Temporary City, Duisburg Building Event, TU Dortmund University, German Design News

Temporary City Event, Duisburg, Ruhr, Germany

StadtBauKultur NRW Architecture Information

19 Aug 2010

Temporary City

StadtBauKultur NRW

Urban Development in Dialogue

Between Inner City and Inner Harbour – From Traffic Space to Living Space in the Ruhr Metropolis “Wetterumschwung in Duisburg”

Students from TU Dortmund University design a traffic concept for the Duisburg city centre

Opening Ceremony – Eroeffnungsfeier, Istanbul, Turkey:
Temporary City Germany Temporary City Germany Temporary City Germany Temporary City Germany

Gelsenkirchen, August 2010

Between Inner City and Inner Harbour – From Traffic Space to Living Space

The realization of the winning design “Wetterumschwung in Duisburg – Neues Klima für den öffentlichen Raum” (Weather Change in Duisburg – A New Climate for the Public Space) from 23 – 26 Sep, 2010 is the second realization of the student competition Culture Pécs, Istanbul and the Ruhr Area. Anna Lerch and Mavie Lakenbrink from TU Dortmund University will create a temporary “Shared Space Solution” in the city centre reaching from the pedestrian zone to the inner harbour: around the Burgplatz, a temporary traffic space will be installed that will be equally shared by pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.

Duisburg, Ruhr, Germany:
Temporary City Germany Temporary City Germany

The complete intervention area will be turned into a traffic reduced zone: cars may only drive at walking speed, traffic lights will be turned off and the traffic lanes will be partly blocked. By taking these measures, about 2,000 square metres of additional open space will be created. This extension of the pedestrian zone will be furnished with a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere and will be provided to the citizens. Currently, possible changes concerning urban planning for this traffic space are under discussion and ”Temporary City” wants to influence the debate.

Temporary City is a tri-national student competition within the framework of RUHR.2010. It is part of this year’s dialogue between the three European Capitals of Culture Pécs, Istanbul and the Ruhr Area. This dialogue of the European Capitals of Culture is the continuation of the series „Temporary Cities“ held by the Landesinitiative StadtBauKultur NRW. It was realized in Düsseldorf (2004) and Mönchengladbach (2007) – in cooperation with various universities and North Rhine-Westfalian cities. The project series focuses on particular locations with urban planning deficits.

These locations are staged temporarily to give impulses for a long-term change in the built urban environment. The task set for the competition for the Ruhr Area was to develop an improvement of the connection from the inner city to the inner harbour. The Burgplatz was to be included in the concept.

2010 Chairs, this is the title of the prize winning design of the Hungarian part of the competition ‘Temporary City’.

It was created by Daniel Spruth and Sofia Rivadeneira from RWTH Aachen University. This intervention will also be realized during the fall of the Year of the European Capitals of Culture in Pécs from 20 – 26 Sep, 2010.

For the intervention, two thousand and ten chairs will be placed along the axis connecting the Pécs city centre with the new Zsolnay Cultural Quarter in temporal sequence. On each stool the inscription “Take a seat, be a part” can be read. It will invite the visitors to take a seat in the public space.

Floating Surfaces is the title of another prize winning urban design work.

Istanbul, Turkey:
Temporary City Germany Temporary City Germany Temporary City Germany

Four Turkish students, Ceyda Cihangir and Fazil Efe Ilgen, Istanbul Bilgi University, as well as Duygu Kirisoglu and Müge Yorganci, Yildiz Technical University, won one of the three student competitions of the project series.

The realization of the competition was opened in a ceremony on the site of the Haliç dockyard located at the Golden Horn in Istanbul on June 30, 2010 as part of the European Capital of Culture Istanbul 2010. Within the student competition “Temporary City” the students created visions for a possible urban development reorientation of the area east of the Golden Horn, a unique urban area of Istanbul.

A raft represents the heart of the project. It is embedded in a flooded dry-dock. It serves primarily as means of transport to the area that can best be reached by water. However, it can be modified to a concert stage. The Haliç dockyard with its widely still existing military, industry and port facilities shall be developed gradually to a vivid quarter of the city. The project could provide impulses for future urban development like in Pécs and the Ruhr Area.

Temporary City is a project of the Landesinitiative StadtBauKultur NRW, TU Dortmund University and the European Capital of Culture RUHR.2010

Location: Dortmund, west central Germany

Architecture in Germany

Contemporary Architecture in Germany

Duisburg Buildings

German Buildings – Selection

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