Offices La Defense Almere, Holland, Dutch Building by UNStudio Architects, Architecture Images
La Defense Almere, The Netherlands
Contemporary Building in Holland design by UNStudio, Architects
27 Apr 2007
Offices “La Defense”, Almere
Dates built: 1999-2004
Design: UNStudio Architects
La Defense Almere, 2004, UNStudio
La Defense office complex is well integrated with the larger urban plan. Both its height and the entrances into the inner courtyards tie in with the larger site. The exterior façade reflects the larger urban condition, while the interior façades of the courtyards have been designed with the office tenants in mind.
These façades are clad with glass panels in which a multi- colored foil is integrated and, depending on the time of day and the angle of incidence, a variety of different colours are reflected, animating the courtyards.
Client: Eurocommerce, Deventer
Location: Almere Business center, Willem Dreesweg 14 – 24, Almere, the Netherlands
Building area: 23.000 m² offices, 15.000 m² parking
Program: Offices
Status/phase: Realized September 2004
Photography: Christian Richters & Viviane Sassen
Credits: Ben van Berkel met Marco Hemmerling, Martin Kuitert, Henri Snel, Gianni Cito, Olaf Gisper, Yuri Werner, Marco van Helden, Eric Kauffman, Katrin Meyer, Tanja Koch, Igor Kebel, Marcel Buis, Ron Roos, Boudewijn Rosman, Stella Vesselinova
La Defense Almere, 2004, UNStudio
Offices “La Defense”, Almere: text authorised by UNStudio Architects 270407
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Architecture in The Netherlands
Contemporary Dutch Architecture
Netherlands Architecture Designs – chronological list
Amsterdam Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect
Dutch Architect – design firm listings
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Dutch Architecture – Selection
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Dutch Office Buildings
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