Delugan Meissl Architects Vienna, Austria Architecture Studio, Vienna Design Office
Delugan Meissl Associated Architects Practice Information
Contemporary Austrian Architectural Practice
post updated 17 June 2021
Delugan Meissl Associated Architects News
17 Jun 2021
NEUmarkt Bielefeld, Bielefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, northwestern Germany
Design: Delugan Meissl Associated Architects
Visualization: Toni Nachev
NEUmarkt Bielefeld
Delugan Meissl – Partner CVs
1993 Delugan_Meissl ZT Gmbh was founded jointly by Elke Delugan-Meissl and Roman Delugan
Roman Delugan born in Merano, Italy
– Studied at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna and graduated from the masterclass of Professor W. Holzbauer
– From 1984 to 1985 he worked on the research project `Architecture of the
– 20th century in Austria´ directed by Friedrich Achleitner
– From 1996 to 1997 guest lecturer at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna
– From 2004 to 2005 guest professor FH Bern, Switzerland
Elke Delugan-Meissl born in Linz, Austria
– Studied at the Polytechnic in Innsbruck and graduated under Professor O. Barth.
– Various studios in Innsbruck and Vienna, Prof. Wilhelm Holzbauer
– Since 2003 Land Advisory Board Vienna [Grundstücksbeirat]
– 2006 teaching position University Stuttgart
– Since 2006 Building and Urban Design Assessment Committee Salzburg [Gestaltungsbeirat]
Dietmar Feistel born in Bregenz, Austria
– Studied at the Polytechnic in Vienna
– From 1996 to 2000 teaching position at the Polytechnic in Vienna, Will Alsop
– Since 1998 collaborator and project manager at Delugan Meissl
– Since 2004 associate partner at Delugan Meissl Associated Architects
Martin Josst born in Hamburg, Germany
– Studied at the Muthesius Academy of Art and Design in Kiel, Germany
– collaborator at Morphosis, Los Angeles
– Since 2001 collaborator and project manager at Delugan Meissl
– Since 2004 associate partner at Delugan Meissl Associated Architects
– 2006 teaching position University Stuttgart, Prof. Franziska Ullmann
Christopher Schweiger born in Salzburg, Austria
– Studies Vienna, Wilhelm Holzbauer, Zvi Hecker and Zaha Hadid
– Studies Berlin, Frank Barkow and Peter Baumbach
– Since 1996 collaborator and project manager at Delugan Meissl
– Since 2004 associate partner at Delugan Meissl Associated Architects
Erl Winter Festival Hall, Tyrol, Austria:
image © Delugan Meissl Associated Architects
Delugan Meissl : main page with news + key projects
Delugan Meissl – Architectural Approach – Extract
We seek to generate an architecture that always also holds within it the moment of motion like the body movement poised in a tense state of rest. The concept of “speed” and its implementation in a discipline that is ostensibly committed to rest is one of the themes that interest us most.
How can it express itself through its form and content, through its direct experience?
We do not regard buildings as mere skins that are to be filled afterwards and whose intrinsic flow is blocked through the classic separation into rooms. Instead we use a sculptural formulation of the exterior skin to produce different spatial valences on the inside, which arise out of the formal flux of the overall architecture.
In our concepts, a building is always part of a larger whole, a formulation of a spatial context of influences rather than a solitary structure. The singularity of the site is absorbed as an impetus, from which a result is created that implants itself in the environment as something strong and self-confident, without seeking to negate what already exists, something that in doing so never loses sight of the tension between the two poles of the extant and the new.
Information from Delugan Meissl Associated Architects 121007
Delugan Meissl Workshop
Workshop by Delugan/Meissl, Ajman University, UAE
18 – 21 Feb 2012
Four-day workshop by architects Delugan/Meissl at Ajman University of Science & Technology (AUST), UAE.
For more information and registration please contact:
Dr. Jihad Awad: [email protected] / [email protected]
Location: Vienna, Austria
Vienna Architects Practice Information
DMAA is run by Elke Delugan-Meissl and Roman Delugan.
Delugan Meissl Associated Architects studio based in Vienna, Austria.
Delugan Meissl Book
DMAA monograph:
daab // ISBN-10 3-937718-87-7
Austrian Building Designs
Austrian Architecture Designs – architectural selection below:
Austrian Architecture Design – chronological list
Austrian Architect – Architect Listings
Vienna Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect
Living by the harbour, Sintstrasse, Linz, Upper Austria
Design: xarchitekten
photo : Lisi Grebe
Living by the harbour
Parish church in Mank, Mank, district of Melk, Lower Austria
Design: X Architekten
photo : LITE Studio
Parish church in Mank
Comments / photos for the Delugan Meissl Architects Vienna page welcome