Ukraine architecture news 2024, Kyiv buildings, Architect offices, Eastern Europe construction project, Property designs
Ukraine Architecture News
Contemporary Architectural Developments: New Built Environment Eastern Europe / Asia
post updated 4 January 2025
Ukraine Building News
Ukraine Architecture Designs – chronological list
13 November 2024
Lumo, Dnipro
Architecture: YOD Group
photo : Oleksandr Anhelovskyi
Lumo Bistro Dnipro, Ukraine restaurant
The project was inspired by modern Italy, or rather a mix of its various cultural facets. Mosaic tiles, check patterns, and textured veneers refer to the Memphis group that revolutionized Italian design in the 1980s.
22 October 2024
Winners of the Kharkiv Housing Challenge Architecture Competition
Kharkiv housing photograph © Norman Foster Foundation
Kharkiv Housing Challenge International Competition Winners
In April 2022, as a consequence of the conflict in Ukraine and in the context of the United Nations Forum of Mayors, the Mayor of Kharkiv, Ihor Terekhov, asked Norman Foster to lead the masterplan for the reconstruction of the city. The Norman Foster Foundation then brought together the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) with Arup and that core group, led by the Foundation, have been working closely with the Kharkiv City Council and a team of local and international experts on the development of the masterplan.
24 August 2024
Traditional Windmill Restoration, Kherson
Architecture: loft buro
photo : Andrey Avdeenko
Traditional Windmill Restoration Kherson, Ukraine
The restoration of the windmill, along with the recreation of the milling process from a century ago, has now taken on a practical aspect. Through this project, we could showcase the grandeur of the ancient architects’ ideas and the thoughtful use of wind power in turning grain into flour.
9 February 2024
Ukraine Study Trip: Pelosi spoke briefly at the SPUR event discussing the importance of our ongoing relationship with Ukraine.
photo : HOUR VOYSES | Darius Riley
Ukraine Architectural News
Architectural Resources Group / ARG Conservation Services Joins
The Charge To Rebuild Ukraine
With Innovative Building Techniques
REUkraine: REstart, REbuild, REcover
9th of February 2024, San Francisco, CA – – Architectural Resources Group / ARG Conservation Services, Inc. (ARG / ARG CS) provided the home base for the ten member Ukrainian Study Trip from January 19 to 29. The trip was conceived to demonstrate rapid reconstruction methods that utilize innovative methods and sustainable materials to rebuild hospitals, residences, and schools in the war-torn country while respecting and preserving cultural heritage. It was developed by the Center for Innovation (CFI), in partnership with Dobrobat, a Ukrainian non-government organization (NGO) focused on rapid rebuilding response. Leaders of NGOs, members of Parliament, construction professionals and architects were among the selected delegates on the trip.
Ukraine Study Trip: Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi met the ten Ukrainian delegates at SPUR.
photograph : HOUR VOYSES | Darius Riley
The estimated cost of rebuilding Ukraine is more than $500 Billion USD and the time to start rebuilding is now due to the scope of the damage. The Study Trip allowed the visitors to connect with a community of leaders in the design and construction industry, government officials, and NGO leadership. During their stay, the delegates learned about advanced means and methods of construction, including industrialized construction; integrated project delivery; robotics; AI; and other technologies. They spent time touring many local sites and ARG / ARG CS’s San Francisco offices served as a home base for the visiting delegates.
In addition to touring ARG / ARG CS project sites at Stanford University, The Presidio of San Francisco, and Filoli Gardens, the group gathered at the office for a presentation focused on incorporating cultural heritage into recovery, and later in the week for an exchange of ideas and a discussion of next steps over brunch.
On Friday, January 26th, the Ukrainian delegation was hosted at a public reception hosted by the US Department of State, and at a public talk at SPUR in San Francisco, Planning for Rebuilding During War: Voices from Ukraine, Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi came to meet the group. Pelosi spoke briefly to the audience about the importance of our ongoing relationship with Ukraine.
