Aldington Craig & Collinge, English Architects, Turn End House, Buildings, Architecture, House
Aldington Craig & Collinge Architects
20th Century Buildings in Haddenham, Buckinghamshire, England, UK
4 Jun 2017
Turn End Trust Events Programme
Turn End House and Garden/Peter Aldington – August/September Events
In the heart of Haddenham (Buckinghamshire) is Turn End, one of a cluster of three 1960s village houses, all listed at Grade 2*, designed and built by architect Peter Aldington. Its internationally renowned garden, created as a natural extension to the architect’s own house, unfolds as an intriguing series of ‘garden rooms’. Turn End Trust, established to promote the integration of building and garden design and conserve the Turn End estate, hosts an annual programme of events which includes these forthcoming events.
Peter has the rare distinction of having had all 9 houses he has designed listed, more than any other living architect in the UK.
Turn End Trust Events Programme in Buckinghamshire
10 Feb 2017
Turn End Trust launches its 2017 Events Programme
Architecture, Gardens and the Arts included in Turn End Trust’s 2017 programme
TURN END TRUST (Haddenham) has launched its events programme for 2017 and included is a host of educational, creative and community led events that will appeal to those interested in Turn End, the internationally acclaimed house and garden located in the heart of Haddenham. Bookings are now available on line at as well as by email to: [email protected] and you can now follow Turn End at or
The season starts in March (Saturday 25th March) with a walk and talk on Getting the Garden Ready with Turn End’s gardener Jackie Hunt. Turn End garden is made up of a variety of distinct styles and has become a source of inspiration for landscape designers and horticulturists, as well as amateur gardeners. Exploring the garden and working areas, Jackie will explain the winter and springtime jobs required in preparing the garden for the growing season.
In April (Thursday 27th April), Peter Aldington, whose work has brought him the greatest number of listed buildings of any living architect, is inviting people into his home to join him in conservation. The House and Garden at Turn End are widely regarded as a prime example of the blend between architecture and landscape design. Inside/Outside will explore the relationship of the houses at Turn End to their outside spaces.
Artists and makers will be able to join Heather Hunter, Turn End’s artist-in-residence who specialising in paper art, printing and artists’ books, and create a Spring Journal from an old book on Saturday 6th May. This one day workshop will take place in the Methodist Church in Haddenham but will combine a visit to Turn End Garden for inspiration.
To meet demand, Turn End Trust is hosting two House and Garden Open Days this year – in May (Sunday 7th May) and again in August (Monday 28th August). Visitors will be able to step inside Turn End and perceive the design and layout of the house as well as meet Peter and Margaret Aldington. The enchanting series of walled gardens will be open to explore.
Turn End House interior:
photograph : Richard Bryant _ Arcaid
On Saturday and Sunday 17th/18th June, visitors will be able to enjoy an Open Garden Weekend at Turn End and visit the studios of Heather Hunter and Paul Wilkinson (which are within the Turn End estate) during the Bucks Open Studio weekend. The studios will also be open for Bucks Open Studios from Monday 19th to Sunday 25th June. Also in June is a Midsummer Night’s Tour with Jackie Hunt on Wednesday 21st June (Summer Solstice).
Highlights of this year’s programme include a Turn End Tour and a Turn End Talk. The Tour on Saturday 3rd June includes a day long visit to three houses in Buckinghamshire designed by Aldington Craig and Collinge (Peter Aldington’s former practice). The talk (Saturday 2nd September) is on Modern Houses – the Smooth and the Hairy with Dr. Alan Powers, Trustee and former Chairman of the Twentieth Century Society. Spaces for both are limited, so it is advisable to book early.
In August (Tuesday 15th August) gardening enthusiasts will be able to discover how to propagate plants by taking cuttings in a friendly and practical introductory Propagation Techniques workshop. Jackie Hunt will be joined by garden advisor Lindsay Engers for this workshop.
The programme concludes with a Themed Quiz Night on Saturday 14th October. Rounds will specifically relate to architecture, garden, arts and creativity. Enthusiasts are encouraged to book or join a table.
Turn End Trust was established in 1998 and aims to conserve the Turn End Estate for the benefit of the public. Turn End House and Garden in Haddenham, was designed and built by architect Peter Aldington in the 1960s. The Trust also operates a Friends Scheme offering private access to the garden, participation in exclusive Friends events and free or discounted entry to other events. There are various categories of Friends, including individual (£25), joint (£35), lifetime (individual £200, joint £300), corporate (£300) and volunteer (please apply to the Trust).
To find out more about any of these events or the Friends Scheme:
[email protected] / 07591 018601
· Turn End Trust was established in 1998 to promote the integration of building and garden design; enable public access to this and other examples; and, after bequest by the Aldingtons, to conserve and maintain Turn End, its garden and associated buildings.
