Saltire Awards 2010: Housing Design Scotland
The Saltire Society has presented its 2010 Housing Design Awards at a high-profile ceremony in Edinburgh – with Scottish Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop MSP handing out the accolades.
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The Saltire Society has presented its 2010 Housing Design Awards at a high-profile ceremony in Edinburgh – with Scottish Culture Minister Fiona Hyslop MSP handing out the accolades.
Steven Holl has been awarded the 2010 Jencks Award: Visions Built at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The Jencks Award is given annually to an individual that has recently made a major contribution simultaneously to the theory and practice of architecture internationally.
BSA Unbuilt Awards, four projects win in 2010: winning buildings, designers & images – Boston Society of Architects architecture prize, USA, including Land of Giants by Choi & Shine Architects
Projects that range from a church in England to a prison in Norway, will go head to head at the Festival, which is designed to celebrate the aspirations and concerns of the international architectural community.
WAF Awards Shortlist 2010 – buildings, World Architecture Festival 2010, architectural Prix de Barcelona : architects + projects, Spain – news, prize
The Portuguese architect Alvaro Siza Vieira was awarded the International Prize for Plastic Arts Foundation 2010 Gabarrón Cristobal, who wanted to distinguish ‘the teachings, the international relevance and poetic inspiration’ of his work
Students from Cardiff and Manchester think green to scoop £3,000 prizes. NBS announces the winners of the second Nationwide Sustainable Housing Awards.
Kroon Hall at Yale University was named “Building of the Year” by the UK’s architecture sector, during the prestigious AJ100 Building of the Year Awards.
The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) has presented the distinguished Shetland-based architect Richard Gibson with its Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest accolade within Scottish architecture
For the third year running, UK designers Speirs and Major Associates have been awarded the profession’s top global award for lighting design. The IALD Radiance award was given to the designers in recognition of their exterior lighting of the Grand Mosque of Abu Dhabi, UAE.
New Zealand Institute of Architects Gold Medal – information on winner, NZIA Gold Medal won by Marshall Cook – New Zealand architecture awards, NZIA news
This unique Awards programme highlights some of Europe’s best achievements, and showcases remarkable efforts made in safeguarding Europe’s rich architectural, landscape, archaeological and artistic heritage.
Pritzker Prize 2010 Winners – architects, major international architecture award won by SANAA, le by architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, partners in the architectural firm – architecture, architect winners information
For more than 15 years, architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa have worked together in their collaborative partnership, SANAA, where it is virtually impossible to untangle which individual is responsible for what aspect of a particular project
The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) has announced a Scottish shortlist of sixteen buildings for the 2010 RIBA Awards.
Homes for Scotland, which is intent on ensuring that the 35,000 new homes pledged by the Scottish Government will form part of high quality, integrated and sustainable communities, has launched a new award scheme to encourage best practice
BTA’s New Arena stage Project to open in Washington DC in October 2010 and New Monograph on the firm’s work to be published in the same month