Ukraine Study Trip: A focus of the visit was the importance of restoring and preserving cultural heritage while rebuilding. The group visited many historic sites including Filoli in Woodside, CA.
photograph : Iryna Gorb
ARG / ARG CS Principal, David Wessel, became involved with CFI during the Summer of 2023. He visited Ukraine in July 2023 with two CFI members and spoke at conference on reconstruction and recovery jointly sponsored by CFI and Dobrobat. David and other ARG / ARG CS staff and Principals offered a perspective on recovery during the Study Trip that emphasized the importance of restoring and preserving cultural heritage while rebuilding. “Why should cultural heritage be incorporated into the recovery of Ukraine? Because data from past recovery efforts has shown that involving community and cultural heritage professionals in planning and recovery implementation is a very important factor for success,” says Wessel.
CFI is seeking partners to both work with a fund reconstruction. To learn more about the program
Please visit the project’s website here:
Ukraine Study Trip: A public talk at SPUR in San Francisco, Planning for Rebuilding During War: Voices from Ukraine.
photo : HOUR VOYSES | Darius Riley
Architectural Resources Group and ARG Conservation Services
Architectural Resources Group is a full-service architectural practice comprised of architects, planners, and conservators who believe in the value that history adds to modern life. With offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, their services include architecture, historic architecture, sustainable design, conservation, planning, historical research, and materials conservation. The firm is a 50-person practice with more than four decades of experience in the renovation, rehabilitation, and repair of buildings, both historical and recent, as well as in new construction. For more information, please refer to
ARG Conservation Services is a design-build and construction management firm specializing in the assessment and hands-on conservation of historic buildings, monuments, collections in historic contexts, and large-scale works of art. Principals and staff are nationally recognized experts in architectural conservation and cultural resources management, representing decades of experience planning and executing projects in culturally sensitive settings.
Ukraine Study Trip: Representatives from NASA made a presentation to the group at the Architectural Resources Group (ARG) offices.
photo : Center for Innovation (CFI)
Center for Innovation and Dobrobat
Center for Innovation:
Center for Innovation (CFI) is a San Francisco based NGO that serves a global community of innovators in design and construction. The mission of CFI is to serve as a catalyst to improve the built environment and inspire innovation. CFI facilitates the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and insights to address challenges and opportunities in our industry.
CFI is a 501C-3 non-profit incorporated in California. Center for Innovation’s Board of Directors are leaders in design and construction and currently number 12 people. CFI has a small staff and numerous consultants in finance, media and technology who amplify the organizational mission. CFI is funded by sponsorships from leading design and construction companies around the world.
Ukraine Study Trip: Members of the Ukrainian delegation at a Swinerton Builders construction site. The group learned about advanced means and methods of construction.
photograph : David Wessel
Dobrobat is a Ukrainian volunteer construction battalion that provides emergency repairs to homes, hospitals, and schools damaged by Russian aggression. The project’s priority is rapid restoration: repairing damaged roofs, broken windows, and damaged walls. Volunteer centers are located in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson Oblasts.
Over 40,000 people have registered to assist Dobrobat. The organization has helped over 2,700 families in the repair of damaged homes and helped rebuild over eighty “social infrastructure” sites. Dobrobat works closely with mayors in the most damaged regions of the country and is a registered NGO within Ukraine. Dobrobat and CFI have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for mutual collaboration. Dobrobat recently hired its first paid staff person. Dobrobat’s funding is from individuals around the world.
8 Feb 2023
Sweco helps build Ukraine housing
Sweco has been given the assignment of leading the procurement for and supporting the construction of housing in six cities in western Ukraine. The objective is to quickly meet the needs of internally displaced people for housing, heating, water and electricity.
There are currently 6.2 million internally displaced people (IDPs) in Ukraine. In response to the effects of the war, the EU has decided to finance housing, schools, pre-schools and hospitals as well as to repair infrastructure in liberated cities in Ukraine.
Sweco’s assignment includes ensuring that European procurement norms are complied with when the project organisations procure contractors for the buildings in six municipalities located in the Western parts of Ukraine, which will receive new EU-funded IDP housing.
“It feels incredibly gratifying to contribute Sweco’s expertise in a concrete manner that enables meeting people’s basic needs, such as shelter, water, and electricity. Sweco has extensive experience in rapidly putting together and managing teams comprised of international and local players with the right skills to make this possible,” says Åsa Bergman, President and CEO of Sweco.
