit by bit. And houses that are designed with this new direction in mind are very likely to see more love from the customers in the nearest future.
4 modern trends in architecture students should know – Final Words
Architecture is a field that at all times stays very close to human society and reflects its needs and wishes. It is very flexible and the trends are constantly changing based on a multitude of factors.
We think we can predict the direction of architecture for the next century fairly accurately. But the rules of the game can change nearly instantly on a whim of some technological breakthrough or new societal development.
Despite that (or possibly thanks to that) architecture is a very interesting and rewarding field to study and work in. The prospect of creating something fundamental, something that will last for the longest time, quite possibly outliving the architect oneself is very inspiring to the new generation of architecture students.
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