Aarhus Concert Hall building photos, Denmark Arts, Danish music venue design images

Aarhus Concert Hall, Jutland

Århus Koncert Hal, Jylland, Danmark design by Kjaer & Richter Architects

Location: city centre, Jylland, Danmark

Date built: 1982

Architect: Kjaer & Richter

Images of this Danish concert hall building, taken in July 2008

Århus Koncert Hal Bygning

Aarhus Concert Hall building

This building forms the largest concert hall in Scandinavia.

It is home to the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus, the Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, the Danish National Opera, the children’s theatre “Filuren” and the Concert Hall Aarhus.

Café – entry:
Aarhus Concert Hall building cafe

The 2000sqm glazed foyer contains the box office, the restaurant “johan r”, a gallery, and a series of stages for free performances. It also contains palm trees, old olive trees and numerous works of art.

Aarhus Concert Hall building interior

Location: south west of city centre, just south west of the town hall building

Aarhus Concert Hall Building Aarhus Concert Hall Århus Koncert Hal Bygning Århus Koncert Hal

Aarhus Concert Hall Aarhus Concert Hall Aarhus Concert Hall Aarhus Concert Hall
photos © Adrian Welch

Aarhus Concert Hall Extension
Date built: 2007
Design: Arkitektfirmaet C. F. Møller A/S
Aarhus Concert Hall
image from architect studio
Aarhus Concert Hall Extension

source: https://www.visitaarhus.com/ln-int/concert-hall-aarhus-gdk603894

Location: Århus Koncert Hal, Jylland, Danmark, northern Europe.

Architecture in Jutland, Denmark

Jutland Architectural Projects

Aarhus Architecture Designs – chronological list

Aarhus Architecture Walking Tours

Aarhus Buildings

Concert Hall Buildings

Aarhus Buildings

Aarhus Architecture Designs – recent architectural selection on e-architect:

Design: BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group
Neuroscience Center Aarhus Jutland
picture courtesy of architects office
Neuroscience Center Aarhus

Strandbakkehuset Hospice, Rønde, north east of Århus, Jutland, Denmark
Design: AART, Architects
Strandbakkehuset Hospice in Rønde

School of Business and Social Sciences at Aarhus University
Design: AART
School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University

Moesgård Museum Aarhus

Kjaer & Richter har siden tegnestuens etablering arbejdet med private og offentlige planlægnings- og byggeopgaver i ind- og udland. Arbejdsområderne omfatter et bredt spekter af opgaver, der i type og størrelse spænder fra store udbygningsplaner, kultur- og musikhuse, sportsanlæg, administrations-, undervisnings- og boligbyggeri til processrådgivning og designopgaver.
source: http://www.kjaerrichter.dk/rs/322/firmaprofil/

Århus Rådhus – The Town Hall, Key building in Aarhus : Arne Jacobsen

Aarhus Teater, Teatergaden

Århus is the second-largest city in Denmark. It is located on the east coast of the Jutland peninsula, in the geographical centre of Denmark. The inner urban area contains around 269,000 inhabitants (2017) and the municipal population is approximately 336,000 (2017).

Comments / photos for the Århus Koncert HalAarhus Concert Hall Building design by Kjaer & Richter Architects page welcome.