“We are pleased to see that the EU-funded action for IDPs’ urgent housing needs is now proceeding. We are committed to working towards a green recovery in Ukraine together with procured partners to ensure that Ukraine is rebuilt greener and better,” says Ulf Bojö, Vice President, Green Transition in Eastern Europe at Nefco.
The project starts immediately and is planned to continue for two years. Sweco will be collaborating with local Ukrainian consultants. The client is Nefco, the Nordic Green Bank, which is an international financial institution founded by the five Nordic countries. Nefco has broad experience of financing municipal projects in Ukraine and acts as an implementing agency for the EU’s actions to support Ukraine.
Previously on e-architect:
Ukraine Architecture News in 2022
10 Nov 2022
Ukrainian and Dutch spatial professionals build network for reconstruction Ukraine
The war in Ukraine has reduced cities to rubble and has affected millions of people. Although the war is still raging in full force, it is good to start thinking about rebuilding the country now. And in doing so, listening to the needs of Ukrainians.
To this end, Ukrainian and Dutch spatial professionals have united in the Ukraine – the Netherlands Urban Network (UNUN). So that they can meet the challenges of a sustainable and liveable reconstruction of Ukraine with joint effort. The UNUN network responds to urgent needs such as job search, knowledge exchange and capacity building. The UNUN network and the online platform will be presented at the City Makers Congres (“Stadmakerscongres”) in Rotterdam on Friday 4 November.
Chief Government Architect Francesco Veenstra: “Rebuilding Ukraine is not just about asphalt, concrete and bricks. It is about a sustainable, liveable and dignified restoration of the country. I call on the Dutch design and construction sector to share design strength and knowledge and become active within the UNUN network.”
Oleksandra Tkachenko: “Ukraine faces an immense spatial challenge. And can become the innovative forerunner in urban planning and sustainable design in the 21st century.”
Matching work
In the coming period, the network is committed to organising studio visits, educational exchange, workshops and a lecture series. Ukrainian architects, landscape designers and urban planners looking for work in the Netherlands can use the website to get in touch with Dutch design and engineering firms willing to (temporarily) employ people from Ukraine.
UNUN is a joint initiative of Ukrainian spatial professionals in the Netherlands, the Board of Government Advisors, AIR Rotterdam, Independent School for the City, Het Nieuwe Instituut, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Kuiper Compagnons and Orange Architects.
8 Nov 2022
ALIPH and Getty Partner to Protect Cultural Heritage in Ukraine
photo : Emmanuel Durand
Ukraine Cultural Heritage Grant Award by ALIPH and Getty
The International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH) announced today a $1 million commitment by the Getty Trust to support the protection of Ukraine’s cultural heritage. The grant is part of ALIPH’s existing Ukrainian Action Plan, which to date has committed $3 million to support projects to protect museums, libraries, archives, and historic sites, and assist the heritage professionals caring for them.
15 Sep 2022
A House For Lebbeus Woods In Ukraine
Text from ICARCH Competitions
The question is: if Lebbeus Woods lived in Ukraine, now, would he have imagined what very often he imagined in his drawn oeuvre?
A similar question could have been: if Peter Eisenman lived in Haiti, at the time of the tremendous earthquake that devastated the country, would he have still chosen the theoretical banner of En Terror Firma?
But then, perhaps it is not art that copies life, but the other way around.
So maybe, to an extent at least, both Lebbeus Woods and Peter Eisenman had premonitions…they anticipated disasters that were to come.
But maybe those disasters were mainly within themselves.
Architecture is War – War is Architecture – wrote Lebbeus Woods.
And this year there are 10 years since he died.
We invite you to imagine A HOUSE FOR LEBBEUS WOODS – in Ukraine.
Would it be very similar to what we already see, published, almost daily?
Or would it be in some kind of opposition?
What do you think?
Please reflect on the way he drew… he drew like an old master… magnificently well… the manner of drawing was somehow in disjunction with the matter depicted.
Woods was obsessed by death, although one could have rarely found a more vital man than him. Maybe not by accident Peter Cook called him “the craggy optimist.” Yet, this “optimist” drew some of the most horrific scenes in architectural imagery, lately.
Would we like to live in his drawings? What do his drawings represent? A world in turmoil. A world in conflict. A world at war with itself.
Was there any Apollo to be envisioned at the end of the dark tunnel?