· The Trust has launched a Friends Scheme, aiming to increase opportunities for public appreciation of the site, and to create networks of supporters and volunteers across the community to carry it into the future.
· Turn End House is considered one of the major creations of architect Peter Aldington, OBE. The house is one of a cluster of three, all listed at Grade 2*, designed and built by Peter with his wife Margaret between 1964-67.
· Turn End Garden was created by Peter as a natural extension to the house. The garden has become a source of inspiration for landscape designers and horticulturists, as well as amateur gardeners. As an ensemble, the house and garden are widely regarded as a prime example of the blend between architectural and landscape design.
· Peter’s work has brought him the greatest number of listed buildings of any living architect, and led to awards and extensive publicity. Visitors come from across the UK, Europe, and around the world, many having become architects or landscape designers as a result of listening to Peter or seeing his work.
2 + 1 Aug 2016
Turn End House by architect Peter Aldington
Turn End House by architect Peter Aldington
MONDAY 29th AUGUST 2016: 14.00 – 17.30. ENTRY £15.00
SATURDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER 2016: 15.30 – 18.30. TICKETS £25.00
Turn End, one of three award-winning village houses designed and built in the 1960s by architect Peter Aldington, will be opening the doors to its home and garden on Monday 29th August 14.00-17.30. Hosted by Turn End Trust and rarely open to visit, architecture admirers and gardening enthusiasts will be able to meet Peter and Margaret Aldington and find out how the house and gardens were designed and developed over the years. Entry is £15.00
photo : Paul Wilkinson photography
Then in September, as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, the Trust is also hosting an afternoon in the company of Richard Bisgrove, distinguished author, broadcaster and horticulturalist. Richard will give a talk on “’The Modern Garden’ and the modern garden” on Saturday 10th September 15.30-18.30, of special interest to anyone interested in gardens and their design. Drawing on Turn End as an example, his illustrated talk will explore different aspects in the development of the ‘modern’ garden. The ‘Modern Movement’ in architecture (‘Form follows function’ and ‘Less is more’) set challenges for garden designers, since gardens are after all decorative and luxuriant compositions. Richard will suggest how those challenges were applied to the creation of the ‘Modern Garden’ and then trace how various strands of garden design have developed in a ‘post-modern’ world. The talk will be in the Methodist Chapel, High Street, Haddenham and will be followed by a reception in Turn End garden. Tickets are £25.00, proceeds for the benefit of Turn End Trust.
photo : Richard Bryant _ Arcaid
Turn End, Haddenham consists of an award-winning house and an internationally renowned garden. The garden, created as a natural extension to the house, is rich in unexpected angles, nooks and vistas and is a source of inspiration for gardeners from around the world. Awarded the Royal Institute of British Architects Award for Architecture in 1970, house and garden are widely regarded as a prime example of the blend between modern architecture and landscape design. Peter Aldington OBE RIBA MCSD, the designer of Turn End, has nine listed houses to his name. ‘Houses’ created by Peter Aldington by RIBA Publishing was published in April this year.
photo : Richard Bryant _ Arcaid
Turn End Trust was set up as a registered charity (Charity No: 1072771) with the aim of protecting this small estate, promoting the integration of architecture and garden design, and making it available for the benefit of the wider community. The Trust runs an annual programme and operates a Friends Scheme offering benefits for members.
Turn End House Daisy Garden:
photo : Richard Bryant _ Arcaid
To book either of the above events, or for further information:
Please email: turnendtrustevents@gmail or phone Venetia Davies, Events Co-ordinator, Turn End Trust: 07591 018601
Aldington Craig & Collinge – Key Projects
Featured Buildings by Aldington Craig & Collinge, alphabetical:
Ludlow Library, Shropshire, western England
Peter Aldington’s own house, Haddenham, Buckinghamshire, southern England
Village housing, Bledlow, England
More architecture design projects online soon
Location: Albury Ct, Thame, OX9 2LP, Buckinghamshire, England, UK
Buckinghamshire Architecture Practice Information
Aldington Craig & Collinge founded in the 1960’s by John Craig and Peter Aldington
Peter Aldington architect:
photo : Paul Wilkinson photography.
Architect practice based in Thame, Buckinghamshire, England
Aldington Craig & Collinge : English Architects
Collinge joined in 1970’s and Aldington + Craig retired in 1986
Studio known for restrained contextual Modernism, notably Peter’s own house
Exhibition at the RIBA designed by Richard Murphy Architects, who remain firm supporters of this practice’s work, including conservation of the buildings.
More Aldington Craig & Collinge buildings online soon
English Architecture Design
Contemporary English Building Designs – recent architectural selection from e-architect below:
English Architecture Design – chronological list
English Architect – Architect studio Listings
Comments or building suggestions / photos for the Aldington Craig & Collinge Architecture – Buckinghamshire Architects Practice page welcome.