Helmond Station Building, Netherlands

Station Helmond

Design: studioSK, Movares

How to create a meaningful station environment in an era in which the classical station typology is evaporating? Modern travelling, being almost immaterial, has become ‘traveling light’: no need to buy tickets anymore, paying with your cell phone, high frequent intensities of train systems preventing you to wait for long.

Turin-Ceres Railway Buildings Renewal

Turin-Ceres Railway buildings renovation design by Fabio Bolognesi

Design: Fabio Bolognesi. In Italy, the Turin Transport Group (GTT) has undertaken an important renovation project, in conjunction with the infrastructure management body Infratrasporti.To, to restore several railway buildings within the province of Turin. This sensitive project involved the removal of asbestos fibre cement roofing in six regional stations.

CoRE Stoke on Trent, Enson Pottery Works

CoRE Stoke on Trent

Design: Purcell. Centre of Refurbishment Excellence (CoRE) recognised by Royal Institute of British Architects

CoRE, Purcell’s scheme to regenerate the former Enson pottery works in Stoke-on-Trent, England, has won two prestigious Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Awards: RIBA West Midlands Regional Award as well as a special Sustainability Award.
The project has transformed the Grade II listed Enson Works pottery factory building with its distinctive kilns into a national centre of excellence for low energy building retrofit, conference venue, exhibition zone for innovative products in the retrofit market and a construction training college.

High Speed Rail in Taiwan

Taiwan High Speed Rail 1

Benoy, international award-winning Architects, Masterplanners, Interior and Graphic Designers, has unveiled the design for Taiwan High Speed Rail’s (THSR) Hsin Chu Station Mall. Presented at the February contract signing for the scheme, Benoy has revealed a green architectural design that melds into the landscape of the site.

Chiasso Design Competition, Switzerland

urban design for Chiasso

Design: Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners with C+S Architects. The Italian joint-venture between Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners and C+S Architects, in collaboration with a swiss Engineering team wins the international competition for the requalification of the railway station area of Chiasso in Switzerland.