Not really, although the beauty of the drawings (if one makes abstraction of that they depicted) could be seen, somehow, sometimes, Apollonian, although Woods was rather attracted, it seems, by Dionysus.
We invite you to imagine a house that would be, possibly, an extension of his drawn works, a physical expression of his fears and his hopes, an architecture of turbulence, at a time of turbulence, in a world which cannot stand still.
Please send us ANY work, ANY size and ANY format, digitally, to [email protected]. We will publish all of them. If you have any questions, please contact us. The deadline is October 30th, 2022.
Thank you, I C A R C H
24 Aug 2022
Ukraine rebuild: Speedstac prefabricated modular units
Architecture: WZMH Architects, Toronto
image courtesy of architects practice
Ukraine rebuild prefabricated modular units
As the war in Ukraine rages on, the cities across the country see massive destruction. In fact, according to the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada, around 61M sqm of residential space or over 121,000 buildings have been either fully or partially destroyed.
12 May 2022
Adapting homes to Ukrainian refugees
The London-based architectural practice WindsorPatania Architects provides a free consultancy on adapting homes to Ukrainian refugees in the frame of “Homes for Ukraine”.
As the devastating conflict in Ukraine doesn’t mean to stop, the London-based architectural practice WindsorPatania Architects known for their pro-bono projects helping communities want to support the ones who were forced to leave the country. In the frame of the great UK government initiative “Homes for Ukraine” WindsorPatania Architects would like to offer free design advice on adapting a home to help house the Ukrainians fleeing the conflict.
Giovanni Patania and Ryan Windsor, co-founders of WindsorPatania Architects:
Anyone who needs help in accommodating the refugees in Cambridge, Liverpool, and London can contact the architects via the online form till September 1st.
There is a chance that, unfortunately, not all applications would be reviewed due to the physical limitation of answering all, the practice reserves the right to select the projects. But we’ll do our best.
WindsorPatania Architects was founded in 2017 by architect director Giovanni Patania and developer Ryan Windsor. Each year the architectural practice holds at least one charity project helping the ones who need it. One of the most remarkable projects is the one of converting hostels to shelter homeless people in Barcelona in a COVID outbreak. Moreover, WindsorPatania Architects are the experts in converting and adapting any property into comfortable residential spaces increasing the quality of life.
The ones, who need a piece of advice on adapting a home for the “Homes for Ukraine”, please, fill in the online form. The applications will be received till September 1st. We’re happy to help! We’re stronger together!
About WindsorPatania Architects
WindsorPatania is an award-winning firm of architectural specialists using design innovation to positively impact lives and improve how people interact with their environment. The team creates practical building designs that meet changing cultural, economic, and technological challenges.
A multicultural team of architects, designers, planning and property investment consultants, Windsor Patania is headed by Ryan Windsor and Giovanni Patania, with bases in London, Cambridge, and Liverpool. Projects span across the UK working with everyone from large-scale developers to property investors and private residential clients, designing for better returns with high-quality results.
29 Apr 2022
Unit E Adaptive Modular Architectural System for living, working and temporary hosting of refugees
Architecture: Aranchii Architects
image courtesy of architects practice
Unit E, Ukraine Interchangeable Pods
Unit E is an adaptive modular architectural system designed to create living and office spaces capable of reconfiguration (volume and planning change). Suitable for use as temporary housing, in particular for war refugees. The architectural system Unit E is essentially a universal design system with identical interchangeable units.
20 Apr 2022
Kharkiv City Rebuilding Meeting
Following discussions which began at the 2nd UN Forum of Mayors in Geneva, Mayor Ihor Terekhov worked with the UNECE Secretariat in Geneva to convene a meeting with Lord Foster which took place at 16:00 EEST on 18th April 2022, to discuss the future rebuilding of the City of Kharkiv:
Kharkiv City Rebuilding
12 Apr 2022
Support by Design : Initiative to Hire Ukrainian Landscape Architects Displaced by War
Landscape Architecture firms in the United States are leading an evolving initiative to engage their Ukrainian counterparts displaced by the war. The idea is for US-based companies to hire Ukrainian designers to work remotely, providing them with much-needed income, and also some agency over their lives during this difficult time:
Hire Ukrainian Landscape Architects Displaced by War
1 Mar 2022
National Union of Architects of Ukraine News
The National Union of Architects of Ukraine has called upon the International Union of Architects to revoke Russia’s membership of the global institution, following the country’s invasion of Ukraine.
“We demand that Russia be deprived of its membership of the UIA,” wrote National Union of Architects of Ukraine (CANY) president Oleksandr Chyzhevsky in a letter to International Union of Architects (UIA) president Jose Luis Cortes Delgado.
Chyzhevsky called for the UIA – a non-governmental body that represents global architects in over 100 countries – to “strongly and unequivocally condemn the criminal actions of the Russian government” following the country’s invasion of Ukraine, which began last week.
Yesterday UIA expressed its “unwavering solidarity with all those affected” in a statement, but Chyzhevsky called for the organisation to go further and expel the Union of Architects of Russia from the international organisation.
“Those who do not condemn Russia’s actions support them,” said Chyzhevsky. “They support a crime against all mankind, incompatible with UIA’s humanitarian goals.”
“We are convinced that the UIA must decide on Russia’s membership,” he continued. “If we turn a blind eye to their passive position, we will also side with the enemy, with the destruction of human values.”
International Union of Architects Statement
In the face of the mounting tragic events in Ukraine, the International Union of Architects (UIA) expresses its unwavering solidarity with all those affected and calls for unity and peace among nations. On behalf of the international community of architects, we condemn any act of violence or war affecting the well-being and dignity of humans, join the global appeal against war and call for the immediate restoration of peace.
The UIA was founded in 1948 – after the Second World War – to unite architects around the world and actively participate in the reconstruction of devastated cities and villages. We continue to believe that the greatest obligation of humanity is the preservation of peace.
As the leading global organisation of architects committed to creating safe and healthy environments, we also call for the protection of the invaluable architectural heritage threatened by this conflict.
José Luis Cortés
UIA President
International Union of Architects Statement by UIA President José Luis Cortés
2 Feb 2022
Dnipro Metro Stations, Dnipro
Architecture: Zaha Hadid Architects
render © ATCHAIN
Dnipro Metro Station
Construction of the three new stations is underway – excavation and engineering works of the 4km extension to the city’s metro line were initiated in 2016. The three new stations (Teatralna, Tsentalna and Muzeina) designed by Zaha Hadid Architects will connect the residents, businesses, cultural and academic institutions in Dnipro’s eastern districts with the city centre and the Dnipro-Holovnyi railway terminus.
6 Sep 2021
Shelestm Vyshhorod, Kiev, Ukraine
Architects: YODEZEEN studio
image courtesy of architects practice
Shelest Restaurant, Vyshhorod Building
Architecture that brings nature closer in the Shelest project YODEZEEN look beyond new horizons, expand the boundaries of what is possible and do it every day, sometimes even looking ahead. But when our resources are running out, we all invariably strive to be closer to the only common source and home for all of us-to nature. In the project of the Shelest recreational complex, YODEZEEN studio did everything to help her accept us.
23 June 2021
FAIR FINCH, Dragomirova St, Kiev
Architects: YUDIN Design
photo : Sergey Savchenko
FAIR FINCH coffee-tea boutique Kyiv
FAIR FINCH is a coffee-tea boutique located in Kyiv and this year celebrates its fifth year of activity. During this time, the company has established itself as a manufacturer of freshly roasted coffee; a boutique that offers accessories, tableware for professionals and coffee lovers, besides the academy of barista.
22 Jan 2021
Tenderness is Tender – Beauty Salon By Magic, Kyiv
Interior: Vilchinskaya Design Bureau
photograph : Andrey Bezuglov
Beauty Salon By Magic, Kyiv
A design project for a beauty salon with an area of 120 sqm was implemented by the interior design studio Vilchinskaya Design Bureau in a new building in 2020.
30 Oct 2020
EQ by Andrey Sokruta, Kyiv
Architecture: Andrey Sokruta, Andrey Sokruta Workshop
photo : Andrey Sokruta
EQ by Andrey Sokruta, Kyiv house
The architecture was intended to be modern and functional. The interior was supposed to be as neutral as possible, but stylish and attractive. It was important to strike a balance and not go too far in the direction of too pretentious minimalism, to avoid particulars.
29 Jun 2020
Cube House, Bucha, Kyiv Oblast
Architecture: Yakusha Design
image courtesy of architects
Cube House in Bucha, Kyiv Oblast
A house for the young family with two kids who leads an active lifestyle. Actually while they were choosing the design of their house they found out about one more baby coming soon.
5 Jun 2020
Vatra House, Kiev
Architecture: OSOBA design workshop
photo : Serhii Kadulin
Vatra House in Kyiv
Vatra — is a guardian fire. It is a source of warmth and a symbol of home. It is a sign that calls for safety and wisdom. It is light to go toward.
14 Apr 2020
Blackstone Apartment, Kiev
Interior Design: Andrey Sokruta Workshop
photo : Andrey Bezuglov
Blackstone Apartment in Kyiv
The older we get, the more we are attracted to the essence. We are no longer seduced by beautiful promotional offers. We are also suspicious of the number of followers and too pathetic promises.
9 Jan 2020
ITALIST Prosecco Bar / Restaurant, Kiev
Architects: YUDIN Design
photo : Sergey Savchenko
ITALIST Prosecco Bar Kyiv
The ITALIST Prosecco Bar / Restaurant is the first bar of the new Italian restaurant chain ITALIST Family in Kyiv. Twin designers Vladimir and Alexander Yudin were invited to the project as active participants and conceptors.
Ukraine Architecture News 2019
Ukraine Architecture News 2019
10 Dec 2019
TAKAVA 2.0, Besarabsky Market, Kiev
Architects: YUDIN Design
photo : Sergey Savchenko
TAKAVA 2.0 Coffee-Buffet
The history of the TAKAVA brand began with the owners’ desire to create a café where residents and tourists could try different coffee drinks as in the Crimean Tatarian tradition, but at the same time, they wanted the place to be modern and bright. At this point they asked help from the famous Ukrainian designers, the Brothers Yudin.
27 July 2019
TAKAVA, Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 43/16, Kiev
Architects: YUDIN Design
photograph : Sergey Savchenko
TAKAVA coffee-buffet is an atmospheric coffee shop in the center of Kiev, the brand, the interior and exterior of which were created by designers Aleksandr and Vladimir Yudin.
27 July 2019
Bergamot family Italian restaurant Kyiv, Zaporizhia, st. Victory, 59, Kiev
Architects: YUDIN Design
photograph : Sergey Savchenko
Bergamot Italian Restaurant
The owners of the restaurant relied on the studio YUDIN Design to create an interior that would match the offerings of their cuisine – urban food (burgers, wings), sushi, Italian cuisine, kids’ menu.
24 Mar 2019
Artistic Residence Interior
Architects: Dreamdesign
photo : Andrey Avdeenko
Kyiv Apartment Interior Design
The apartment building is located in Kyiv, in a historical quarter with deep history, that’s why the authors and the owners agreed on transferring the historical spirit of the city into the interior and making it a favorable background for modern design and art objects.
9 Jan 2019
REBERBAR Pub, Velyka Vasylkivska Street, 13/1, Kiev
Architects: YUDIN Design
photograph : Sergey Savchenko
Designed over 350 sqm on two floors for 150 seating places, an interior design and brand identity.
14 Dec 2018
UKRBUD Offices Building, Kyiv
Design: AVG group, Architects
photo : Andrey Avdeenko
UKRBUD Kiev Offices Building
Work over the project includes the developing of the concept, visualization of the main locations, creating of all necessary sketches, drawings and author’s supervision. The total area of the project is 2200 sqm, and 18 architects and designers of AVG group were working on the project.
12 Dec 2018
Tower Apartment, Kyiv
Design: Dreamdesign Architects
photo : Igor Karpenko
Tower Apartment in Kyiv
DreamDesign studio designed and decorated a spacious apartment in Kyiv for a young cosmopolitan family with a child. The clients wanted a modern interior that invites to rest.
4 Nov 2018
Architecture of the Future Conference Ukraine
22 Oct 2018
Pushka Apartment, Kiev
photos by Andrey Bezuglov, Yevhenii Avramenko
Pushka Apartment
This apartment for a young man is located in the heart of Kyiv in the house which is a remarkable architectural monument. To preserve that spirit, the architects decided to partially remove the interior wall finishes, thereby opening an old brick and load-bearing ceiling beams.
21 Oct 2018
P26 Apartment – Ukraine Flat, Kiev
photo : Andrey Bezuglov
P26 Apartment
P26 apartment is a former equipment room converted into a living area. The space benefited from a high ceiling, up to 6m in places, however it had some disadvantages as well, such as a sloping ceiling that complicated the design implementation.
3 Aug 2018
Two-storey Apartment in Kiev Downtown
Design: Dreamdesign Architects
image from architects
Two-storey Apartment in Kiev Downtow
A two-storey apartment is located in Kyiv downtown, in the house built in the last century by a famous architect Joseph Karakis.
25 Apr 2018
Podil Masterplan Proposal
Architects: OMGEVING
image from architects
Podil Masterplan in Kiev
The Antwerp-based design office Omgeving has won the international design competition for the public areas of the new Podil site in Kiev. The jury chose OMGEVING from five nominated candidate design teams from Australia, Portugal, Sweden, Belgium and Germany.
16 + 15 Mar 2018
National Memorial to the Heavenly Hundred Heroes and Revolution of Dignity Museum in Kyiv
We post two links below with information about the competition results for the ‘National Memorial to the Heavenly Hundred Heroes and Revolution of Dignity Museum in Kyiv’, for publication consideration. We share the results of the 1st stage of the competition:
National Memorial to the Heavenly Hundred Heroes and Revolution of Dignity Museum in Kyiv
The 2nd stage of the Maidan Museum competition will be concluded end of June 2018.
5 Feb 2018
Lavina Mall, Kiev Retail
Architects: AVG architecture
image courtesy of architects
Lavina Mall, Kiev Retail
Winner of various international awards including shortlisting in Best Retail Interior Europe, plus a Best Retail Interior Ukraine nomination. The shopping and entertainment center Lavina Mall was opened on the 1st of December 2016.
21 Jul 2017
Silenza Boutique in Kiev
Architects: Dreamdesign
photo : Andrey Avdeenko
Silenza Boutique Kyiv Store
Author of the new store of Silenza network of stores that sells women’s lingerie is architectural studio Dreamdesign (Kyiv, Ukraine), known for its love for simple luxury, sensual textures, and subtextual meanings.
26 Jan 2017
TSUM Department Store, Khreschatyk St, 38, Kiev
Architects: Benoy
photo © Esta Holding
TSUM Department Store in Kiev
TSUM, the iconic department store in the heart of Kiev, Ukraine has been reimagined internally and externally by Benoy as the Architect, Interior Designer, Visualiser and Brand Applicator.
13 Dec 2016
New School Building in Kiev
Architects: Dreamdesign
photography : Andrey Avdeenko
New School in Kiev
Elena Dobrovolskaya and Dream Design Studio designed an uncommon primary school. They created an optimistic environment where children not only acquire knowledge but also learn about the world.
12 Dec 2016
Maison de Charme
Architects: Dreamdesign
photography : Igor Karpenko
Maison de Charme, Kiev
The house is designed like an open space with high ceilings and large square area that allowed for playing with scale, proportions, and geometry. The first thing that draws attention in the living room are the ceilings, which are high enough to accommodate an impressive fireplace.
26 Nov 2016
Commemorative Monument for Freedom Square, in front of the Derzhprom Building
photo : Ivan Avdeenko:
Derzhprom Building Kharkiv Monument Competition
Information from Bohdan Volynskiy architect: Built by architects Sergei Serafimov, S.Kravets and M.Felger it was to become the tallest structure in Europe for its time. A group of architectural grassroots organizations and proactive architectural community from Kharkiv, Ukraine are trying to share their concerns with the global architectural community.
3 Oct 2016
Mehr Khaneh (Sun House)
Design: Studio Persian Primavera & Keivani Architects
photo : Sergey Savchenko
Mehr Khaneh Kiev Sun House
The interior architecture project is located in one of the apartment blocks of a residential complex in Kiev. During the design, the architects considered two essential factors to develop the concept of Mehr Khaneh interior design.
More Ukraine Architecture News online soon.
Ukraine Building News archive for 2016 to 2021
Location: Ukraine, Weastern Asia
Ukraine Buildings
Ukraine Architecture
photo from architects
Comments / photos for the Ukraine Architecture News page welcome.